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Everything posted by feegsit

  1. Take your meds, and wash them down with a glass of STFU! Vote NO!
  2. Looks like Kennys gonna roll over just like Buzz did. They talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
  3. You're never alone when youre a schizophrenic! ONE Eagle...'nuff said! Vote NO!
  4. You'll still be voting Yes though, right? You need to be put on suicide watch!
  5. Of course they support abortion....look at this modification! Vote NO!
  6. Whitey Hale... Now there was a TRUE unionist! Knew him from waaaaay back when, at Fisher Body, Coldwater Rd., Flint. That place was rough, but Whitey kept 'em in line.
  7. The FAT lady must be CandyCane,cause she sure is singin' the BLUES!
  8. Just think how tickled the consumer would be if all these concessions would bring the cost of the vehicles down. Wages are going down and vehicle prices keep going up, and the auto workers are catchin' the flak because of this. The public should be pissed at the automakers NOT the autoworker! Yep, All the Big Dogs in Dearborn are probably laffin' their azzes off, while their wackin' off to see who cums first! Vote NO!
  9. Walter Weeps.. Perfect name for a CRYBABY! Vote NO! BTW Walter JUMP, the union will save you. LOL
  10. I agree Al. If this modification is as good as many seem to think, It should have no problem SELLING ITSELF!
  11. NEWSFLASH--- Gajeski don't give a shit about anybody but himself!
  12. That CandyCane is one selfish little POS, ain't he/she? Ifr this works out as he/she hopes......they definitely will get whats coming to them, but it probably won't be what they were hoping for. VOTE NO!
  13. If your so well educated.... why are you acting like such a DUMBAZZZ?
  14. If this guy thinks the retirees will get immunity if this passes with a yes... He's stupider than he thinks we are! He is gonna be in for a hell of a shock when VEBA kicks in.
  15. The ONLY thing a YES vote guarantees, is that the company will be back for more concessions, So far the YES votes have gotten us NOTHING..... and the company is back for more concessions. Where you been??
  16. CapTURD, (as well as others) are going nowhere. They"re on a "mission"! His reward? When the union is gone and the goon squads are re-established, CapTURD will be given the honor of filling Harry Bennetts shoes! CHILL OUT CAPT!(and others). If this contract is as good as you seem to think, it will SELL ITSELF!
  17. I agree. If this thing is so darn good, Why are all these idiots trying to ram it up our azzzes? If it were that good, it would sell itself. Never fails, all these TURDS fall out of the sky when it comes time to vote on these lame ass contracts.
  18. Lets face it. The ONLY way Ford with be competitive with GM/Chrysler IS through bankruptcy. Its time to stop fooling ourselves, and vote NO. At this point its starting to look like bankruptcy is the only thing that will save the AUTOWORKER . Those arrogant phucks at the Glasshouse don't give 2 shits about us. They get the bonus' while we get the boner. This shits gotta stop! When I get what Mulally has, I will be ....GOOD WHERE I'M AT! Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. Ever eat Yale Bologna? Good stuff!
  20. These "independent journalists" are the very people who got Obama elected. During the Republican primary they beat McCain up bad because they wanted Romney. Lo and behold McCain won the nomination, and now these "independent journalists" were trying to backpeddle, and convince "we the people", what a GREAT guy McCain was. They beat him to death, and then tried to resusitate him. It didn't work. All they did was show what idiots they were. They should be more pissed at themselves than Obama. The only good thing about Faux news, is the occasional "upskirt shots" we get from Gretchen and Alyson.
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