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Everything posted by rn4

  1. From Politifact. Here’s one important point: The stock is owned by an independent health care trust called the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust, not the UAW itself. (The trust is also often referred to by the acronym VEBA.) A 2011 letter to its 840,000 beneficiaries said the trust is "a separate entity, independent of the auto companies and the UAW. The trust has its own assets. The assets in the trust are not the property of the auto companies or the UAW. Instead, those assets are held in the trust on behalf of the covered retirees. Those assets can only be used to provide medical benefits to UAW retirees and their families. Neither the UAW nor the auto companies can use those assets for any other purpose." http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/feb/27/mitt-romney/mitt-romney-says-obama-gave-away-car-companies-uni/
  2. The UAW didn't get part of GM, that is a lie told by the right. The VEBA got shares of GM stock instead of the cash that the trust should have gotten, a large risk for the trust fund. The shares in the fund can only be used to pay for retiree health benefits. The UAW has no control over how GM runs it's business, they do not have a seat on the board. The shares of GM that the VEBA holds are non-voting shares, so no say there either on how the company is run.
  3. The pension is their obligation if they signed a contract agreeing to it.
  4. I believe you are wrong. The ILO are forced out of zone, then if there are people with lower time working in zone they have the option of bumping them, but not till they get their forced job offer, then the low person that is bumped must move.
  5. Those aren't new brackets, the rates will just be returning to what they use to be. The Bush tax cuts are one of the biggest contributors to the national debt, along with the 2 wars.
  6. You will have 10/29/1984 plant seniority at your new location.
  7. What Do you think Obama should do? Looks like maybe congress should close the loop hole.
  8. I worked for Ford for 31 years and my dues never went to political action.
  9. The UAW does not use dues for political action. Political money comes from a separate voluntary fund, which you have to sign up for.
  10. 1. Would make about as much difference as trickle economics does. 2. Would lead to more people without health insurance. 3. Like that would work when the savings rate in this country already is at an all time low. 4. Like the consumer knows what their health care needs are going to be. 5. Not practical, health care is not a one size fits all. There are complications that come up al the time how are you going to price that. 6. Already have that.
  11. The party of you can't vote if you don't agree with us.
  12. Get out of the employee section.
  13. You truly don't have a clue, keep drinking the FOX koolaid.
  14. From what I see there, you only receive the supplement for 1 month after turning 62.
  15. You don't have a clue what would of happened to the auto industry if GM and Chrysler were allowed to go under, it would have impacted all those other manufactures also. The loss of tens of thousands of good paying jobs at the time would have possibly been the catalyst that sent us from a recession to a depression , but I guess you would have rather of taking that chance just for your ideology.
  16. If the label fits. Go read that posters comments in a few other threads and tell me the label doesn't fit.
  17. General Motors will close or idle 14 manufacturing plants and three service and parts operations as part of its bankruptcy filing. That brings GM's U.S. assembly, powertrain and stamping facilities from 47 in 2008 to 34 by year-end 2010 and 33 by 2012. GM will reopen an unnamed, now-idled, now-closed plant to build future small cars. My link
  18. BP refinery threatens Great Lakes ecosystem Another view of the refinery.
  19. Myths and Facts about Oil Refineries in the United States
  20. More domestic drilling will not end the need for imports. The United States holds only 2% of the planet's proven oil reserves, but Americans consume 25% of the world's daily output of crude oil. U.S. Crude Oil production since 1980 We are producing the most crude since 2003. World oil proved researves by country.
  21. Who was going to buy the parts the credit markets were frozen, someone would of had to have cash, not likely, they would have been no more.
  22. Here is the thing, they wouldn't have been smaller, they would have went out of business dragging a bunch of suppliers with them. Beings that most the industry uses the same suppliers, it would have impacted all of them including the transplants. Toyota even came out and said that. Somebody had to be a loser , so the least amount of hurt for the economy at the time was the way it down. The U.S. economy me could not afford to take the gamble that some hidden investor would have come through and invest in either a downsized GM or Chrysler. If you work at Ford , are you willing to risk your job because of ideology, Mullally wasn't ,that is why he didn't mind the restructuring of GM and Chrysler. It didn't help Ford directly, but they are still in business and making record profits which wouldn't have happened through a traditional bankruptcy.
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