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Everything posted by bigphish

  1. Just as you are a prime example of idiocy. IDIOT
  2. More like chapped from kissing all that a$$ shut up IDIOT
  3. Your thread is stupid so STFU IDIOT
  4. No one asked you idiot.so go back to your rock, crawl under and STFU
  5. Thanks for the history lesson.
  6. My vote goes to you idiot, with soupy and level a very close second.
  7. Rumor mongering is that like fear mongering. That's what you were doing a few months ago idiot.
  8. A perfect example of you can't fix stupid, its name is soupy. IDIOT
  9. Shut up idiot, nobody cares what you have to say.
  10. LOL you were an idiot a year ago, 4 months ago and i see you are still one today. You pulse,soupy,and condor should all just STFU. We all know you would sell your souls for that coveted appointed job if you haven't already. you are all laughable IDIOTS
  11. Thought i would give my vision of you since you seem to have one of me. Lets see, a meely mouthed lard azzed wench,with no seniority, who has her nose in everybody's business, can't do a job, thinks everyone likes her( i am sure they don't ) and would do anything or anyone to get a union job. BYE IDIOT
  12. WOW that is funny, to bad your still an idiot in case you forgot. I would say more but i got a cramp i think i have to take a soupy. Have a nice day you 2 IDIOTS
  13. Yes lets look back in time. Leading up to Feb concessions vote i said vote no, it saved the company squat, I said they would be back for more. What did you say ,oh you called me an idiot. 8 mos later they were back for more i called you an idiot. Sadly i didn't archive any of your posts from this time. I just remembered names of the fools and your name topped the list. I have sided with no one, i don't need any ones( chripers ) help in determining that you indeed are an idiot.You applaud bob king LOL you must be kidding. He and his grievance are the farce he's just trying to make himself look good after sending out his troops to lie,threaten, and scare people only to have it blow up in his face. He should be impeached today he is a weasel and you are an idiot. Chriper did let me know you were a woman with a husband in the international keep kissing that ass maybe you can get in too they always have room for one more idiot. have a nice night STUPID P. S. I HAVE BALLS AND THEY ARE WHITE
  14. Pulse has a comment on almost every thread. You know what they say opinions are like assholes everybody has one. But what makes you different is your ability to speak through yours. Have a nice day IDIOT.
  15. You say lets stick together. I say STFU the membership has stuck together that's why the bullshit givebacks were voted down. After reading chripers post i see why you were on here spreading lies and fear. Just like most union officials you only care about you. So shut up no one cares what you have to say idiot
  16. No one cares what you have to say. Your another one of the assholes that was on here telling everyone to vote yes for the last round of give backs. So shut up and crawl back in your hole idiot. just like soupy every time i see your name on here i will remind you of the fact that you sir are stupid. HAVE A NICE DAY IDIOT
  17. My last post on this thread, You are a little bitch and every time i see your stupid name in another thread i will remind of this fact. I don't know who you are and i don't care. I'm just glad people didn't listen to your bullshit because then we would look as stupid as you do.P.S. Have a nice day stupid.
  18. My wife likes a man with a spine which we all know you don't have. So why don't you shut the hell up. Nobody gives a shit what your spineless ass has to say idiot. P.S. Have a nice day stupid.
  19. Yes it would, it would even be better if you and pulse and the rest of you idiots that were telling everybody on here to vote yes for the last round of give backs were in the back seat. LOL
  20. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. You people go on and on about pure bullshit they are all fucking crooks, be it republicans or democrats.In a way they are just like the international union they only care about themselves. If you really think any of them care about you and me you are delusional. Bottom line is the rich get richer and you keep typing bullshit on your computers like its going to change something.
  21. I would rather pay a few hundred dollars more for my vehicle, than have the dealer trying to make an extra buck by selling me a warranty that doesn't even cover everything and they do play with the cost. one dealer will charge you more or less for the same coverage than another dealer will. when i am spending 40k plus don't try and gouge me for more
  22. I don't have the answers to your questions. i just think it's sad that we are building great cars and trucks and have the worst warranty in the business. Since 2000 i have bought 5 new vehicles and drove each one at least 100,000 miles 2 went in for warranty work i don't think the additional cost would be more than we would gain from more sales but what do i know
  23. When will ford step up and offer a 5year 100,000 mile warranty. We're building world class cars but they want to gouge customers with over priced extended warranties. Its time to back up what we build.
  24. pulse you are a leader? a leader of what, oh i know the group of people who belive everything they're told by the union and company. most reps only care about themselves and if you think the company cares about your best intrests you are a bigger idiot than i thought. VOTE NO !!!!
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