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sparks will fly

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Everything posted by sparks will fly

  1. You could look at in the opposite way, the top list are worth more equity wise then the ones closer to home. All I here is how despressed the market is in Mich. right now, maybe the lenders wanted the properties in the other areas.
  2. I was refering to Mark (MF) more than Allen but they are supposed to be in this together, either way 18 bil is alot to gamble. It takes one hell of a salesman to even get a deal like that done unless souls were sold. I think a good leader would stay on the job as long as everyone else (hour wise) to show true dedication, this shows the others how serious he is about turning this ship around.
  3. Do you have faith? I lost mine when they offered all of us a buyout and knowing that they are working on COA's right now without a word about it during the signup period. I think in the next few weeks they are going to drop a bomb on us and let us in on SOME of the future, the ones that didn't signup may wonder if it is worth staying for after the fact.
  4. Ok Roadrunner I will agree with this BUT to get what MF is getting he should produce FIRST. The jury is still out if he can run the company or he is a dumbass. The arrogrance that he has shown leaves me to believe the latter. It doesn't matter if it is the "hollywood" image, or the plane trips but his isn't the roll your sleeves up kind of guy this company need right now in my book. 5 days a week in the office isn't the way to rebuild, in fact when Ford made money almost no one in the company only worked 5 days. I met a retired regional manager who told me that he worked 6 days a week and the top brass expected it. Remember that sooner or later the BS will have to stop and work will have to be done and with 18 Billion more on the line it better be soon.
  5. This 46% is the ones the have signed with the intent to leave, at the same time Ford is hiring TPT's or TFT's (temps) to help fill the holes. These temps start at a supposed $18 an hour and anyone that works at our plant now could turn in one app. So between these temps, flowbacks like Biker said, and people transfering from the plants that are closing the idea of overcapacity or the UAW protecting the head count is not all true. Of the 30,000 claimed to have signed up since 8,000 are already gone, you will see between 15,000 and 22,000 leave.
  6. It used to be called going postal, maybe they will change it to going Norfolk. All kidding aside I think that the stress that the company is putting people under is unhealthy and personally I would not be surprised if someone was to crack. The part that is screwed up is they will may a big deal out of it wondering HOW could THIS happen after the fact.
  7. I haven't seen any list yet, one is supposed to be out Dec.1. From what another electrician told me this weekend is that NO skilled trades were on the list to leave in Jan. yet. I guess they are trying to figure out who is important enough to keep and who can go. I think they can do without me, just a thought.
  8. I know that you read the other thread on this so that is why I said to let it die, meaning the gentleman who used to do it. I agree completely that Ford should have a website dedicated to taking care or orders hell is the post office can do it........You would get no arugment from me if they would do this it is customer service at it's best, but let's let Ford hire someone to do it not an hourly guy who need to do his job.
  9. Let the dead horse lie allready, look at the dates please.
  10. To fully support your union you would have to support the trades also. To bad on this INTERNET forum you have done a poor job of that, hypocrite.
  11. Trimdingman should be writing money.com NOW, they must have been talking to Steve Wilson again. Don't worry Trim, Fishinguy has your back.
  12. I haven't seen any hard facts yet, rumor from laborville is close to 1200 total signed up as of wensday with about 90 trades in that 1200. Tuesday will be real interesting to see if we hear a final number.
  13. If you are staying maybe you should change you name to born2briden because if you make it that is what they will want to do to you.
  14. WTF? Talk about bringing the topic around the block. Whose fault is it? Ford? the government? Steve Wilson? Toyota? Look Ford is in trouble they have closed and are going to close plants thoughout the US. This will effect alot of people in all areas of work, and now you want to throw the freakin anti-christ (Bush) into this? Lets not blame anyone except Ford. When they get off thier high horse (they never will) and take responicibility for the shape of this company they are open for critisim from whoever it is. I feel that it is a setup to bring down the UAW and then turn the corner towards profitability, not only at Ford but GM too. Until that happens these guys don't care how they look to the general public because they really think that they are better than the middle class (people like you and me.). So lets not go into politics to settle why Ford top brass are some of the most arrogant bunch around because people are showing you how they are voting against these guys when they buy another brand or car.
  15. Rush as in Limbach? That explains enough about you if you even concider him serious. Really the parting shots are caused by the way the way they don't want us around anymore, that is the cause of the buyouts. Fat checks they gave me? More like the fat checks I earned by going to work every day. Don't even talk about profit sharing or any other negotiated money that we get because Ford agreed to that with the bargaining agreement, I'm just glad I had a chance to get some. Any idiot can see that Ford has been doing a fine job of hurting themselves for the last 6 years without Steve's help. Ask the Restaurants, ewal estate companies, etc in St Louis, Atlanta, Norfolk, Twin Cities and on and on. Between Ford and GM let alone ACH and Delphi they have done enough to all of these types of businesses across the counrty, without Steve's help. So attacking Steve about how are dipshits are lying to US and the public doesn't bother me a bit. I figured out that MF was a lair on Jan. 23 the first time I saw him.
  16. Yea and the way MF and Billy boy look on TV alot of people are saying " why would anybody want to work for those guys at Ford?" Alot of friends and family ask about Ford's future all the time so the more information they see from both sides the better. How many times have anyone of us had to tell the other side of the stroy after the media has put a spin on things, like pay per hour or drug busts? My opnion is the Steve showed them some of the other side of things, mainly the hipcroyites.
  17. Well who said MF was going to save any existing jobs? To save Ford he doesn't have to save any hourly jobs to do that, if he was why would they offer the buyouts to all of the hourly employee's? This turn around will only make him worth something to the next company IF they are looking to restucture the way they do business ie: break a union, move out of the United States, you get the point. IF I am only partily right those reasons alone are enough that I don't care for him now, he is just PHONY to me.
  18. What did he do to you behind the barn? The new Ford doesn't treat you the same as the old Ford did, things are a changing. Once again llike everyone else has told you Ford is not private just because the family has contriolling interest does not make the company private. As going as high as you like that is not totally true unless you throw your morals out the window and conform to they socialist ways of management, yes the run management that way too. Wilson did a much better job in my mind than yours, long before I came to Ford I tried to have my own business and if you really want to make it you will cut and do what ever it takes. The greed not ambishion is what MF is showing here for if it was HIS company or his family's he would make some sacrafices to insure HIS future. By the way the $150 for gas was a joke showing you just don't get it and your 32 years and my 14 don't matter because we see this company in a different light. The writing is on the wall they want to change the way they are doing business and that doesn't include you, me, or the unions.
  19. So if it is $1500 per car for healthcare then it is what about $150 per car for airplane gas?
  20. That is weekend wear in Fla. while Steve Wilson was chasing him. Noticed the dates for the big event are on the last day of signups for the buyout. Interesting.
  21. I have never heard of Spirit airlines here in KC but while that was showing I had heard something about Northwest so I assumed.... The other good one I caught was one from Gunslinger "Hollywood" perfect I thought. Well maintanence work in one of his plants is not 5 days a week if he wants them to run worth a darn, until they get this COA agreement with 40 being straight time. With production working 4-10's and maintanence working 5-8's then it is a 5 day a week job, still unheard of in the auto industury. How many shareholders would like to see dividends payed out with the money saved by MF flying commercial flights? I am a shareholder and I would. With the plant manager (Frankie G.) in charge of the Edge launch anyone who knows him has an idea of why not is all smooth in OAC. This is where MF has to do what he said on Jan 23, HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIER ACTIONS. Iam still waiting for that.
  22. That maybe true since the overtime has been gutted from the plants, but once upon a time if he was only working 5 days a week no way. When I interviewed with Ford the man asked me if I could handle working overtime, I said yes. For the first 12 years never working less than 60 hours a week was common, more often than not 72 to 84 hours a week. If cost cutting wasn't so deep that the equipment doesn't need to be worked on or people being covered while off causing them to run shorthanded then he STILL wouldn't be putting in more hours.......... and I would not be taking a buyout.
  23. Here Tags: PlentyOfPain BlueOval New Member Joined: 26-September 06 Posts: 14 I’m part of a team of Detroit-based journalists preparing a series of reports that will reveal surprising new details about top Ford execs cashing in, even while promising EVERYBODY at the company is tightening their belts and sharing the pain. I’d like to contrast those individuals with working people at Ford—salaried on union—and the hardships they are facing with relocation, buyouts or, ultimately, layoffs. Specifically, I’m looking for longtime Ford workers in the Detroit area who can talk about the sacrifices they and their colleagues have made for the company, past and present, and how they and their families are about to be affected by the new hardships ahead. Folks with expensive medical needs, those caring for children or parents with special and costly needs, and other special circumstances could be excellent examples of this contrast. This is not about bashing Ford...it's about telling the truth you'll never find in a company news release. I have read here where many have said there's nothing that can be done about corporate greed...but the facts being known is always the first step toward any change. You can contact me at LookingAtFord@hotmail.com
  24. Footballfan maybe this will help: http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index...?showtopic=8304
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