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Everything posted by hendew_15

  1. Michigan is all hillbillies,Oh and Ron himself is a hillbilly!So I guess you don't mean it.Your forgiven. Oh good thing they fought to keep that sub pay for ya or you would be one broke bitch.Marvin don't go very far on it's own.
  2. This is and has been one of the worst times in this industries history.I couldn't even imagine trying to negotiate a viable contract to satisfy both sides. I think we made out like a bandit on this contract.Like Wakeup said it would and could have been paycuts across the board,loss of benefits and losing alot of stuff we didn't. We still have ETAP,take advantage of it while it's still there. Ron did a great job in protecting seniority and keeping us jobs here at a payscale we have been used to.Ron has no control over gas or sales this shit we are in now are out of Ron's or anyone elses control.
  3. Users with different screen names with identical IPs on this thread. NOTE: it is possible to have the same IP and different screen names if users are sharing a computer or using certain types of networks
  4. I scoff at all this tomfoolery! I have every single person's IP and ISP on this site,so who needs another site to get those?Not me.
  5. Lay it down and back away and use your negotiated Benefit and check yourself into rehab!
  6. Where else may you see the Ranger being built?Will it be built at one facility or more?
  7. If you get an out of zone posting you will get the enhanced moving.The reason your local isn't telling you anyhting is that they have no clue what posting's are coming as of yet.I am sure as soon as they know they will be put up ASAP. I went through this about a year or so ago and it is fustrating but when they know you will know as soon as they do. Hang in there.
  8. You know thats what they would love to say.Sorry about the Diet Snoke cocktail.
  9. You know what really chaps my ass?Well I'll tell you,it's the fact that they act like they are just barely making ends meet.The fact that they try and make us feel like they are on the same level.The fact that these cuts are effecting them so much that they are tore up about it. You know as well as I if we didn't have the UAW and a viable contract they would shut us all down and move this shit to a country with no health standard no structured goverment that can be bought and a workforce that would work for shit on a plate. These pukes don't care one bit about the USA and canadian workforce. Ford "we are family"! YEAH MY ASS!
  10. I bet this is how it starts. Allan says, "As you all know we are at a pivotal time in our companies history.With the economy in a downturn and gas prices not coming down in the forseeable future we have some big challenges ahead of us all." Then he probally will go onto say that he feels the crunch just like us and the announcement that they are about to make kept him up all night.Then without further or due he introduces that fucking cumguzzler Mark Fields. Mark proceeds Mullally's statement with the following. "Hello fellow workers.As you can tell there are some dramatic changes in this counrty and our business we need to tighten our belts even more and go way way way way forward part 17.6.We ask that you get your hands around your own throat and just squeeze the shit out of yourself and hopefully die,because we have tried and tried to get rid of you worthless fucks so we can pay Jose and Miguel down there in Mexico $1 a day to take these jobs.It's all your goddamn fault this company is losing money." Then he goes onto say. "Hey I don't care or not if we lose money I have a contract,somewhat similiar to you,but hey the board isn't blaming me.There blaming you uneducated fucks"!"Alright have a nice day and go shit in your hat"! After the "Announcement" I bet we know even less than we did before and we hate Mark Feldstien even more than we do today. I bet we are all wondering"What the fuck just happened"."What did they even say?" I bet we all come back on here and try to piece it all together and the conclusion is that the company is not making money and it's a labor issue so they are going to have a mass layoff and cut some buildings to one shift and adjust for the current market. I'm sick of these fucking pukes. What say you?
  11. I have a buddy who I grew up with that will be getting laid off from Livonia and they told him he better take a job that comes available because he more than likely will not be coming back to Livonia!This was not a scare factor just a truth.
  12. You better jump on a job if one comes around.If you sit there to long trying to "ride it out"your going to fuck yourself garuanteed.This new JSP program is not set up for you to sit and "ride it out". Do what you wish but don't say I didn't tell you.
  13. Do you think they will have a clip of the horse on the news?If they do link it up.I would love to see that.
  14. Hey Bob How you been?Hope all is well. Keep in touch.I'l PM you my email address.
  15. I read the post,but that does not change the fact that he typed it like a 3rd grader.That shit is miserable to try and read!
  16. This same shit went around at my facility that a friend of a friend was getting on at MTP off the street. IT'S ALL BULLSHIT!!! To quote the great Public enemy sideshow freek Flava Flav "Don't believe the hype"!
  17. Doing great Sparkie,you?Yeah the transfers are getting out of hand.Are you guys shipping a ton of transfers to TP? We have like 100-200 lines every week for there going out.Real high quanity on each label.
  18. Have you guys noticed since they did this label switch the lines have dropped on outbound.In our building atleast it has.We only had 32 signouts in bulk lastnight.
  19. No news is good news. Shhhhhh....Keep it down,were hiding here! HI MATT!! GO WINGS!!!!
  20. What a fucking scumbag,if this is true. All I can say is I hope that a true arson or fire investigator take a look at this and just not a claims guy from his insurance company.If I was the company and someone came to me with this story I would definetly have a top notch investigator look at it before a massive recall and more bad press comes my way.
  21. Listen Bro,I have never been in Lima so I don't know the exact circumstances your talking about but I know for a fact your chair is busting his ass probally losing sleep and trying the most possible to his ability to secure the jobs of his people and trying to keep as many people as possible working right now.I know this man!Trust in a brother.
  22. Lima is not scheduled to close.I think this Poop guy is just bashing your Chair for trying to insure the future and save jobs?He probally got bumped to nights and didn't get the answer he was looking for from the Chair so now he has a vendetta.
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