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Everything posted by OTPisdead

  1. so I guess we're getting the bonus on next weeks cheque?
  2. That's what I thought right when I saw it. Not bad back, don't like the front.
  3. Well my union committeeman says he doesn't know the #'s. The 707 website has been updated frequently since the vote but no results. I guess the executives at the hall keep it a secret. Can't wait to elect a new election chairman who does his job.
  4. I've heard some election results but no numbers. Anyone know the exact vote count for each canidate? Thanks.
  5. Um, read my post again. I mentioned I had seen Carducci.
  6. I've seen Carducci, Lindsay, Balaz, and someone running for Alt. Substance abuse. the second time I saw Balaz he was handing out paper for the Easter food drive. do we really need a vice-prez? all the ones we've had just follow what the national tells our prez to do.
  7. How about our computers. When are we getting them?
  8. Ed, we don't agree on everything (anything?), but you know people are going to show up and vote blindly without stepping into the discussion room. I don't understand why the ballots are not held until after the meeting.
  9. I would much rather see my base rate go down however far it needs to cover any lost benefits or holidays. Our union is out of touch with us. How much can we sell Port Elgin for? How much does it cost to fly a brother from Edmonton to Port Elgin to take a one or two week course there? We could save a bundle by shutting down the union hall bar downstairs, as it has been sucking money out of our funds since Brian Feil left as President years ago. I'm sick of our financial secretary reporting in the 707 reporter about anything but our finances! Why is more money going out every month on business expenses than is coming in?
  10. Or you really don't know.
  11. No word on the CAW reducing our union dues from 2 1/2 hours pay per month? I see so much union waste I'm sure our CAW could survive on $30 less a month from each and every union paying member. Let the CAW leadership lead by example and tighten their belts, I've gone as far as I can!
  12. ^^^^^ Are you agreeing with the statement you quoted or not?
  13. Anyone know for sure why A shift went early last night?
  14. And you at stap will get yours in June right.
  15. Word today is that the two week summer shutdown will be in the middle of August this year. As for the Windstar sign, that was discussed a couple of years ago. FK partizan may drive past the place, but me's thinks you don't or ever have worked here based on your posts.
  16. and our MPP's just took off for Christmas break on Thursday. Ontario provincial parliament is closed unti 2009! Crisis? What crisis?
  17. You're an idiot. You obviously don't have a clue as to what the situations are with Stap. Let's just hope Oakville picks up a bit and brings all that want to stay with Ford.
  18. I think they may have, but unfortunately don't realize the results...........yet.
  19. Still many Bronco II around, and Cont/Myst with my friend loving her '98 that she wishes Ford still built. She's looking to maybe get a Fusion Hybrid in late '09 to replace it.
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