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Everything posted by Ididntdoit

  1. Getting CAP's no vote out of the way fast.
  2. especially for us CAP workers since our local union doesn't have a clue, normally I have to explain the contract to them. those of you with 27 years or more want to look into the SRI program it's the retirement incentive, those with less look into the STEP program this is early termination. Depending how many are taking leave at your plants will determine your eligibility for STEP. Whats got me puzzled is why take 2 weeks to vote? I was under the impression we vote this week by nov 8 now I'm seeing voting will go to nov 15th. Maybe has something to do with Jones stepping down ( with pay) and Gamble taking over for him. I just want out and they are dragging this out so damn long.
  3. we got workers at CAP ready to strike over the attendance changes it's hilarious, if they made reading comprehension a requirement to work at Ford we would lose 2 shifts, a chairman and 7 union reps.
  4. I think you are confused on how the formula for profit sharing works, in order for you to make 12k in profit sharing the company would of had to make 12 billion in profits. Don't kill yourself working a bunch of overtime thinking it'll increase your profit share, you just end up putting yourself into a higher tax bracket and pay more taxes then you should.
  5. And now I'm saying Bye Felicia, have your people call my people and we'll do lunch.
  6. Enterprise wide SRI package is what you want to look into, anyone with less then would be STEP both are the same 60k Workers at Romeo plant have a different option
  7. STEP STEP STEPing my way out the door, cya ?
  8. I'm not scared to call out the BS, call me whatever I'm not intimidated. Here in a few months you can call me retired. I'm certainly not gonna pretend there isn't some serious problems at CAP, or with this so called local. Sorry if you get your feelings hurt but Chicago sucks.
  9. admitting and recognizing the problem is the first step to recovery, as you see we're along way from that first step. Like Chicago is an embarrassment to our nation CAP is an embarrassment to our company, and a trash local union doesn't help matters. I would trade sign on bonus for a nice separation package and pension buyout, not that CAP's vote counts much.
  10. the perfect solution would be to offer me a juicy early separation with a big fat pension buyout and everything will be sunshine and rainbows at CAP..... at least it will be from where I'll be sittin'. ?
  11. UAW United Automation Workers ?it's a new era
  12. I'm not scared I invested in Bitcoin
  13. CAP always votes no I'm taking whatever exit is open, hoping for better money to exit but I can't stay so whatever I can get.
  14. that's great, where's ours. same deal add a 1 in front of the 6 and lets do this
  15. It was those damn St. Louis people and their Ferguson effect that's cursed CAP. ☺️ yes Fatso, everything you have heard I confirm. You can't really pin point the problem because it's all of it, you can't just fire a few cancerous employees because it's more then one shift worth. They've replaced bad management with more bad management, and the local screwed up so much the company runs them it's the only way they would have jobs. But I'll be honest I trust the management more then our local. How can a sexual harasser and a violent drunk who assaults members able to hold their job and union position? the union went to bat for them to keep their jobs but ignored the victims of the harassment and violent attack even though they won their cases in court both the union and company still protect them. And there are still law suits pending. "They're not going to lay anyone off at CAP you're just fear mongering" "Every plant has their issues, stop complaining and be lucky you have a job" when you see something and you say something that's the response I got. Now that it's in the headlines of a dozen news articles maybe just maybe someone will investigate, it was such an issue the state pass a house resolution to investigate last year. http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=783&GAID=14&GA=100&DocTypeID=HR&LegID=109092&SessionID=91 Now I know for a fact not all these harassment cases were true , and some cases are still pending some just haven't been exposed due to fear of retaliation. And that new equipment that was easily installed within 30 days can be removed and installed somewhere else just as fast, but why would they since they control the union and they get tax exemptions for hiring the ankle bracelet wearing cousins of our union leaders. It's a mess that's been brewing for awhile and needs attention, too many wrongs in one spot.
  16. the "Roving groups" is our local chairman and his 2345 cousins, but I honestly don't see them as intimidating just really annoying and disappointing. The management pick and choose who they enforce zero tolerance on, there's no union reps available to back members who are being written up for stupid things. A lot of power tripping managers that are causing more issues with their bad judgment calls pushing to get those numbers. Some workers get revenge for being fired, last major layoff they vandalized the line causing millions in damage. Hell yes this is why I want out, I could go on and on with the good bad and ugly of CAP. But I want to retire, so I'll save it for my best seller book. Titled " I DIDN'T DO IT..... but I was there."
  17. For a small fee I'll explain it to you, other then that I can't help you with reading comprehension
  18. I didn't figure anything I'm just going by what bowling green and wentzville family in GM are telling me after they've seen more details If they match it great, hell anything over 5k would be more then what GM gets after being on strike for over a month.
  19. Family within GM say there's no limit on amount of temps, they screw over those part time temps and they don't get wage increases over time like they do now. Main reason most of them went on strike was to help save the lordstown plant, and to kill off this tier system but this contract creates a tier system within the temps. 11k signing bonus after you take off about 5k for wages lost during strike and another 2-3k in profit sharing loss due to the strike leaving 3-4k for taxes, not a real big win but it prevents a huge loss. the wage increase compared to cost of living inflation is weak 3-4% especially if you work in a plant that's in a city like Chicago where both city and state tax everything and I mean everything. VSP package 60k only works for those 55+ with almost 30yr anyone else would be giving up to much. Ford is in a different position, more workers less plants. Which is why I expect there to be a Ford version of a VSP package hopefully a better offer. Ford would love this template for temps, I don't see Ford giving that big of a signing bonus. The wage increase wouldn't be much different then 2015 but it's more then what we got the 3 contracts prior to that so. I'm 50/50 with what GM offered, mostly because I'm ready to go. But seeing how Lordstown is gone, and how the use of temps is worded I think GM workers just wasted over a month of picketing. Strike wasn't a win yet. Still have to see it ratified, and to be honest I think it will with a tainted vote.
  20. oh you're one of those...but I know you do care or you wouldn't of wasted your worthless 2 cents to comment. this GM template is a joke of a contract like 2015, pacify temps add a lil sugar and you'll fall for it. highlights look great gimme that sign on bonus, 6 months later the look on your face when you finally have someone with reading comprehension skills explain the fine print to you will be almost worth sticking around another 4 to see.
  21. I didn't over look anything, I'm just saying GM's VSP package is weak I hope Ford does better. That has nothing to do with how I manage my money, nothing to do with my thoughts on the rest of their contract. If you're one of those with 9 yrs or less you would want them to make me an offer so it advances you on the seniority list. One less legacy to worry about bumping you off a job. I want my offer yes I do feel entitled to it. I want to sell off my pension I want complete separation from UAW and Ford, whats wrong with that? you going to miss me? can't live without me? does me wanting to retire early effect anyone else in a negative manner? to me reasonable would be 85-100k, but if they tossed in a pension buyout I'd consider less. Hopefully before IL raises state taxes again. Ford wants to restructure, I'm offering my 24yrs plus pension so they have more money to give to lower seniority, everyone gets a 2 cent raise and I get an exit out of the circus.
  22. I said it wasn't enough and everyone jumps on the company brown nose and make excuses for GM to only offer that little. We deserve a better offer. Ford would benefit by offering a reasonable offer, 75k last contract was weak anything less would be offensive.
  23. then why are you guys even supporting the idea of 60k is ok? they make a weak offer and ya'll like we're lucky to get that, who's side are you on? not looking for a million dollar payday but I would like a respectable offer for the years put in.
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