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  1. Ford did not take a bailout! We were the first to give back. We should be the first to get back. Allan Mulally kept his job! GM CEO Rick Wagoner had to resign. Chrysler's Robert Nardelli was replaced with Sergio Marchionne. It was reported March 10, 2011 that Allan Mulally recieved 313 million in stock from Ford that does NOT include his Salary, bonus, or other corporate perks! At that point he was with Ford for 236 weeks. He was given 1.326 million worth of stock for every week with the company! Are you kidding me? Then Allan Mulally's Salary is 26.5 million a year or 509,615.3846 a week. Allan Mulally must be costing Ford At least 2 million a week! I think the IUAW can get us a better deal!
  2. Just bought a 2010 F150 and wondered if it had any build concerns. CID 1507355, Rotation 8774 Thanks DTP I Love this TRUCK!!! Great Job!!!
  3. Is Ford allowing us to put our 26 and younger children back on our health insurance?
  4. Yes there was a girl on the old C-crew. She had to force her way to get the job. She ended up getting hurt! So much for that. She never came back to that job after her injury.
  5. Those are good points and i do not know there local agreements. It would be nice to have reps that do the job though. I work in a all male dept. No women do the jobs on all 3 crews on my team. The company will not let them. A woman down the line decides she doesn't want to do part of her job. So they add it to a job that no women can do. I ask A. B. and the Ergo rep. Why do they add work to a job on a all man team when a woman doesn't want to do that part of her job? A. B. answer was to "Man Up". That was funny the whole team is men. The point is if half of the plant can't do our jobs then don't add more work to it! The jobs in that Department should be classified jobs since not everyone can do them. Have asked for Time and Ergo studies for those jobs for months and get nothing. The Ergo studies failed years ago and nothing has changed. What a shocker! I wish International Reps would just come and do the Rep jobs and attempt to help the membership!
  6. Body shop needs to be in the same union as final and paint! Not with a parts plant like stamping. We are all on the same line with paint and final. We do what ever they decide. We go to final for labor issues. We need to petition to have the same reps as final and paint. Final and paint have full time C-crew reps. Body shop rotates reps for C-crew. You are lucky if you see the same rep you talked to about a problem in the same month. Reps don't communicate with each other and the problems get forgotten. H. B. is the only rep I have had good luck with.
  7. China only sells what they make in China. The U.S. needs to have that same policy if it is going to get out of the hole our politicians and rich have dug for us! Newt can suck it!
  8. Speaking of Communism, our country is there biggest supporter. U.S. gave them our jobs. Look at all the crap China ships and sells here everyday. Now the U.S. borrows the money back from them. If the U.S. would have kept the jobs here we wouldn't need to borrow our money back. To many greedy crooks run this country! What do we ship to China besides our money?
  9. Ford Sells Volvo for 2 billion. They paid 6 billion for it years ago.
  10. Will the UAW get 55% of FORD also. FORD wants the same as the other two!
  11. Ford HiLo drivers take parts to the line. Ceva Hilo drivers take the parts off of the trucks and warehouse them.
  12. They should make all the Union Jobs NonCore. They help you 30% of the time if you lucky. All the life time appointed jobs should be NonCore also. If the Union Supports NonCore Crap. They should start with there own halfass jobs.
  13. Thanks Waldo Just give my burger to Wally.
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