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Everything posted by macattak1

  1. In MN we have the black 320 degree ring around the lights that stick out about 8" or so. When the wind blows and it snows, you can bet there will be snow jamed up in there. The LEDs are not hot enough to melt the snow. So we basically have no stop lights at the sides of intersections that face the storm. They have removed them from a few key locations, but I still wonder what they will do with the rest. Peace and Blessings
  2. Thank you! And I am not a wiz at this quote ability sooo...In short. I just wanted to make sure you understood my point about past generations. I think we both agree that they were not worse and we are not better. The Inquisition had nothing to do with Christianity or Christians. I think it would be a very difficult case to try and prove those people were Christ like in any way. The inquisition, French or Spanish, was a disgusting time and place and a black mark on Christianity due to those posing as Christians. There was nothing Christian about it. We know them by their fruits. And so can you when it is of such a rotten seed. I was not trying to say you believed the Ancients were less then you. Poorly worded on my part? Only that you acknowledge that They are not Less then Us. As to the law. Where do you get your principles for law? What is the basis for them? The furthest back source I know is in fact the OT. It is where most of the world gets most of it's morals and values from. Only in recent times have we started to look at an internal source of values. Something no more scientific. Peace and Blessings
  3. Ha! You should see the stop lights they have replaced with super bright LED's. They work Great!!! Oh, except for when the snow comes down wet, too much, at an angle, with wind, etc. and then you might as well not have any stop lights for up to days... Peace and Blessings
  4. OK. Excellent. Written long ago. - Is this relevant? Are we distrusting of things considered true after how long? By people who had little scientific knowledge. - Please build a pyramid? Did you help produce the metal ages? Who gave us the ability to poor watered down rock into water to make cement docks? Know anyone that created accurate calendars for seasons and fractions of days? I don't think I would call them ignorant unless you truly consider yourself ignorant right now and not after people consider you so in 500 years. They did not consider themselves any more unscientific then, then we do know. It is not factual to consider them then, less, then you are now. Future people will be wrong about many things as well. I would never force Christianity on you. Because to do so would not be Christianity. It would be an abomination. Respect goes both ways. When you call the 'ancients' less then you, and we happen to believe in what they may say, what are you saying about us? I am not complaining. But you point out that you Must be respected. Are you respecting me by implying that my beliefs are based upon fairy tales or worse? Again, I don't mind that you do. But are you? Am I telling you that what you believe in is crazy, shows your stupidity, how gullible you are, etc? Maybe I do sometimes and if I do it inappropriately I apologize. But it can not be wrong for me and right for you can it? Now, it just so happens that we both have our beliefs and they may be polar opposites. We both know that is fine unless the other is going to belittle and attack the other for it. Do you see any religious people in this thread calling names or imply stupidity or other to non religions people? I missed it if there was and I am happy to acknowledge that it is wrong. How about the opposite? You do not need to apologize for others in how they post about Christianity or anything else. However, if you use their attacking posts to build your own case upon, then you are involved in the same as them. Now there is a significant challenge that one of us must admit to. Peace and Blessings
  5. Never would have thought a diesel and two motors would have been such a good mate. Will have to wait and see what reality brings us...
  6. Sounds like the only major thing they need to address is the Side mirror size and or placement and possibly the C-piller. Great review for Buick on a very nice car. Peace and Blessings
  7. Does it make them wrong about every thing else they ever said or thought in their whole life? One wrong position means they are wrong for the rest of their life on every thing else? You sure must be glad that you have never been wrong on anything let alone wrong on anything important in your life because if you were another could just point to that over and over and over and over to discredit all your future decisions. Peace and Blessings
  8. Can you show us anyone on BON that is Not interested in reducing, reusing, recycling as much as 'they' can? Anyone on BON that is not as equally interested in the environment as you? Peace and Blessings
  9. Stories going around a few months ago about fed price pressure on the prices on CFLs. That has caused the mfg's to reduce the quality of the bulbs in order to cut the cost.. The older and more expensive bulbs could take nearly as many on/off cycles as standard bulbs. But not the newer cheaper ones. They are really bad. Guess what everyone is manufacturing, selling, and buying? Peace and Blessings
  10. "While Democrats have become more supportive of the legislators, voters not affiliated with either major party have moved in the opposite direction. Today, 70% of those not affiliated with either major party would vote to replace all of the elected politicians in the House and Senate. That’s up from 62% last year." "One reason for this attitude may be that most voters say they understand the health care legislation better than Congress. Just 22% think the legislature has a good understanding of the issue. Three-out-of-four (74%) trust their own economic judgment more than Congress’. " Is that a super majority that does not trust congress to implement health care? Peace and Blessings
  11. Does that make them forever wrong? Peace and Blessings
  12. Then why a govt. plan? Why not just those govt minimums? Peace and Blessings
  13. Taping an individual on saying "I am going to do 'A'" is considered high quality evidence in a court of law when it comes time to produce evidence for or against that person. If you have failed to see and hear the Often provided Obama recordings on how he wants to end private HC Ins, but it will take 10 to 15 years then I am not sure what to say other then; No. You have not seen the evidence that he wants to end it. Peace and Blessings
  14. It needs to be updated because what is not allowed is clearly disallowed. I would not want a blanket, do what you want in times of need statement. Peace and Blessings
  15. Obama is not offering a choice. He is offering a public option for a few years until he can get rid of the private option. So what you speak of is only for a limited time. Then it is only public and no private. I am confused as to why some continue to want to talk about how wonderful the 1/2 built bridge is with out admitting or acknowledging just where the other 1/2 of the bridge leads? And where it leads to is zero private health insurance. Peace and Blessings
  16. I thought those were not Isuzu diesels anymore? :shrug: Not in a number of years. All GM now? Peace and Blessings
  17. We all have responsibility. Direct and Indirect. It is my beliefe that the mothers and doctors and anyone else with direct contact with the abortion bear direct personal responsibility. Just as those that help to enable or facilitate abortions bear indirect responsibility. Peace and Blessings
  18. I find it strange that you fail to understand why I would hold TK responsible for 50m abortions. As a huge proponent of abortions he has, in his long life of public service probably done as much as anyone to promote them. So much so that pro abortion groups applaud him. Is it really that unclear? So again, intentional twist and turn. Peace and Blessings
  19. Get caught in what I say? how so? How do I not own up to it. Again, I simply pointed out the 50m and then I threw out the fact that there are actually a lot more abortions then that if one thinks about it. Just shedding more light on the topic. Something I see you do regularly. Is there now something wrong with additional information? It is quite clear is it? Since I have never in my life come close to saying that at all you have greater knowledge about myself then I have. When I learned what I did about the IUD and the Pill I shared with a very good Christian friend. He told asked me over and over again. "Really???". He then told me his wife used an IUD. I told him it may be something for him to consider. That was 10 years ago or more. We never spoke of it again. I never told him it was evil, good, anything. So thank you again for putting your meaning to my words. Perhaps you are not being as honest with yourself as you should be (See, now that is a question. One you can refute or not. But it is not a direct personal attack or putting words in your mouth). Because what has become the regular response does not appear to come from surprise or even a 'sometimes' disgust. It does not match up. Peace and Blessings
  20. Yes. Because the Govt. will always run things more efficiently then private enterprise that must account for salaries, bonuses, share holders, investors, etc. Peace and Blessings
  21. I say 'the pill and IUD can actually cause abortions'. U say "...in your fight against birth control". What fight? Why the driving need to distort what I say? Its just childish. You don't answer questions directly and you twist what others say. What I have said about Kennedy, 50,000,000 abortions and a dead woman is just that. I don't like it. I also provided the idea that there are many more abortions then just medical ones. It was simply informational. I did not judge anyone that uses the pill or IUD. Then comes from various directions - it does not affect you, shut up, none of your business, your a guy anyway, etc. responses. As if those are some how factually defeating my statement you say I made, which I never actually said. I do understand that the range of maturity, anger, simple nice to mean runs wide here. I can even be a part of the negativity and have apologized for it. Not something I see here from the self righteous post thugs. Some of you have become so angry, attacking, and slandering in your quick responses. And if someone makes a general statement about something that you may know little of, thought little about or considered, stopped to think about, or just simply hate the messenger; you make some belittling attack instead of asking a question. Then it gets clarified for you. You end up perhaps not being as absolutely right as you thought you were, and retreat into attacking juvenile responses twisting the message and slandering the messenger. There are clearly many that feel the way some of you do. It is clear by the responses. There are also many that agree with you that read the thread and never give you their support. I know that. However, it goes both ways. There are many that feel as I do. But simply don't want to get beat up by the post thugs. And since they may not be so filled with the anger and contempt that permeates your posts, they say nothing. Its much easier, safer, more calm, etc. I happen to be against abortion, and when I learned of what the Pill and IUD often do I was concerned and saddened. Perhaps to you and others it is just a chemical or biological process. So be it. What I believe is on me, what you believe is on you. But I don't take your simplest of statements and try to turn any of you into baby murdering satanists that could care less about some dead woman. My only conclusion is that this is just the difference of the direction we come to this from. Peace and Blessings
  22. I am speaking of the IUD and Pill induced abortions AND medical abortions only. They are not natural abortions. They would not occur if these birth control devices were not in use or the doctor did not perform. My only point in even bringing up the untold amount of 'additional' abortions due to IUD/Pill was to simply make those that 'may' care or be interested aware of what actually occurs with the use of some kinds of birth control. Just something to think about. Just like some people back medical abortions until they actually learn what the gruesome process is all about. Then better educated they can make a better decision on where they land on the topic. 95 out of 100 people probably do not understand that part of the job of an IUD is to prevent a viable fertilized egg from attaching. Peace and Blessings
  23. Nothing even in depth about the article. Total joke all the way around. Peace and Blessings
  24. Greetings, and welcome! Nice to know they put that much effort into each car. Taurus is looking good! Peace and Blessings
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