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superjake last won the day on November 29 2015

superjake had the most liked content!

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  1. Oh yes thanks for reminding me! I need to thank the UAW for? Nothing! Closed plant, Lima is a shithole, contract is a joke, Lima is a joke! Gee thanks couldn't have made it without the UAW? Bullshit!
  2. Anyone care to differ? That's what I thought!
  3. I think they are both stuck together like a pair of dogs mating! Quick grab your water hose and spray them maybe we can save them? Or at least free them from each other!??
  4. Without a raise for how long! How many years? And this is your big win!? A touchdown pass! After how many losing seasons doesn't make up for years and years of nothing! Continue the trend! Dumbasses! I think the retirees have already been forgotten, we are next! And a big fuck you to all the cowards who voted yes!
  5. Start your bitching! You coward!!!! Never mind!
  6. Just hope they can handle the companies dick in their mouth at the same time!!!
  7. Super queer and we man are together and can't respond! Thank god! They are "busy"
  8. Stupid!!! Stupid is as stupid does! UAW stupid bullshit!
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