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Everything posted by bigphish

  1. Something to say in every thread you have now graduated to babbling IDIOT.
  2. Your opinions are worthless so please STFU IDIOT
  3. Let's see a bunch of plants got new work. What about the one's that didn't ? We got 3 raises for people that haven't even been hired yet. That's just brilliant. Now the company is giving bonuses and raises to management.( trust me they are all laughing at us ) I hope everyone that voted yes is proud of themselves. What a bunch selfish, spineless idiots.
  4. And pulse received the stfu IDIOT award plus profit sharing and signing bonus
  5. Nobody cares what you personally think so please STFU ....................IDIOT
  6. So i guess the answer is the company funded our veba 57%, but 57% of what ? How much more is needed to get it funded ? answer 43%, but how much money is 43% ? Does anyone have the answer ? This shit is going to turn into a runaway train, 10% of our profit sharing this contract, how much next contract 50%, over half of this workforce will be able to retire in the next 15 years, will there be anything left when we retire. How many retiree's are getting benefits from the veba now ? Are we just paying for them only to get screwed when we retire. I'm just looking for some answers. If this line of questioning offends anyone sorry. I just want the truth, tired of the lies and deception.
  7. Tired of hearing in this economy. You're right we do have good jobs, but in this same economy ford has 10 straight billion+ quarters in a row, handing out millions in executive bonuses and we sit stagnant for 4 more years IN THIS ECONOMY.
  8. Hey Longball, glad us guys crack you up. So your saying the iuaw is a corporation, if so, we pay their wages and their retirement that would make us the boss, Only thing is the inmates are running the asylum. I am just making some suggestions and asking some questions. I don't think you like any of them. Why should it just be us, the one's who go to work and bust our asses everyday, why should we keep taking financial hits, while others can vote themselves a raise. If those positions at solidarity house were voted for by the membership nobody there would be re-elected. The iuaw is going to make a ton of money off of the big 3 contracts, maybe they should vote themselves another raise, Everyone knows they earned it. I am still looking for some simple answers to previously asked questions. HOW MUCH MONEY IS NEEDED TO FUND THE VEBA !! Like you Longball, i to am tired of the BS.
  9. If you read the beginning of this thread a few ideas were suggested. I am quite sure nobody in the iuaw likes any of them but i do. If we the current 40,000 employees give 10% of are profit sharing, are there any guarantees there will be anything left when we retire. I don't think so, but i'm quite sure the people in the solidarity house aren't to worried with there two pensions and all.
  10. With all the union reps who comment on here, can we get a simple answer. How much money is needed to get the veba funded correctly, or is that to much to ask.
  11. Thanks Trailfndr, but 57% of what. How much more money is needed to get it funded correctly. I do not trust anyone at the solidarity house, especially when it comes to money. They have lied to us way to many times to be trusted. As i stated earlier they put us in this mess and now they want us to bail them out. they are not held accountable because they are not voted in. Something has to change. The company isn't the only one laughing at us, so are all the appointed pricks in the solidarity house.
  12. i was going to add the strike fund but i forgot, thanks for adding that. how short is the veba ? how much do they need to get it funded at the level they lied about ? is it a never ending money grab ?
  13. Well since we were lied to and the veba is not fully funded, i purpose a few things that should be done before my next profit sharing check is raped................... 1. Sell black lake now most of us have never been and never will. ..............2. Sell all local union halls ,these buildings sit empty all day, the company provides a place for the union to do their business. how much money is spent on upkeep and utilities at all these buildings some of which are only a mile or two apart. hold union meetings at a rented V.F.W. , elks or a moose hall i'm sure it would be cheaper...............3. Sell the regional buildings to, its a joke how much of are dues are wasted with all these buildings just so people have a place to hide from us........................4 The iuaw just voted themselves a raise, we didn't get one why should they. I say give it back and put in the veba just like we did with the last raise we were supposed to get.............................are there separate vebas for each company or do all retirees benefit from the same one. If it is one how can 10% be fair when each company earns a different amount of profits or none at all............................. iuaw is like the government, way to big and out of touch with the people who pay their wages.................... one man one vote the bullshit has to stop.
  14. 4 more years of no raises and no cola while management got their shit back is a hard pill to swallow. It;s called good faith and i see none from the company in this contract. What i see is the company and the IUAW in bed together and it makes me sick thats not what i pay 57 dollars a month for.
  15. Like i said they bargained for a raise for people that don't even work for the company. THAT'S NOT WHAT THE PEOPLE WANTED. I do not think a return of our break minutes or the day after Easter would effect their precious number that much. A few crumbs for the people who pay the bargaining committee to do a job for them not themselves. Just those 2 things added and this would have easily passed.
  16. Mr Hodges, i usually agree or at least respect your opinion but this agreement is crap. IUAW negotiated a raise for people who haven't even been hired yet. Who does this benefit, certainly not any of us who have been paying union dues for the last 20+yrs. Just a few crumbs thrown our way and this would have passed easily, but no they bring this POS to us that benefits them ( more union dues ) and the company. We deserve better from the people who live off of our sweat and money. Every person on that negotiating team should be embarrassed. They are supposed to work for us but we see who they really work for.
  17. Hey, but they got raises for people that don't even work for the company yet. Nothing for the people they they represent now, there is something wrong with that picture. This must be voted down.
  18. Please take a double dose of STFU and don't forget your nite cap of GFY.
  19. Please ignore pulse, for she is an idiot who would vote yes on any pos contract they put in front of her, she can't help it. Stop fear mongering and spreading lies you fucking IDIOT.
  20. Sharp Shooter please crawl back under your rock and please take SHO_DRIVER with you.The money is nothing but a bribe to get this piece of shit contract ratified. VOTE NO SEND THEM BACK TO THE TABLE.
  21. Anyone who thinks this is a good contract is a sheep and is following the sheep in front of them to closely. Now stop, your head will pop out of the sheep's ass in front of you. Now look at the contract again it is shit, you got nothing back, nothing, We sacrificed for them and this is your thanks you get nothing. The money they're offering is nothing but a bribe, once it's gone you will be back to 4 more years of nothing while they continue to give themselves multi-million dollar bonuses it's sick. VOTE NO send them back to the table. I think they can do better.They couldn't even get are break minutes back it's pitiful.
  22. The problem with the new focus panel is design and machinery period. They've spent millions on equipment that doesn't work. If i gave you a box of plastic resin and a bic lighter i'm sure you could build a quality part you seem to have the answer for everything. Light blue are pissed because they don't make as much as dark blue wrong. Do you even know what light blue means, let me help you out. They are ford workers from other plants who get paid what they were making at there other plant, unless they get a classified job that pays more, then they get a raise. Orange,temps,ach, workers whatever you want to call them make half of what a ford worker makes for doing the same job , they are not all drunk and high,most are very hard workers just trying to pay there bills with a lot less money. "come and out drunk and high" you sound like the drunk and high one. Saline bashing seems to be popular subject on here, this plant builds thousands of ips, door skins and consoles everyday by a lot of hard working people. Are you jealous because you had to leave or are you just a malcontent, i think a little of both.
  23. Hey IDIOT, why don't you STFU and let your asinine thread die ............IDIOT
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