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Bored of Pisteon

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Everything posted by Bored of Pisteon

  1. If anybody is traveling around Wapakoneta, OH. Pass through town just as a reminder to one man's legacy and where he came from. It's the small towns across this country that have culitivated these big names time and time again. They'll never be another one like him. Certainly not in my lifetime at least...
  2. And it's also amazing that a lot of these younger smartphone assholes couldn't figure out how to turn a wrench or a screwdriver let alone pound a nail into a piece of wood.
  3. ...just another useless thread taking up perfectly good bandwidth!
  4. It's time for this guy to be kicked in his :kissass: and off of this forum permanently. Purely an insult made to the same group of people who support the same politicans that he does. Hope some of you workers know that these people like this truly despise the common man. They do, they truly do. By the way... You "occupy protesters" are a bunch of lightweights.
  5. Lincoln Town Cars have aluminum hoods... But to make suspension parts out of aluminum? That's a real big risk involved.
  6. This is hogwash, The media will try anything to pin this on Ford. Watch! I wonder how many illegals could fit in a Toyota?
  7. Understand that the unemployment rate is a kinard anyway because it doesn't report the "underemployed" or individuals that are not eligible or who have given up looking for work. Housing prices? Whoopee... who's buying them? SUCKERS... that's right SUCKERS. Because when inflation or hyperinflation hits at some point (just a matter of time). Those interest rates will skyrocket. Think you are getting a deal? Guess again. Detroit or as I affectionately call it: (DETOILET) is done as a city. It needs to re-incorporate it's boundaries and downsize to the general downtown/new center area and as far as I'm concerned. Scrap all of the buildings/houses that are not in use, ALL OF THEM. take the proceeds from the scrap metals and pay off their deficit. Then annex the land to surrounding municipalites. Let them see if they can come up with alternatives. Road construction... Of course it has to be done, but still the gas you burn up sitting in traffic doesn't justify the additional cost. It's BULLSHIT, because most people can't think of alternative routes to use. Maybe that's another reason why gas is way too friggin high in Metro Detroit along with a 6% sales tax for every gallon purchased. BULLSHIT. Even though I'm still young to discuss the pension issue. My suggestion is that if you are offered a buyout of it. TAKE IT. I'm no financial planner or wizard but the way the whole economy is going. That pension will have a lot less value in the future compared to now. Snyder will probably serve 1 term and that's it. Bernero was too much of a rabble-rouser to begin with.
  8. This time...THERE WILL BE NO 2ND CHANCE. But try telling that to the complacent lemmings who still buy their junk.
  9. It would have to be engineered to not self-destruct over a few years time due to poor planning and design. If Ford would look to AIRSTREAM for an example on how to make a vehicle (trailer) out of aluminum. That's who they should consult with as Airstream has been around for many decades.
  10. You look at the scrap prices aluminum is bring in compared to steel and you can see why they're planning on it. Lighter overall, but more expensive. I'm sure they'll be more than just a few suckers out there buying.
  11. Gee, why does Michigan still have crappy real estate values, rising crime rates, bad roads, and high gas prices? Maybe, just maybe that "I'm better than you" talk should be put to rest.
  12. The "Volt" sure seems to be flopping lately...how many battery fires are we up to now?
  13. I saw one in one of the cities around Metro Detroit recently. Looks bad ass... The Caprice is a joke compared to it, the Caprice isn't like the ones from back in the day either.
  14. As I've stated in the past; I'll never buy another GM vehicle ever again. And what really perplexes me is that their 20 and 25 year old+ rusted out junk is overpriced on the used car market... The prices people are asking for that junk is ridiculous, people in Michigan think it's gold.
  15. Good question! And why does the current generation Super Duty have 1970's style Dodge pick-up taillights?
  16. Why are people continuing to pay taxes so these rotten low-lifes that are serving life sentences in prison, or lesser terms for violent crimes? BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY!!! AND SAVE PLENTY OF MONEY ON TAXES! There is no excuse on why society should continue to subsidize these habitual, repeat offenders who are unfit and cannot rehabilate back into society.
  17. What a disgrace. ALL OF THEM. AND A WASTE OF HUMAN CONSUMPTION OF PERFECTLY GOOD OXYGEN. I can't wait till the reaction will be when Mr. O's toilet clone of himself will be hanging from a wall (that's if it ever does.)
  18. http://www.wnd.com/2012/06/michael-savage-roberts-affected-by-medication/ I wouldn't doubt it.
  19. Depending on who owned the car, you could get caught with a hillbilly or ghetto hack job with electronics in any case.
  20. Thunderbird/Continental Mark IX in 2017...any bets?
  21. Yeah, he is good in some aspects but lately, especially listening to him on the radio. It's the same old rant...
  22. Maybe my warnings came about too soon about all this fancy unneeded high-tech shit in these new cars. Wait in the years ahead when the elements and wear and tear take their toll... See how much it will cost to replace that certain doohickey!
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