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Everything posted by Deanh

  1. I dont think crash repair is considered part of maintenence, however , it DOES explain why EVs are more expensive to insure...( that and rightly or wrongly, fear of them bursting into flames...and thats straight form the horse mouth )
  2. I do that every 5k on mine....all 3....
  3. yep...lot of unspoken variables there...I dont spend that much on mine for sure, so no idea. The EV owners I have sold/ know actually maintain their vehicles very well, the gripes I hear are mostly electronic, with necessary re-flashes ( but ICE arent immune their either ) and tire wear which is most likely weight related and tire choice. But we do service a lot of them for sure...sadly I think mostly for little gremlins rather than routine maintenence. The Teslas costs may reflect hourly charges, I have heard that any time they do need maintenence the charges are comparitively high...I would guess those costs are averaged ovber say 5-6 years?....theres and A/C unit that requires a dessicant bag every 4 years, ( and that may be $$$ ) an in cabin particulate filter and tires may be part of the equation so maybe thats how it averages out
  4. explains all the Teslas I see on flatbeds right?, granted I dont know the reasoning......but its a pretty common sight around here ( that said I would say a lot would be driver error based on their driving habits which arent too stellar, I think the crazy Prius drivers just moved upscale )......and in Rivians case...how many service centers are there?... is Tesla a high maintenance car? Yes, Tesla vehicles are quite expensive to fix. According to RepairPal, the average yearly Tesla maintenance cost is about $832 per year. The average among all car brands was a much lower $652 per year.Oct 21, 2023 .
  5. I dont trust the SoCal legislators in the slightest...the Toll roads are a classic...started at 25cents and we were told onece paid for they would become free....guess what...they are ( same road ) now $7 and that will NOT be going away...its a source of revenue. I also laugh my ass off at some of the signs on some of the larger Freeways being worked on..." YOUR Tax dollars at work"....yep so they can fund an additional two lanes on which youlle be CHARGED a toll...LMAO...unreal...same will happen with electric...no matter how much is contributed through solar and the like, the price will ONLY ever increase....
  6. I think rather than waste excess it shouldnt be penalized for teh forthcoming year...just added to it, would create a slush fund to adress emergency...( in hindsight would pobably just be wasted anyways....) but theres ridiculous spending that should be adressed everywhere...thees 2 million dollar 2 stall public toilet that was approved in San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. If its specifcicationsare any good theres not much competition at all....only issue would be servicing......
  8. couldnt agree more...place needs an audit for all the wasteful spending here..its absurd..and a LOT of it is this "green deal" BS ....for instance, at the beginning of all this LA Sherrif Dept was mandated to spend X amount of dollars on electrci vehicles...they bought something like 120 BMW I3's...they sat, their only use was apparently for personal chores such as dropping off laundry etc etc ...HUGE waste of taxpayers money...but in their defence, if they had NOT spent the money, next years budget would have been reduced...how asinine is that?. Was over 10 million dollars and most never racked up more than 4 digits or less in mileage
  9. guess it depends on population density....here in So Cal its nuts, so the demand would be outrageous...we have solar on our house to counter a pool system, but "strangely" enough our power bill has gone up quite a lot...and Im NOT allowed to counter that with installing additional panels unless approved by our electricitry carrier...all about THEIR $$$$ not the person that shelled out $30k...I was also told NOT to get approval by the Solar installer as Im grandfathered into NEM1, if I did pony up for additional panels I would go to NEM2 which would wash out any solar gains. And to top it off...theres NO credits for pumping excess back into the grid...that gos , apparently, to people that NEED it...cough cough....try and figure THAT one out... regardless its a total cluster f--k, deliberately made massively confusing...but if every house had Solar here , there would be a massive excess here, then the issue would just be storage and there would be no blackouts or rationing AND it should become cheaper for everyone...
  10. all about scale....Solar is fine for individual housing..albeit its getting very expensive....but the scale required for countering the additional draw when everything is electric...is huge, and will require massive amounts of land let alone $....I think the mindset for energy sources needs a bit of a re-calibration....nice link by the way....spendy buggers those "fans"....and friggen butt ass ugly unfortunately...
  11. and where will they install it...or will they rely on supply from the areas carrier ie Southern California Edison?...From what I have read, wind power isnt holding up to expectation and reliability, and is costing an awful lot more than its worth...several projects have been flat cancelled after billions of dollars of investment and GOVT subsidies ( well GOVT subsidies are your tax dollars at wirk ) ...Siemens is a major player and they just pulled out of a HUGE project ( although that was not in the US ) And solar is limited to areas and States that get sun consistantly....then theres the case of Texas...where they have everything necessary but experienced a complete grid failure due to a bout of inclement weather....
  12. thats rather large...wonder how mnay it equates too?...then theres getting the juice to them ...thats a rather large underatking in itself....
  13. of course Amazons on board...they own 10% from what I understand....just blows my mind the losses per unit...that cant be sustainable unless they raise cash because they arent earning anything to support the losses...Lucids also up shit creek...
  14. damn So Cal....$5.67 was my last fillup ( 91 octane )...couldnt even fill the tank as it stops at $100.....
  15. they are also in financial trouble.....I wonder why they and Amazon nixed the origional deal?......
  16. what Im apprehensive about there is whos going to tell the Electric suppliers to cap what they bill?...more Govt intervention?...sure doesnt work when it comes to gas, and if you create a dependency and monopoly on electric need, it can, and dare I say WILL lead to outside control and regulation ( no power, no charged car, no lights, no cooking, no hot water, no heating....nothing...)...literally someone can flick a switch and then its "youre on youre own". Not sure I for one am completely comfortable with that.....
  17. agreed...but until EVs can drive in, park, charge in the 3-5 minutes ( and thats going to be years at least ) there will be lines of irate people...something Ive already witnessed along with broiling hostility...... Ill just continue to wave nicely as Im filling with 91 octane....
  18. I would err on the side of Ford going down a more profitable route...they haev also basically cut back MASSIVELY on Fleet incentives and compensation....some of the GOVT incentives on Superduties and the like were absolutely huge ( think 7k and up )...those are gone now, and that cant help the bottomline one iota.
  19. Sadly Ford seems to have given 'fleet" buyers the middle finger Im sorry to say....was a rather significant part of my own personal business, now due to the types of vehciles they routinely required bing scarce , its become a minute part...
  20. and to flip that around I doubt EVs will ever scale up to completely replace ICE either, at least not in mine and yours and your kids lifetime.......but the infrastructure for a gasoline equivilent is already in place in the form of Gas stations....my fingers are crossed, I doubt EV charging will ever get to the conveinience of a 3 minuts gas fill up, but maybe 10 years down the road that type of chargingwill rear its head, but the consequence will be the redundancy of all the EVs without that capacity...ICE on a sythetic gasoline?...no redundancy, less waste...most likely wishful thinking...but...
  21. ifyou take out the EV losses Fords profitability was actually pretty good the last 2-3 years...correct me if Im wrong...
  22. DOH...theres that infrastructure hurdle again...with every "alternative" comes its own set of issues....
  23. not sure I specifically stated Hydrogen would replace BEVS, but I have a short term memory for some subjects...I DID state it wouldnt surprize me if a viable alternative reared its head of which Hydrogen has to be one ( synthetic gasoline was also mentioned )
  24. ?...Commercial fleets is EXACTLY what this testing is targeting.....which will definitely involve their Superduty lineup...
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