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Everything posted by feegsit

  1. Wheres the Captain ? He could advise on how to properly handle this situation.
  2. The people that really need new vehicles can't afford them even with gov't incentives & rebates. I was at a local U-Pull junk yard today and saw vehicles that had no business being in the CFC program. Some with a little over 100,000 miles on 'em. With a good tune-up and sensor change, they could have been put back in service for those less fortunate. Monies from this could help keep the CFC program funded. In the meantime the real clunkers are still on the road! The yard owner is not happy with the CFC program, because of the gov't mandated trashed engines.
  3. Get rid of 'em, and let the real bosses start earnin' their keep!
  4. Concessions...us then them...them ,then us. By the time this is over, we'll all be working for 5 dollars a day!!!
  5. Have had this problem for over six monthes now. They've had every puter wiz over there trying to figure it out. In the end they said my computer was probably ph**ked up! LOL! Never had this problem prior to the frequent changes of passwords. I gave up.
  6. Like Terry McGuire ALWAYS used to say...."They can do that!"
  7. The concession cycle will not end, until BOTH the UAW/CAW in a JOINT effort put their foot down. You can't blame all this on either union. One is weak without the other! Ford wants parity with GM/Chrysler without having to file bankruptcy. It will never happen. GM/Chrysler will always have the edge because of this. The Ford family wants we workers to protect THEIR legacy! With bankruptcy there is no legacy. In the end, the FAMILY will have their legacy, and we the workers will have nothing. Time for BOTH unions to tell the company " NO more concessions."
  8. Thats a pretty sharp bunch of people up there on the top floor of the Glass House. Sittin' back and lettin' GM/Chrysler do all the dirty work, yet reaping the same benefits. With this strategy, bankruptcy will never be a concern for FoMoCo. More vaseline please!
  9. "Biting the bullet".....thats all UAW members seem to be doing anymore!
  10. Whats with all the Mustangs parked across I-75 at the GM marshalling yard ?
  11. This could get interesting. They can't get much more blood out of the employees. Will the Ford family step up to the plate to save their legacy?
  12. Anybody know the web address for the Chrysler employee forum? Curious what their thoughts are about whats going on at Chrysler.
  13. After ranting on every other post about the state of his health, he'll probably be the first one that they haul up to medical. I would never have said a word. After all we all know that management frequents these forums as well. He would have been better off paying the 20 bucks a month and keeping quiet. I hope he will still have that option. Thats what I plan on doing.
  14. What we are about to see is the end result, of the sellout of the middle class. They didn't realize it would affect them as well. The lessons we learn along the way!
  15. The biggest losers in a bankruptcy will be the FORD FAMILY. I think because of this we may have some leverage here. This agreement is unacceptable. They need to go back to the bargaining table.
  16. Lou Dobbs said last night that Obamas' personal vehicle in Illinois was an Escape Hybrid. Biden drives a 1967 Corvette.
  17. With all these wage cuts, that will be about the only way they'll move vehicles. Nobody can afford to buy one anymore.
  18. A lot of the old timers I talk to are staying because they will have health care. If they retire...... Who knows. With whats going on with Delphi salary, it may not be likely. Not too far in the distant future hourly retirees are going to take the same hit. Once that happens we're going to see the domino effect with GM, Ford, Chrysler and everybody else and there brother . This is one deep, dark black hole we're falling into. VEBA is just a wet dream.
  19. These crybabies will stop whining when we make LESS than they do! I can't understand people. Since we autoworkers are overpaid and underworked why weren't/aren't the naysayers knocking down the doors to get these jobs?? They think its easier to bring us down to their standard of living, than try to bring themselves up to ours? If I remember right, the Great American Dream was to prosper! Did I miss something along the way?
  20. This seems like it can work out very well for FORD (fixed it for ya). Toilet paper is worth more than Ford stock!
  21. There must be a shortage of polititians who drive DOMESTICS in D.C. We're screwed!
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