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Everything posted by powerhousejc

  1. Yes, the auctioner does take the first offer if there's no better one. FCA didn't get anything substantial, so if you voted no hoping to get 500 more on your bonus I'm not sure why you're so angry.
  2. Ok.I understand that they moved a chunk of money to bolster organizing but let's not act like they are living dues paycheck to paycheck.
  3. You keep talking but you're not saying anything? How did we step in it? Why won't we be the same? Personally I'll spend my signing bonus/wage increase and then in 90 days i'll spend my profit sharing. 90 days after that is the June bonus. Then in roughly another 90 to 100 days, there's the 4% bonus. So that covers the first year.
  4. That's cool. I'm the first in my family to end up in a powerhouse. We're not big, just package boilers and compressors.
  5. Been hearing it since before my apprenticeship, and eventually one day they'll get the boilers. We're diverse here though, with compressors, waste plant and refrigeration so I might get my final 10 in.
  6. Steam. You voted No and it passed. Shit happens.
  7. Cutt the bitter ex-girlfriend shit. So you didn't get your way, man up, go to work and try to change shit from the inside. I'd a walked with you proudly if the no votes had won. And it was coming to that.
  8. Why bother? You lose the right to vote on anything. Better to suggest atrades decert or attempt to bring in another trades only union. If you really want better reps and not just trying to fuck with the IUAW.
  9. Fat chicks need some union face time too.
  10. Couldn't read it. Thought it was on Facebook.
  11. If you say so, but you got that "better deal" cornbread all buttered up.
  12. We never fight? You don't remember the contract where Visteon people became leased Ford employees? In the old days they didn't have to deal with the internet and a concentrated group of people telling lies to sheep thinking they'll get more if they vote no, on it. They rammed contracts down peoples throats back then too. Oh, how rose colored the glasses are when people speak of the old days, despite the reality.
  13. What is it that you think we'll get? I'm curious how you think your going to get more.
  14. What do you see happening? What do the other no votes expect? If I believed even an ounce that they would offer a seriously better deal then I would have voted no also, but we all saw the shuffle that FCA did. There's nothing substantial coming.
  15. When they come back with essentially the same contract are you changing your vote? If not and others aren't, then what choice is there?
  16. It wouldn't be the first time. Like going from 80% at hire in to 60% way back in the 90's. Extending the duration for medical and all those other steps that lead to Tier 2. Don't act like old timers take the high road.
  17. You do realize that we're not getting a better contract right? Not a substantially better deal by any means.
  18. So you voted no because you're mad at the IUAW? You know we aren't getting a better offer from the company. You can probably guess that Wall street wants us to strike, and eventually to take whatever offer Ford throw at us after a month or so on the line, which would drive stock prices up. I'm sure that you and all the rest of the no votes realize that we're not getting a 4 year grow in and raises/bonuses, so which are we giving up? Do you want to go another 4 years with food being taken from your family's mouth?
  19. I think you're suffering from confirmation bias. You "want" people who disagree with you to be company fucks, so you can dismiss their opinions and anger while stoking your own. My own feeling is that a lot of people aren't voting against the contract as much as anger at solid house. I haven't heard a single person suggest that they are truly going to get a better deal. They're just mad and want to take it on someone, something.
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