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Everything posted by phil1336

  1. Thanks for the update. Probably more bad news. Looks like late Winter or Early Spring for the 2015 Mustang Convertibles after all. Too bad, Winter is our prime time here in South FL for Ragtops.
  2. Hopefully, Retail Orders for 2015 Mustang Convertibles will start being pulled in the next couple of Thursday scheduling runs. My large volume Ford Dealership with excellent Mustang Allocation hasn`t even got a "Stock Unit" in yet of a Fastback/Coupe to date.
  3. While it seems to in Vogue to constantly "bash" Ford over its EPA Fuel Economy sticker ratings mostly due to its C-Max 47 MPG overstatement, I`m getting an average of over 38 to 39 MPG combined City and Highway with (my) C-Max. Not to shabby considering constant stop and go Urban driving and 75 to 80 MPH Highway speeds for a comfortable 5 passenger Utility Vehicle that has plenty of power and zip. How come the "bashers" have said nothing about the 2011 Ford Fiesta that actually (exceeded) EPA estimates. I got 33-35 MPG City and 41-43 MPG Highway from day one until I traded it in 3 years later for the C-Max!
  4. Its amazing the price difference between non-ethanol gasoline and gasoline with 10% ethanol added in depending on your location. On the other hand, in Palm Beach County Florida, the price even for regular grade gasoline with the 10% ethanol added fluctuates by 40 cents per gallon depending if your refueling in the North or South parts of the County, the cheapest prices being in the Central Part in the poorer areas of Metro West Palm Beach.
  5. Your correct. After reading the Bulletin that my Dealership emailed me I saw that (no) Scheduling is planned for the next 2 Thursdays, Oct 2nd & 9th for the 2015 Mustangs at FRAP with Convertibles finally being scheduled beginning on Thur Oct 16th. Thanks for the correction.
  6. Keep getting your talking points from Florida`s Senator Marco Rubio, huh? Even the poorest amongst us can pull themselves up by their boot straps and achieve the so called American Dream and become Wealthy and live the "good life". BS! You tell me how working (2) Part Time Jobs at or close to minimum wages in the service sector is going to get anyone out of their situation? Tell the Fireman, Policeman, Teacher, Postal Worker, the last of the "working poor" how they will ever be able to move "up-town" and buy a mega house on the Ocean or the Hamptons, purchase a high end Vehicle and take lavish vacations on their Salary? I`d like to get some of that (medical grade) marijuana your smoking. What a hoot. Those that carry a lunch pail to work and punch a time clock are the biggest supporters of "Americans For Prosperity" and "American Crossroads", the billionaire Koch Brothers and Karl Roves lobby group. They got your back. Too bad it has a bulls eyes target on it.
  7. I`m tired of replying to those of you " Fiscal Conservatives" that feel that assuring all Americans are covered by a comprehensive HealthCare Plan that either they pay for on their own, out of pocket or thats provided like every other Country does in the Western Hemisphere. I don`t see hardcore Socialism or worse yet, Communism choking the 99% of Countries that have a National HealthCare system in place. Your other Option is simply provide everyone that can afford or chooses to opt for (real) Health Coverage to have a Dog Tag /proper ID to indicate that they have either Insurance or are rich enough to pay their own costs through self-insurance. No proof of Health Coverage, let them die curbside like the lower Caste of India. If thats the "small" Federal Government of your dreams, wait until that nightmare actually appears in real time. Lots of bitching, bashing, and finger pointing as usual but no concrete proposals or solutions except reincarnate Reagan from his grave and abolish "RomneyCare" and all will be right in America again. Stop watching Fox News and "Leave it to Beaver" re-runs!
  8. Just Posted today in a Production Scheduling Release, Good news for 2015 Mustang Convertible buyers. For the next 2 Thursdays, Oct 2 and Oct 9, (all) Order Scheduling will be for Convertibles (only). Regular scheduling for Fastback/Coupes resumes on Oct 16.
  9. Your correct, in most parts of the Country Pure Gasoline without the added 10% Ethenol is available. Is the added performance and enhanced fuel economy worth the extra 90 cents per gallon? I think (not)! For low consumption tools like you mentioned weed eaters,blowers,chainsaws, mowers fine. Even Outboard Motors for Marine use might justify the premium cost but not for everyday commuting in ones Vehicle.
  10. So (you) want to pay for your own HealthCare and negotiate a discount fee for out of pocket payment? Whats your Credit Card Limit before you Max out your wallet full of Cards? Think it will cover the discounted cost of Cancer Treatment, Open Heart Surgery or Kidney Failure. Get out of your Fox New (Bubble) before you start suffering permanent brain damage due to oxogen depravation. If you equate that HealthCare is a distant third in importance to food or shelter, just wait until you or a family member eventually gets sick. Guess you counting on a quick and sudden death and paying off the "final expenses" with an "elcheapo" up the chimney direct Cremation for $495, huh? Man Plans while God Laughs!
  11. Deflection akirby Ok, YOU tell me once you balance the books by repealing "RomneyCare" those so called Tax savings to reduce the National Debt will simply be transferred over for MediCaid re-imbursement instead. The Hospitals and Doctors will be paid for their services (still) by Tax Payers dollars unless, you simply refuse the "un & under" insured access to treatment. Thats a "deflection"? Thats simply a Fact! Perhaps you have another (secret) source of paying for those folks?
  12. Trimdingman; Assuming you are a Canadian and also assuming your covered by Canadian National HealthCare through Ontario, kindly Post and update when you yourself withdraw from your Socialized Medical Plan and decide to go un-insured giving yourself the opportunity for (you) to shop around for the best deal on both Medical Providers and Drugs and (then) get back and update your mindless dribble! Another self-obsorbed Conservative crowing, everything is fine just as long as "I got mine"! Comparing shopping for new Kitchen Appliances and life saving open Heart surgery or Cancer treatment is a good analogy, huh?
  13. Fine, "You" travel over to Haiti or a host of other Third World Counties and shop around for a non-board certified Doctor to perform a procedure on your or one of your family members. I`ll opt out of that, thank you. You wanna roll the dice with your life, fine. I`ll choose board certified and look for a deal on a Used Car instead.
  14. Its very simple, Medicine and Hospitalization should (not) be For Profit. HealthCare is a basic need, not a commodity that should be sold and marketed as a consumer product. Doctors and Hospitals have a "list price" and a severely discount actual price they pay major Insurance providers. Its a hoax and a joke. Like I said, if you don`t like "RomneyCare" because "O" put a dark shadow over it, fine. Put your "Plan" on the table to initiate real HealthCare Coverage of all Americans. Like akirby retorts, "deflecting" but no plan to fix the obvious problem. Your point that Seniors need to purchase a "Supplemental Plan) to cover the roughly 20% that MediCare Part B doesn`t pay, whats your point? Ask anyone over 65 if they would be willing to give up their (flawed) MediCare Coverage for your non-existant proposal. Whats your next proposal, initiate the India "Caste" system for use here in the U.S.? Its pretty much already in place.
  15. The only thing worse then Canadian style National HealthCare is having either (no) Health Insurance or being (under-insured) with a Plan that won`t pay for Crap with huge co-pays and deductibles. How come MediCare is so popular with Seniors? Their HeathCare being rationed too? Someone must pay for the under/un-insured! MediCaid for everyone or just let them curl up and die curbside if they don`t have a Membership Card? You plan please?
  16. Reaganomics and the failed "trickle down theory" didn`t work then nor now! It just lead to the largest income disparity this nation has seen since the turn of the 20th Century. True, our modern day Robber Barons and the wealthiest 2%ers are doing fine, thank you. The rest of the Country, not so much. Just because there is a wait list for high end Rolls Royces, Bentley`s and other luxury items doesn`t mean that America is enjoying a high standard of living, regardless what nonsense Fox News repeats daily.
  17. Want a quick solution? Single Payer National HealthCare like "every" other Nation in the Western Hemisphere already has. Socialized Medicine? Scary, huh? Just like MediCare for those over 65. Any Seniors want to give up on that?
  18. I`ll take on (your) concern of our National Debt as soon as you and other Fiscal Conservatives reel in out of control Corporate Welfare and giving our Department of War a blank check to purchase more Tanks that they (don`t want) or need or Aircraft that won`t fly. If you call that a "deflection", so be it! If you don`t want the Government to be in the Food Stamp Business, an $8 @ hr minimum wage where many folks are required to work (2) Part-Time Jobs in order to (attempt) to keep their nostrils from taking in water and drowning. Minimum wage Jobs are not just for Teenagers and those first entering the Job market any longer. Its the "standard" of our new growing "Service Industry" economy.
  19. Some people also don`t see a connection between Pay for Profit privately run Prison Systems. They build them and then require an 85% "occupancy" rate. What other Nation in the entire World has over 3 million of its Citizens locked up most for non-violent crimes?
  20. Its true, Democrats,LIberals, and Progressives want to piss away our future on "entitlements" for People. Republicans,Conservatives,and Fox News want to do the same but rather have the Military Industrial Complex, our Department of War, Big Agra, Big Pharma, and Big Oil get the handouts. You know, our cherished worshipped "Job Creators". The Warfare Queens love listening to the beat of War Drums while tapping their toes.
  21. Would you prefer to repeal "RomneyCare" and replace it with our previous HealthCare Plan for the un or under-insured, MediCaid, paid for by Taxpayer dollars?
  22. Believe what you want but I can attest that I had my 2013 C-Max Hybrid SE Daytime Running Lights activated by an (authorized) Ford Dealership this past year. Thats bull shit that its (illegal) to do so unless it was "Factory Ordered" as a Fleet Purchase or for Canadian Export only. Something like DRL`s are (legal) for use in the U.S. for Fleet Purchase but (illegal) for non-Fleet use? LMAO For the last time, the DRL`s are activated through the Body Control Module using an IDS Programmer and the Vehicle`s Smart Junction Box. Normally, simply scrolling down to Vehicle Lighting brings a (sub-menue) of Daytime Running Lights, Enable or Disable. If that has been changed, other items or settings may need to be re-programmed or re-installed but it (can) be done by someone who knows their Electronics. Ford could simply make them standard equipment or at the very least offer them as an Option to Retail Buyers as they now do for Fleet Purchase requiring a valid Fleet Identification Number, FIN. Such madness while almost every other Vehicle Manufacturer (except) Ford has made them standard for most of their 2015 Models.
  23. OMG, akirby and I for the second or third time actually agree on something. I too second the motion to make Wyoming the drop off point for these social outcasts much like Britain did with theirs when they sent them years ago to Australia. Ahh, I`m sure the Cheney`s would greet the new arrivals with "open arms", the kind you lock and load!
  24. Stop crying in your "Biere" eh? Do something constructive instead of bitching. Start a Canadian Tea Party Group like the old Rino Party and maybe a Canadian NRA too while your at it! Good thing you don`t live in Quebec! Qui?
  25. Did the Democrats utter the (same) Statement that Mitch McConnell did while George W was taking his Oath of Office? Yes or No? Who exactly can you quote? The "fact" that the Supreme Court order the botched up Florida Vote Recount to be halted in Palm Beach County (heavily Democratic) where most of the "hanging chads" issues were located on behalf of the request of Florida`s Republican Secretary of State, Katherine Harris. Bush "stole" the Election from Gore, period. I`m not going to even go there where Bush lost the Popular National Vote but was given the win by adding in Florida`s Electoral Votes. Its over, I accept it, its history except for those that still serve in Iraq and Afghanistan as "advisors". It takes (2) to compromise, weepy John Boehner is no "Tip" O`Neil!
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