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Everything posted by wildcatswon1

  1. Sounds to me that some Union thugs have an ass-whooping coming. If in fact these stories are true. I thought the Union analwarts at my plant were bad. Proof that everything that comes out of Chicago smells like an armpit.
  2. First of all, just in case you didn't notice, when you clicked that first button after entering the forum pages, it said you are suppposed to be a Ford employee for this forum. Obviously you are an idiot or you are so arrogant that you feel it doesn't apply to you. Read all you want but keep your comments to yourself. But I would go with the first thing and call you an idiot because your post sounds like you are either not of this country, drunk, stupid or some combination of the three. Your Fusion was made by Mexicans and if I had to guess, that is probably where you are at right now so why don't you go to "Planet Alan Mulally"and screw yourself. I don't deserve my greedy.......WTF, you are definitely an idiot. Either read your posts before you post them or get Rosetta Stone moron. You keep running Forest.
  3. Hey norty! Didn't I reply to you a couple of days ago and called you a "factory grunt" and asked you "what expectation of class could you possibly have" after you told me I had no class? You didn't like it then and called me a "inbred Fucktucky idiot". I see you really secretly liked my reply because it reminded you of who you really are. Hell, you are using my words too, almost verbatim. LMFAO!! You are wrong about this too and you know it. No one will ever make it to be IUAW unless they are part of the "good ole boy network", unless our leadership is elected by the membership...period. As far as anyone not buying a Ford because the people who work for them go on strike over pay and benefits. Well, what can I say. Anyone who bases their decision of buying a vehicle on what the workers say about their pay and benefits is fucking ignorant...no they are fucking stupid. Ignorance is defined as not being aware of something, hence the saying "ignorance of the law is no defense at all", but surely they would be aware of how stupid that is. Hey Norty. I found your movie. The link is below. Tell us which one you played. I knew you were really mexican. http://youtu.be/RN9-8rwJ5OY
  4. I'm a right wing ball sack too. Have a go at me bitch. You left wing fag-loving, anti gun, politically correct fucks make me sick. Being right wing doesn't have to mean you hate unions dumb fuck. It means you support the principles that made this country great. Not the anti god, anti country, anti family pukes on the left. Have a look at those around you. You would be suprised at how many of your friends are right wing. I'm proud to be part of a union but our leadership is corrupt. They are in bed with the company. If you don't believe it, look at the past 4 years and probably the next 4. Evidence enough? I would love to have my raises back, my COLA, my 6 min, my 10% of my profit sharing but all you assholes that vote for this contract WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for giving them up for your lifetime if you haven't already. Just as someone else stated in this thread, we have earned the right to a raise and restoration of our concessions. The guilt put on us for demanding them is bullshit. You sound like a company plant when you talk this shit up and talk us down. Give me my god Give me my family Give me my country Give me my guns Give me a raise Give me less taxes and get the fuck out of my life Everything Obama and the "left wing" hates.
  5. Just for the record, if you read the wording real carefully you can smell the fuckjuice. It is not called a signing bonus, it is called a "settlement" bonus which most likely means it is a signing bonus and your equity of sacrifice grievance "settlement". Thank you once again Mrs. King. The membership will wake up one day and we will force a vote on your job one day. Enjoy your dirty under the table money while it lasts because its coming. ijiji.bmp
  6. That is what I have been telling people for years at KTP. You need to elect people on a local level at all plants that have enough balls to go to the convention and put up for a vote to change our bylaws and allow an election on our so called IUAW leadership. Once again, I call to all hourly union auto workers, make them listen to you. Don't hope they will each and every time this shit comes around. Force them to negotiate and stand up for what the majority of us want. Better yet, we ought to do this and figure out a way to have people like Gettlefinger, King, etc. investigated. Have their financial dealing investigated. See if they really are doing what most of us think they are doing. You guys are criminals. I will throw a party the day either one of these happens. The teamsters vote for their leader. WTF. Why don't we? Because "they" won't allow it and they scare all your reps that attend the convention into never attempting to bring it up and if they do, they are blackballed and word gets back to their plant and they are badmouthed and whatdoyaknow...BAM, they don't get reelected. I have never run for election at my plant because I have never wanted to be part of the fucking good ole boy network, but I am thinking about it. You fuckers days are coming and we don't wanna see tears from ya when it does, we only wanna see footsteps. Your footsteps walking out the fucking door! You have let Ford take from us too long now and now you are doing it too (10% on profit sharing). Its coming, you better find a better hiding place for that dirty money. Revolution does not have to come in the form of violence. It can come in the form of an awakening and the desire for change from a far more intelligent group of people than you give credit to.
  7. Hate? You called me inbred you nosey fuck. Was it really any of your fucking business about me ranting? If you can't handle someone addressing you directly, then shut the fuck up and stay the fuck out. As far as you being Irish, well that is still on the table. Don't be crying when the Union takes 10%of your profit sharing next year if this passes. Have you even asked if that is on top of the 1 or so % they already take. Ok with that but 10% is too much. Are you ok with making the same money you made in 1999? Im not. Do you enjoy your shorter breaks? I don't. Do you enjoy having a dog lick peanut butter off your sack? I do.......just kidding. Have you ever thought that people like myself get on here and rant because the sorry pukes that negotiate for us don't fucking listen to what we want? Or that people like me get sick of hearing "they can do that" when management tramples on our contract language in the plant and there isn't a fucking thing you can do except file a grievance that will never be paid because you either lose the argument or it is traded to get the alcoholic or drugaddict that can't come to work his/her job back. So yeah I rant but you would want to know me if you needed someone to have your back but that is neither here nor there. Basically it boils down to this, it is not a good contract. It has some good things in it, but that doesn't make it good. Everyone one I know told the union we want our raises back, we want our COLA, we want 6 min, etc. No one said "could ya get us some investment, could ya get the 2nd tier guys some more money?" I'm not knocking anyone getting anything, I am saying that all of us who have been here giving back and giving back want some back. I've been at Ford for 18 years and I have been giving back for almost half of that and the union leadership has no problem with that as long as they gain membership and union dues. Wouldn't you have liked a $3.78/hr raise? Oh and last but not least.....go fuck yourself. lol
  8. El norte? Do you work at the Fusion plant? hows the weather down there in Mexico you greasy fuck. So because I am from Kentucky I should be a grateful little hick and be glad I have a job, huh? You can go fuck yourself with your mama's tamale. And for the record, there are not 3 i's in "imbecile" tacotucky. You go and vote yes if you wish, wait a minute, don't you have to be a US citizen to vote?
  9. Fuck class and fuck you. You are a factory grunt. What expectation of class can you possibly have? I'm pissed you moron!
  10. Don't worry I wouldn't like you anyway company/union drone. I don't fraternize with feminine men. As for your benefits, the international "leadership" enjoys better benefits. Better pension that just so happens to not be reduced by the amount of social security they receive and provided that my info that i have been given, their health insurance is much more robust than yours with less out of pocket expenses. I can remember back about 8 years ago my local leadership, the chairman and 2 of the 3 members of the bargaining committee were all fortunate enough to be "buying" new super duty trucks decked to the nuts at the same time, which just by coincidence happened to be directly after the contracts were ratified by a 51% to 49% margin. But that is OK cause my buddy took a piss in the back floorboard of each one as an extra gift for their efforts. Don't be a drone.
  11. I say FUCK YOU to the IUAW!!!! You can suck my dick!!! You rotten fucks have been guiding managements dicks up our asses for years and telling us how you are helping us and our future. You sorry motherfuckers are only interested in keeping the rolls up and raking in good ole union dues, hence the huge emphasis in this piece of tp that you are calling a contract proposal, on more jobs and higher wages for 2nd tier employees. They get almost a $4 an hour raise and we haven't had one in 8 years and now you want us to make it 12? FUCK YOU!! No COLA per hour? FUCK YOU!! No 6 min per hour breaks? FUCK YOU!! Taking 10% of our profit sharing? FUCK, FUCK AND TRIPLE FUCK YOU!! Listen people out in the plants. You need to pressure and I do mean pressure your sorry ass scared pussy reps that go to the fagfest constitutional convention or whatever they call it and vote to allow us to vote on our international leadership. Hey you fucks up there. We are sick of you and I am going to lead a charge and I'm coming for your jobs. You are finished fucking us and padding your own pockets. I think all of your financial dealings needs to be investigated and I'm sure they would find that you have taken money under the table to throw us under the bus. The answer is NO from me here at KTP. Make it right our take us out fuckers. I demand it.
  12. WOW! What a conversation. My question is "Do you believe in anything?". You have to believe that something/ someone whatever started all of this. The big bang? I don't think so. What created the pieces that came together to make the big bang even if there were a big bang? There has to be some sort of creator. Even if it isn't the creator that our little minds think to be, something had to start it all. There just wasn't always a universe and everything in it wasn't just always there. If you look on Earth, everything is created by a process of events and materials. It is not by coincidence that s@#! keeps coming together and making cells in all the living things that walk, crawl, jump and run. It is not a coincidence that the air that allows us to breath stays where we need it. They are sets of laws and rules created by something. It is not just a big friggin accident. I've been asked how i can explain anomalies like mutation. Its got to be a rule. It is a rule to allow for the evolution of all living things in order for us as a species to grow and evolve into what we are meant to be......
  13. I am glad that I can be enlightened by such and old far....umm I mean old wizard like you. I was talking about their bonus compensation that they WILL be receiving for last year. It will be huge. As for anyone else who thinks that they deserve it, you are an unstable mind. There is no justification for ridiculous, inflated salaries and bonuses for the guys who cost more to employ (minus pay) than any hourly worker will be paid in compensation. i.e. company cars, company jets, fringe benefits, etc. I can only imagine how much it actually costs the company for Alan and Mark to work for it. Then you add the pay and bonuses and stock options. Especially when they add very little value if any to the products that we produce. Anybody can say yes or no. Why don't we try to put a monkey up there, pay him in bananas and see how much money we can save.
  14. Which is exactly what I was saying.........OVERPAID!
  15. I am curious about something though........hmmmm........... I wonder how much Alan Mulally and Mark Fields profit sharing bonuses will be......hmmmm They will probably be able to pay about 8000 to 10000 of the hourly profit sharing checks with just their 2 checks. Thanks Al, thanks Marko. Y'all great guys!
  16. I hear ya there. I was really expecting a much bigger check, actually was hoping to be around $8000-$10000, but as i am sure someone will comment, i am just glad to be getting something. As far as the 2:1 ratio, that is definitely to high. I am sure i could come up with some job cuts on the salary side if they wanted to shed some of that dead weight. They could start by eliminating all MPS positions. Make the superintendants and area managers do some of the leg work instead of sitting in meetings all day.
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