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Stamping Grunt

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Everything posted by Stamping Grunt

  1. LOL... Just for the record, the word GENIUS, does not have an "O". spell ck.?
  2. your math doesnt add up well, you get a good portion of your money back at tax time . you must not be claiming correctly to meet your needs. claim 0 they take the max out of your check, give you hefty refund. claim a 3 and they give you most money in check , little or no refund at tax time
  3. Well said. Any one of us would take the same road if given . if my Daddy had strings to pull i would grab them also, lets be real here.
  4. You must not have much senority, if you havent been around long enough to know , Ford does things the way they want to. just sayin
  5. Not to rain on your parade, you have your post listed as AHC, It is in fact ACH... just sayin...Automotive Components Holdings LLC.
  6. How could it be any worse than the clowns running the circus now? be real. Stamping plant is a JOKE.
  7. normal checks show up just after 9 pm tues. on @ ford.com.
  8. Once again as posted, you are knocking your brothers & sisters of Ford. Did you work in Saline with all of us hicks? Us country folk can make even lawn mowing fun. Obviously you have not seen these lawn mowers. Some of them are as fast as a quad. don't knock it till you see it.
  9. Yeah, I get it genius. But I say Toledo, since I'm closest to it. nice try though!
  10. I own the current model, & don't live in Detroit ,or work for Hertz. Perhaps you were confused on your statement. :happy feet:
  11. there are several temps in the stamping plant.
  12. I also have the long drive, that many others have. I am not going to risk my life or someone elses to try to get to work during a massive snow storm. $7 or $28 is not worth anyones life or injury , sorry to disappoint you. This is why we have personal days , to use as WE see the need too.
  13. I read that they are Out sourcing cleaners in Saline? That sucks, Whats next? We the workers?
  14. I feel Mulally should get a big check. He has guided Ford through this down turn, using no bailout money and led Ford to profitability, as he promised to do ,& sooner than expected. I would loved to have had a bigger check, but am very greatful to get what we will. They probably could have blown more of it paying down debt, but decided to compensate us with profit sharing. I'll take it ! Just my opinion!
  15. Wow, someone, that didn't like Saline? I spent several yrs. there. Unless it has changed, It was a walk in the park. Whats not to like about that type of atmosphere. I now have blue oval security, if you want to call it that, but have to work alot harder than Saline ever was.
  16. we have a guy in Stamping with about 58 years seniority, working on the line daily, & over time to boot. some of These, old farts as you call them , will never leave. Crazy if you ask me, but each to them selves.
  17. lol..... I used to work in Saline, Can I have one too?
  18. if you just got laid off, you probably will not get sub before new year. 2 weeks till you call marvin , then another week for sub pay.
  19. LOL..... this was my poor attempt @ humor, sorry if I offended anyone. It seems as though all everyone does on here is bicker back & forth .
  20. Former Saline member

  21. If your on here, Wasting time, Looking for something interesting to read, I have nothing Interesting to read , But I have successfully wasted your time. :happy feet: :hyper:
  22. Please share details, Not heard anything in Dearborn yet. Come on , Spice up the rumor mill. :happy feet: :happy feet:
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