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Everything posted by Versa-Tech

  1. Call this a ridiculous coincedence, but I literally was just reading an email from a buddy of mine who was telling me how Ford is looking to position the 2.0EB Mustang as an alternate to a (now cancelled) Fusion coupe. Supposedly, it might even get a titanium trim designation, which will be absent from V8 models. I haven't heard ANYTHING concerning a V6 option, which leads me to believe it might be dropped altogether. However, it's possible that the Mustang could be the first application of the NANO, hence the silence. We'll see. Anyway, I think it's important to remember that the Fusion's design language is derived from the 2015 Mustangs, as is all of One-Fords. This photochop of a Mustang is a derivative of the Fusion, and obviously way off. If this render was a butterknife, the real design would be a razor. Call it my opinion.
  2. ... The real story here is the FACT that Obama is willing to pay their legal costs with taxpayer money. So, the workers get screwed. Lockheed Martin gets screwed. The taxpayers get screwed. At this point, democrats wish this was a racist election. You could call the president every racial slur in the book, and it would be a compliment in comparison to his true definition. Barack Obama is simply a self-centered loser, who has spent his entire life manipulating people for personal gain. His accomplishments are merely of perception, having no tangible product or application. He is always credited, never obligated, seemingly all knowing, yet never aware. He is, quite frankly, a charlatan.
  3. Something tells me these wiz-bang trannys are going to be very expensive to maintain... ...And that lends me to question whether such measures, fostered by government mandates, are really serving the market at all. When does this pursuit of MPGs end? At what point do the costs of the equipment outweigh the savings at the pump?
  4. Ron Paul would make an excellent dictator... Seriously. With the exception of Texas, most states just aren't principled enough to contribute to a successful government. If Obama wins, I will be campaigning for Secession.
  5. Knowledge of aerospace industrial design and the ability to memorize a two digit number most of us learned in kindergarten are obviously of cognative parity... Even my promethiun mind can decern the difference, and I percieve Einstein as a dunce... ...and the majority of the media as vegetables... ...At least LH invokes a thought process when gb e entertains this BS... ...Kind of like when I entertained the Arpaio BS... ...which is regrettable.
  6. I think you missed the bigger story here Tom. Evidently, CNN is now just as RACIST as FNC!!! :D Didn't you here? "They gunna throw yall backin chainz!"
  7. You can thank government loan guarantees for that. Why charge less for tuition when the demand is guaranteed? It's basic economics, which is [btw] a required course to graduate HS.
  8. What is this Belgium they speak of? Is that supposed to be a country, or some kind of landfill akin to New Jersey?
  9. I'd say buick is a more likely candidate. Lower volume and the lack of a reputation regarding QC make it the least risky application in my opinion. As far as the production is concerned over at JLR, it sounds like they had a lack of industrial engineering. So many companies make this mistake and pay dearly.
  10. Klein ISD, the district I pay taxes in, just gave every one of it's highschool students a tablet/laptop. They pay either a 75% nonrefundable insurance fee a year, or a $200 refundable deposit. Other than that, any damage to the tablet is repaired, without penalty by a tech center located in the school. Something tells me that paltry fee isn't going to cover the average 16 year-olds wear and tear, but we'll see.
  11. Hmmm... I always thought it was so they didn't get arrested for truancy. Even college is a joke these days, where a student's success relies more on their access to funding and aderol than an actual drive to succeed. What's really sad is how useless a majority of graduates are. Most are what I call gamers, showing up on time, dressing the part, but completely lacking basic work ethics and the ability to work in a team based environment. They practice creative avoidance as a rule, and almost never take initiative, unless it serves to undermine the efforts of their coworkers. I'd rather teach a bright highschool graduate engineering over 4 years of work experience than hire a majority of the "Engineers" graduating these days.
  12. That tech was developed by Lotus about 16 years ago. The market has been VERY reluctant to adopt it for reasons that are beyond me. I find it quite comical how many manufacturers take credit for tech they license from Lotus. A lot of people don't know this, but something like 90% of Lotus's engineers have never actually worked on a Lotus product. The majority of their business is in developing tech for other car companies. At one point, over half of GM's R&D was outsourced to Lotus.
  13. Yeah, Drudge hasn't changed their format since they started. It's kind of genius in a way though. The advertisement block at the top of the page is more bandwidth intensive than the entirety of the content. They make a killing per kilobit. Speaking of which, I'm have a forum policy question regarding bandwidth abuse. Where should I post it?
  14. I had my friends rolling on the floor over this. You see, we were debating the whole document swap and then switched to talks of how to handle the pot on our fantasy football league. When that argument got too heated, I arbitrarily (I'm not playing) offered the solution that they provide their previous years tax returns to determine who was most honest in regards to paying their debts, but only after college transcripts were provided to assure that they could be trusted to calculate the split. The point is that outside the prism of politics, this argument is a joke.
  15. Yeah, but does anybody know who reported the original story... 12 days ago. I'd like to know where this BS originated. Why were the Lybian people thrown under the bus? It sounds to me like this was all part of the WH's strategy to divert the blame from Al Qaeda to the Lybian people... And Fox News was all too willing to run a story that painted the average Lybian in the same light as the Egyptians. I think it's of paramount importance to point out that the Lybian people elected a moderate government, as opposed to the Egyptians that elected the Muslim Brotherhood. It was Lybia's intelligence agency who warned the Ambassador 3 days before of the threat. It seems to me that Libya is a true ally, Egypt is an adversary, and the only people who are denying it are the WH and Sean Hannity. Since when do those two agree on anything?! Is Fox News simply to proud to admit they got it wrong? I am, of course, ignoring the fact that CNN and MSNBC are still refering to the attack as "amidst protests im response to a 3-month-old youtube video....". Despite CNN's (impossible to find on their own website!) excellent reporting on Lybia's early warning to the state dept, they're still perfectly willing to make contradictory assumptions on their headlines to protect the Obama Administration. Fox News though? I'm so confused.
  16. So FNC is now reporting that Ambassador Stevens was still alive when he was brought to the hospital. This, seemingly, contradicts reports that he was found dead at the consulate, and then paraded around the streets like a flag. Call me crazy, but wasn't this "News", the original story? It feels like deja vu all over again. I can specifically remember reading the original report (hours after) that said that ambassador stevens died at the hospital of smoke inhalation, several hours after a group of heroic libyan civilians carried him there. I even remember the caption on an image, from an entirely different source, that refered to him as "unconscious" as he was being carried through the streets. So where the hell did this bullshit story come from? Why was the report changed to vilify the heroic libyans who tried to save him? Was this part of the WH's denial strategy? Why is FNC referring to this as a "New Report"?
  17. Errr... It's a spin poll, lol :D So, basically, we're at the point where both sides are so polarized (compromised?), that unknown "experts" are extrapolating polling models, claimed unbiased, on their own personal feelings concerning polling bias. Isn't that just biased? http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/09/23/skewed-and-unskewed-polls/
  18. Too bad Romney also released a notarized letter from his tax preparer that stated that Romney payed an average of 20.2% in taxes between 1989 and 2009. Whoopsiedoodle!
  19. "They gunna put yall back in chains!" :D Is there any proof that Vice President Biden actually knows math. I think we're going to need to see his elementary school transcipts... :P
  20. I just added the principle amounts and divided them by total income before taxes. I admittededly made a .11 percent rounding error. Romney still payed out 29.35% of income in charities. The Total contribution still rounds from 43.47% to 44%, respectively.
  21. Such as... Simple math acquired from the IRS? If you honestly consider that spinning, your opinion doesn't count.
  22. I resent you link bombing. I actually wrote something... And it's substanantive.
  23. Mitt Romney has just released his 2011 tax returns, and low and behold, not only did he pay over 14% in capital gains taxes, (+1% overpaid by law), but also payed out an additional 30% of his income to charities! How much did Obama pay in 2011? Something tells me it's far less. Prove me wrong, if I am.
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