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Everything posted by OAC_Sparky

  1. DINGDINGDINGDING!!!! We have a winner!! Mr. nightflight, would you like the big stuffed bear or the dinosoar?
  2. In the absence of anything that I can say that would make things better, my thoughts are with you.
  3. Do we have the room? Yes. Don''t forget we have enough real estate that used to make 85 Windstars an hour for 2 shifts AND had the room to produce F150s in OTP. Will we? We'll see.
  4. This, from someone with their head up their ass. :rolleyes:
  5. Maybe you should save the planet by hanging yourself. How much carbon dioxide does a shitbag like yourself produce in a year? How much carbon dioxide and other chemicals do the factories that produce the computer that you are posting on produce in a year, especially when there are not the environmental legislation in those countries as there is in the US?
  6. The irony of you misspelling "you're" in this statement is not lost on me.
  7. That, my friend, was an understatement of the obvious. :lol:
  8. Shhhhhh.... If the future starts looking bright for Oakville, the doom'n'gloomers wil have nothing to post about, lol. :lol:
  9. When you look at prints and it has big areas marked "for future use", what do you think it means?
  10. And why not? Flex Plant = multiple vehicles on multiple platforms. We have the room. Nothing is impossible.
  11. No, we have running water where we live.
  12. Yeah, those electricians are assholes. Dammit, they sign their safety talk sheets that legally puts the safety onus on them (which can cost them their jobs) while at the same time get accused of fucking the company when they follow lockout and arcflash procedures. They serve an apprenticeship to be licensed by the government and then get asked to circumvent the electrical code (which can cost them their license) to get the line going. We have cabtyre (Canadian Electrical Code=temporary wiring) that have powered things for the last 20 years. They're not salary, but they usually end up having to make management decisions because Ford hires people with degrees in Human Resources and no technical skills. And now we have TEMS, PFUI, etc. etc. etc. pretty soon we may as well put our own hours in the computer. First to the breakdown and the last to leave. Yeah, what a bunch of dicks. Too bad more people can't cut it to be one. B)
  13. http://www.autoworld.com/apps/news/FullStory.asp?id=513 Yeah, they reaped the publicity and adoration from the press, we got the flack from jealous people that said "it must be nice that you greedy autoworkers get free computers" but the cancellation of the program was not nearly so publicized.
  14. The PCs were not negotiated under contract at all -- Ford announced the program (to much fanfare) unilaterally as a way to bring their employees into the computer age. I'm sure that part of it has to do wuth the fact that if you are already familitar with a PC it would take you less time to learn FOS, SFR, TEMS, etc.
  15. Let's hope she doesn't read your post, she may not appreciate you announcing the fact and you'll be white-knuckling it for a while. Back on topic, about what to buy -- I look at things this way. Ford is my employer. Yes, I work to earn my pay (mostly) but I also realize that my good pay and benefits are negotiated by my Union and are paid by Ford. What helps Ford make money helps me make money. The money that the Fusion makes being made in Mexico puts money in the R&D pot which in turn is used to develop the Edge/MKX at my plant. The money the Edge/MKX makes may fund the next project going into YOUR plant. Every person at OAP realizes what it's like to have a product on its last legs (*coughFreestarcough*), as I'm sure those at Atlanta building the Taurus do. Any product under the Ford umbrella helps the Ford bottom line, which in turn helps you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that.
  16. ...And the room goes quiet from the n00b outburst.... Please click the link below for more information on the new flex plant.... :lol:
  17. Many in the general population don't realize the handling limits of their SUVs until it's on its roof. If that were not the case, the whole Explorer issue would have been a non-issue, despite the flaws in the Firestones. My MIL's neighbour has a hybrid Escape. It's "fast enough", and she's happy. If it keeps people from buying from our competition because it makes them feel better because they think it's helping the environment (despite having my reservations about the economics of the purchase), more power to them, no pun intended.
  18. That seemed like a broader question than "just you", unless you are counting the MPD exhibited by answering your own posts. I didn't think that being a Unionist, and not racist or homophibic makes me "left of center", but oooookay....
  19. Was this addressed to me? I was responding to Bluecon, not you. It doesn't matter to me if you've got a crush on Paul Martin, dude. You can call me a Liberal all you like, but apart from treating all people like humans I'm not very Liberal at all. And I sure as well won't be voting Liberal.
  20. No, it's just that our beer isn't watered down. :P
  21. Too bad you don't save some of your better work for this forum. :lol:
  22. I've had a letter printed too, about 5 years ago. The editor even agreed. Wow. I've had a letter (on another topic) printed in the Spectator, too. Doesn't mean that either paper is great. But at least I made the cut. Not like SOME people. :lol:
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