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Everything posted by jerzey

  1. Was told the 23rd, everyone who came was recieving the checks on this date .
  2. Of course ! We will lose a few benefits but that's o.k. I believe in our union and i know they will do whats best for us ALL. I'm willing to vote for whatever keeps my job! Even if it's a reduction in $$$.
  3. "Quote" I don't tell people to quit because i disagree with what they are saying. Yes you do ! I always express how i feel and do it without bad mouthing the union. I am grateful for my job that the union protects and ford for giving it to me. VOTES ? VOTES? worried about VOTES, don't you get it?
  4. Don't you know this isn't the place to voice your opinion ? Look at who your arguing with! A fucking rep that tells membership bro's & sis' to quit everytime they say whats on their minds and he doesn't agree. I read your post and it did say "IF".
  5. Good luck to the 20-30, people coming to stamping on 1/12/09, the work is not hard and with the new focus doors coming in their will be plenty of O.T. Once again"good luck".
  6. He is in fact from rawsonville and supposedly a descent guy ! My rep told me his name is Aldolf Hersnatch.
  7. His name is Adolf Mycrotch, you can reach him at www.suckmynutsadolf.com
  8. FUCK_YOU ! Take your 10yrs and quit dickskin!!! You ungrateful fuck ! Fucking snitch fuckstick rat motherfucker! "Deep down you know it's true"! Shut the fuck up bitch! That's what I know is true.
  9. Your a fucking jerk-off ! How's that ? We don't need any negative feedback from some poor, miserable bastard ! These are very serious and emotional times for the membership, so if your not with us than stuff your cracked head right up your fucking asshole.!!
  10. Have a logical conversation with my NUTS. We have enough to deal with, without some cum bucket looking for drips.Get lost... Stick your link up your ass.. it's probably porn anyway! Pervert.
  11. Fuck you slob! I believe you probably pulled 3,000lbs ! As in the plow that was roped around your fat- ass neck in the fields! Go graze you shit bag.
  12. 260 ? That's just the cows hind- quarter. 20yrs of being a fat, lazy, piece of shit! Sloppy should be the first to go along with the rest of the herd.
  13. Why do you guys, and slobs (sloppygurl) continue to argue between the 2 plants? First of all, quality doesn't mean a darn thing when Ford gets ready to close a plant! Second, that corn-fed, lazy, fat-ass slob needs to stop living in the past and start contributing today! I'm sure the vehicles fat-ass (supposedly) had were fine trucks if K.C. built them. She's just bitter that she has to ride in the horse trailer because her ass is to fat to sit in the cab section and admire the fine work that K.C puts out. Well, good luck to all the plants, and employees of the big 3 and keep the faith as things will eventually get better.
  14. What the fuck does Obama, have to do with anything dickhead ? All I was saying was, I hope the people that get brought back to work aren't lazy fucking assholes like you and that fat shit- sloppygirl ! u finish 8th grade ? what a dick.
  15. Thank -you Dog. I almost lost it. I'm better now. good -nite friend!
  16. Your another one. I'll return for 15 bucks ! How about fuck you and every wanna be ford worker that wants 15 dollars an hour. Our brothers and sisters fought and worked their asses off for everything the UAW has. It's up to the remaining UAW members to keep up the fight without dickbags like you and kirby boy spewing dumb shit like a 50% pay cut. On talk radio ? FUCKER SHUT UPPPPPPPPP> AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH uiguirey89-uhgirjhgklhgeskuhew
  17. Look here "FORMER hourly employee" you left to sell fucking vacuum cleaners for kirby! your fat ass didn't want $28 bucks an hour than because the work was to hard or hot, so stop your bullshit about taking $15 now! We earn every penny we make and just because these stump grinders cant run a buisness doesn't mean we should suffer. And what the fuck does ford motor have to do with you losing equity in your mobile home(trailer)? Shut the fuck up and find a kirby site to cry on.
  18. YES YOU STUPID ASS ! Who the fuck else ?
  19. What great news for DTP ! Where are they getting them from ? I hope the 1000 people that either come back to DTP, or come for the first time aren't lazy fuckers. With the buyout's getting rid of the old fucker's and dead weight I hope we get 1000 people that want to work ! Oh ya, leave the bitches home because they don't want to work either. Good luck to the one's coming though. Hope they come from Jersey, cause those boys know how to build trucks.!!
  20. Fuck nelly ! Wherever the Yankee goes, 'it's his plant' !!! Crying about a burnt cookie's in the cafeteria! Most plants don't have caf's you ungrafetful slob. Marvin's right fat-ass, make your 4 dozen and choke on the fuckers.
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