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  1. Interesting. OAC has been fully automated for over a year now. We have 0 painters and three paint repair guys per shift. I'm curious as to what plants have full automation and which plants still have the spray painters? thanks.
  2. Good PR I guess...but the article is complete fluff. No woman on the line gets to work 3 days a week simply because she has kids. Doesn't happen. Every request for our entitled vac pay up here is simply denied. Mullaly the teflon man is getting tiresome.
  3. No. Fords sales and market share are skyrocketing because they did not take a bailout. Relax dude. The future is bright..check out the products....
  4. Your view is irrelevant. Some of us uneducated grunts have quadrupled on our stocks with just a little foresight as to where the other 2 were going and Ford's future line up/prospects. Your UAW economist(s) have cost you billions, don't defend them..Fire the fuckers. Asshole.
  5. Your UAW economist is either absolutetly terrible or on the take and should be fired immediately.
  6. Ford has every right to expect concessions form 'retired salary' on par with what the unions have given up the last couple rounds. 'Retired salary' knows it is "the right thing to do" in order to keep Ford competitive. They may not like giving up a significant portion of their pension, but in the end why would they want to "kill the goose" that pays their gold plated pension. It's time for retired salary to put their money where their mouth is, and start campaigning Ford to slash their pensions. Same as the union keeps opening up legally binding contracts to help out the company. It would be "the right thing to do" Sir.
  7. Yeah, Try walking outside at lunch and watching brand new Windstar's one after the other being crushed due to an alleged default so the company can balance it's books. Nasser and the plant manager at the time were idiots. Ford has done a 180 degree turn around. It's obvious even from the factory floor. Good for Ford. Good for us.
  8. My post was a little over the top, However the guys at STAP are basically getting cornholed. There's no reason to take a shot at a dude who is trying to proactively stand up for himself and his local.
  9. Nice try. It's too bad you have apparentlly never stepped up and gotten involved in your communitty, coaching soccer,hockey etc..making connections with people who work for the town,Hydro or the Post office that will vouch for you as a stand up guy and get you a similar paying job..should the need arise. Just continue hiding in your basement snorting oxy contin and smoking dope and groveling before ford as they are the be all and end all to you. You don't need a trade. Learn tiling or laminate flooring for starters (It's not that hard). Some of us make the same in a weekend as we do in a week at Ford. If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work you won't need to be such a pussy.
  10. Well this is frustrating, 2010 eco boosts were in shipping 2 weeks ago, with no holds afaik. Mkt's they are really taking their time with, being new. Word is they won't put us on mandatory 10 hr shifts until they get their conccessions from CAW. IDK ,it would be nice if we could get the dealers their high profit margin vehicles that seem to be in demand.
  11. OK, It's hypocritical of me to debate American politics..since that's what I was bitching about, You've got me on that. And I completely agree with your point about corporations. However, blaming your massive military budget on peaceful nations is pretty weak. Canada has about the same chance of being invaded as other countries of roughly similar population and defence spending....Australia,Italy,Spain etc...It's not happening. You're military spending is your own doing. At least point the blame/excuse at the middle east please.
  12. Well....I would debate you but...You haven't made your point. What is your taxpayer money protecting us from? What "battles" didn't we fight?
  13. Yeah, I guess. That's too bad.
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