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  1. Jesus 30,000 dolars + 16,000 + to move and keep your job This kinda bullshit needs to stop and most of the transfers are worthless POS's that do nothing but bitch
  2. Nice Truck Keep up the good work DTP XTR must be getting real popular we have been building alot of them at KCAP :happy feet:
  3. yeah its a good thing if you want to live in chicago michigan or ohio lets wait and see how many bale outa kcap and follow the escape to louisville ? I hear alot of people talking about it because they prefer LAP TO CAP OR WORSE A JOB IN "MICHIGAN" And I wish everyone the best because the last plant with a new product KCAP with the Transit the F-150 and F-100 will have the most entry level workers :angry: and there we go down hill AND THAT HURTS ALL OF US Honestly how many of you would do the work we do for 14 dollars an hour :whipped: NOT ME
  4. i sure hope you get a permanent job Problem? management is the only ones getting anything out of this hourly is fucked TASK+, LINE SPEED INCREASES = pay increases for salary only
  5. i hired in on the box line in 1994 and was there until 2006 don't remember anyone named marvin on tailgate fit went to ho lo i do know the trim shop well and there was know fitters at the end of line 4 if inspection/repair was fitting i sure hate it because all i ever seen them old fucks do was sit and bitch
  6. naw i'm going to stir it because everyone seems to hate kcap ? why ?
  7. wrong we have never had or do we now have door fitters in trim thats done in chassis only fitter we had in trim was tailgate fit that job has been gone since they put the striker machine in a couple of years ago
  8. I'm calling you a liar because I know your line speeds any moron with access to a company computer knows what is being built there So DTP get off your high horse and get real build quality instead of quanity and launch team members from KCAP are there trying to help get the regular cab going and I bought 3 trucks built in NAP and had no problems thank you NAP was closed do to its location sad but true I will not buy a truck built in a show plant lines run yeah and quality is poor So DTP go hump someone elses leg saying your the best when your not even playing in the same league "rookies"
  9. california fags and there rules its been reported there getting poluted by china now wtf
  10. kcap rejects shit everyday i know what your talking about like many parts that are within quality standards you need someone smart enough at the plant to use them and maintain high quality :shades: so please don't make dtp look any worse than they are.... stop pretending to work at kcap talk to someone honest at any assembly plant and they will tell you that the same thing goes on all the time point is if dtp needs perfect parts to build a truck we all know that perfect is impossible i'm not buying anything built there
  11. BULLSHIT We know how many jobs per hour you build average is 45 jobs per hour line speed at 65 per hour They want to raise kcap to 65 jobs per hour now at 63 dtp is mass relief kcap has tag relief kcap averages 58 jobs per hour and the funny thing is we build one hell of alot of high end models and work overtime because dtp can't build what the company wants with 300 less heads per shift dtp is a show plant thats why the company moved trucks built at kcap to dtp to keep there lot full while people are touring during the auto shows kcap launch team is at dtp helping get the regular cab going last word from them was this plant is a mess dtp you will survive and when you get off your high horse and start listening to people that know how to build high quality trucks like kcap and ktp i still won't buy one thanks for trying to f****k us all
  12. a big waste of time ? maybe not it will give uaw leverage to get products ? commitments lmao < already got that with all kinds of ifs that is if this if that if the workers :bowdown: also getting a umpire to rule in the unions favor is the real trick with all the ifs if the economy improves if if if bob lies alittle more and allows the workload to keep increasing line speeds are being raised again at kcap year round rebalance uaw now owns part of the big three because of veba uaw know longer has a pension plan for new appointees well they have matching 401 k cuts in denal health and vision you know what i wonder who does uaw represents because uaw is starting to act like a greedy corperate executive board ? lets give bob a chance he says hes going to force the company to live up to there comitments :devil2: ok
  13. just how it is you may be right no plant building trucks has matched kcap and never will f-150 has been there since 1961 for a good reason "quality" move the f-150 out of kcap and i will not buy another one and i may work for ford and not drive a ford quality products are not built in michigan or ohio top plants in north america are in missouri and kansas kcap and fairfax in 2011 i will vote for the company fuck you assholes playing into this whipsaw bullshit UAW Detroit is a suck city it sucks from the tax payers and returns nothing other than islamic nuts with bad underwear
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