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Everything posted by fmco76

  1. Mr.Decker, we don’t know all the details about the agreement yet, but do you think you owe Mr. Fain an apology? He has done more for the membership in his short tenure than the last 5 presidents combined.
  2. I wish the membership had the intestinal fortitude to walk out in September if a satisfactory contract is not reached. This is probably the best time to get what the members are asking for, however, the union and company knows the members haven’t united in over 40 years. Why is the UAW not screaming for Farley removal. What a horrendous quarter. Are there still thousands of trucks parked at the Kentucky race track?
  3. Chassisgroupleader, members like you are why there is a two tier pay system in the union. Your selfishness is sad. I am sure you have never voted against a national contract.Just remember these two tier employees will be in the majority within 10 years. They are going to remember people like you, unfortunately everyone pays for people who will not stand up for what is right.
  4. They have a form of Socialism. I am sure you have a computer and the internet. Try researching information and quit believing uncle Bernie. Don’t be a sheep all your life. The truth is out there. All you have to do is search for it. History repeat itself it you don’t learn from it.
  5. Sorry, not sure where I got 27yrs. from. In over 30 yrs. how many times did you receive unemployment? How much did you pay into the state for unemployment? Nothing!! Your taxes help pay for your child education if they went to public school, also for the road you drive on police, fire, etc. Do we have corrupt and unethical people? Sure. Both political parties are terrible, however, I would not want to live anywhere else. The question is why do these same people get voted in every election. I have never heard a UAW member state they have voted for the national contract in the last 12 or so yrs. Just like no one admits to voting for Trump in 2016, yet he was elected and every contract ratified. Somebody not telling the truth. Look back in history to see how socialism has faired. Don’t be a sheep and believe what you hear on the news, campaign speeches, and even the union propaganda. Socialism only last until there is no more money. This country is 22 trillion dollars in debt. If the govt. took every dime from all the wealthiest people in our country it would not put a dent in to paying off the debt. How long would it take for this country to become Venezuela if we went to a socialist type govt? By the way, Venezuela once was the riches country in South America. Look at it now!!
  6. Just by reading what you wrote tells me your a victim of your own ignorance. You have to work for what you want and have the knowledge and discipline on how to manage your money. Why do you think you are owed anything? There is nothing free in this world. Did the govt. take care of citizens prior to the last 50 yrs? By the way, I have only been a hourly person my entire Ford career. Laid off for 4 straight yrs. I wasn’t mechanically inclined to be in skilled trades. I can only say that God has blessed me more than I ever dreamed. Always remember, You have to give to receive!! One other thing, when you see an old retiree, thank them for all they sacrificed, so you were able to receive the sub pay, short work week benefits, and all the other benefits you enjoy. You my friend, having only 27 yrs. have not sacrificed anything. You have not walk a picket line or lived off the strike fund. Do you think the old timers would have allowed a two tier pay system? Are you one of those who says “I would be happy with a nice signing bonus?”
  7. Chassisgroupleade, I haven’t seen or heard a Democratic candidate running for office. I have heard and seen socialist and communist candidates running. I read your comment that you would be happy with just a nice signing bonus for this contract. All I can say, is thank God we had real and committed members years ago who thought about doing what is best for the future not just for today. Thank you retirees who weren’t selfish and only thought about today. I was told when I first started with Ford that if you do not have at least one million dollars in assets by the time you get your 30 years in, you have squandered your money. That was before all the signing bonuses and extravagant profit sharing bonuses.All those signing bonus and profit sharing checks are nice, but what would the members have today if they would have gotten a 3% raise and Life Income Benefits increases every three years?
  8. This contract let’s get something for the retirees who had the strength, courage, and fortitude to go out on strike to get us most of the benefits we have today. The last company wide strike was in 1976. Most of us have never been on strike. We have only enjoyed the benefits our Grandfathers and Fathers fought for. Let’s demand that our contracts go back to 3 years in length and that are retirees are given more than a $50.00 a year Christmas bonus.
  9. This contract let’s get something for the retirees who had the strength, courage, and fortitude to go out on strike to get us most of the benefits we have today. The last company wide strike was in 1976. Most of us have never been on strike. We have only enjoyed the benefits our Grandfathers and Fathers fought for. Let’s demand that our contracts go back to 3 years in length and that are retirees are given more than a $50.00 a year Christmas bonus.
  10. This contract lets get something for the retirees who had the strength, courage, and fortitude to go out on strike to get us most of the benefits we have today. The last company wide strike was in 1976. Most of us have never been on strike. We have only enjoyed the benefits our Grandfathers and Fathers fought for. Let’s demand that our contracts go back to 3 years in length and that are retirees are given more than a $50.00 a year Christmas bonus.
  11. Just used the legal plan to close on my house. Found out at closing I was being charged $200.00 for legal fees. ( no attorney,just a para legal in room to show me where to sign) When we had the plan before it paid all attorney charges. Total cost was $350.00. Another half truth from UAW about getting back legal plan. The new plan is nothing like the old plan. Thanks for nothing bargaining committee.
  12. I used to listen to these younger employees always say, when I get my 30 yrs. I out of here. I checked with some of them since they got their 30 and quess what, they are still working. Younger people just want the older ones out so their seniority and job security goes up. Listen people, work as long as you want. I am thankful that we have a pension plan, but it can and should be better. Do away with the supplement Ford offers until you reach age 62, and replace it with $75 per year (75 x 30 = $2250) you work. This gives you a livable retirement and also make you really think about leaving with 30 years at a young age. Now let talk about the VEBA system for retires health ins. If you retire before 65, you have a $750 deductible before ins. pays a dime. You get 6 primary care visits at a $25 co pay per visit per year. Anymore visits you pay. If you go to a specialist, you pay is what the negotiated price between the ins. co. and Dr. That is over $100 per visit. When you get older unfortunately you need to see Cardiologist, Urologist, Dermatologists etc. My friend told me he had a crown put on at a cost of $125 while working. A year later, and now retired, he had to pay $450 for the same crown. I really feel the Union sold the retirees out with VEBA. My quess is they (union officials) have a better plan than this. Now for Social Security. Do not plan on this because our politicians have robbed this over the years. There will not be enough money to run this program in less than 15 yrs. The main thing is to have a plan when and if you retire. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
  13. Hey Redwing, you have been watching and listening to much of the mainstream media. The media is now trying to divide this country. Facts show shootings of AA are way down. With camera phones and social media everything is put on the internet.Everything I have ever seen or heard, the suspect never obeys the command of the officer. If they would have they would be alive today. The problem is there is no respect for authority. Whether that be the police, teachers, and even their own parents. I believe most people are against the mistreatment of people. I wish I could say all people.
  14. Absolutely, Ford should allow you to take a knee to protest.They should also have safe places for employees to go to when their supervisor berates them for making a mistake, such as leaving a part off, being late from break, etc. We as Ford employees, like the Ford owned Lions, feel oppressed and see the inequality with things like AWS, mandatory overtime, and reduced benefits. How about it brothers and sisters, who with me?
  15. We hear you bro. The clowns that run Memphis are doing the same thing. I don't believe Ford will survive if they continue to hire/promote these educated morons. Look at our stock price. Investors have no faith in Ford. I quess we can hope that maybe Apple, Google, or some other A I company will buy this co. before it self destruct.
  16. The company now can and will do anything they want. People wake up and see what the UAW leadership has evolved into. They are just like the political system we have in this country. They are self serving Hippocrates. If you think things are bad now just wait. Sales are softening and times are going to get tuff.
  17. Memphis is the cesspool of parts. Check out the monthly stats. Memphis is at the bottom or close to the bottom in every category. This used to be one of Ford's best depots. By the way is the new guy Black?
  18. I am with agreement with MTP'er, the IUAW has known about this problem for over 3 yrs. and has done nothing. We heard someone from IUAW is coming to Memphis to talk about the issues here and mgt. has hand picked who can come off the floor to speak to them.
  19. No info. On time clocks yet. We have started hiring temps. as far as our on sight HR person, she has 3 facilities and travels to each. She does not do hearings as far as I know. That is usually done by supervisors.
  20. In Memphis this has been going on for 2 yrs. now. When you don't hit their quota they put you on notice for "failure to exert" or off the job. We let the international know about this, but it has fallen on deaf ears. I think we have the highest rate of disciplinary thru out the co. This is why about 30% of our people have left or getting ready to leave.
  21. are there as many people leaving parts as here in Memphis? Between retiring and people going to KTP we lost 25% of our people.
  22. It has been 2 mos. since the contract was ratified and still no word on the retirement incentive process. Has anyone heard any info. of the date this will be rolled out?
  23. Has anyone heard or seen the guidelines and dates for taking the retirement incentive?
  24. Hey to all you uneducated and unappreciative scabs who enjoy the benefits that retirees fought and died for, go read the history of what they endured working in the early days. Do you think the company gave all the benefits you enjoy today because they appreciate you?All we have is because of their sacrifices. What have you sacrificed? You call yourself a union member because you pay dues. PLEASE. You and other get on here and spew your garbage about retirees. You could not handle what they endured. Not one of you had to go out on the street to sacrifice your pay for one thing you enjoy now and I doubt you would. So, instead of bashing retirees give them a thank you for their sacrifice and service!!! By the way, do you think the older retirees would ever had agreed to having a 2 tiered wage system? You young people are so gullible.
  25. Is it true that KC Assembly is only working 4 hrs. per shift ?
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