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birdy1s last won the day on August 30 2014

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  1. What do you mean?.....It only took us 16 years to get $1.98 of the $2.00 raise that we gave up? Not to mention all of the other give ups that we will never get back......."Richest Contract in History" For who?
  2. When the union agreed about 12 years ago to give up our $2.00 raise to give it back to the company, for further product development. Then finding out the gotchas in the concession contract. Then the equity of sacrifice set up, and then for them to celebrate a $2.00 raise as a gain, when they took it away in the first place 12 years ago.
  3. The stock is watered down..... they sold a lot of stock to renegotiate their huge debts. It's still one of the most highly traded stocks, but those peeps ain't holding on to it. I got tired of waiting, and got rid of most of it. What's just as bad is the condition of our tesphe. With only like 4 funds older than 10years, we have no choice or an illusion of choice. We went from fidelity with a mountain of funds to none. We at least need a partial company match
  4. This is why we need company match. They have replaced mutual funds that had long histories with funds that are unproven. Hell anyone could have had great results in the last 5 years. What about the last 20? We don't know because these funds haven't been around... We are getting shafted, and no one cares.
  5. We are fighting over pennies.......We SHOULD be fighting to get a match on our contributions to tesphe!!! They give match to salary, why not us?
  6. with them switching tesphe funds out left and right, replacing well established funds with newer ones, they have made it harder to get the performance. Every fund has a winning rate of return that have been in the business for the past 10 years. How are they going to perform now? We need company match... at least for a portion
  7. the test was easy just like the first one. it was different because you actually had to watch some sequences woth a line and listen to discriptions and then answer questions about what you heard and saw. what i did not like about the test was at the end they had a "goals test" in which they asked you questions and asked how you felt about an item on a scale. we were one of the first plants to take the test so it has probably changed and i know that i am only mentioning SOME of the items, as there were plenty more types of questions.
  8. I'm pretty sure there are other countries that were not mentioned on the show that do a better job with nationalized healthcare. And I'm sure that we are already crippled with our illegal monetary system and taxing system.
  9. I HATE THESE GUYS they audit me every damn year. They make it sound like its random, i have my doubts.
  10. When will you people learn that the 2 party system is just a front to keep this failure of a system going. why do we have to choose satan over lucifer? With the exception of RON PAUL everyone says the same thing. Its a old tired joke. While they keep people ignorant, the people in charge keep pushing fascism. Look around you you see cameras watching you everywhere, cops flexing and taking rights away, and a system that needs no warrants, or charges to lawfully restrain you. All of this going on while we decide upon republican or democrat. They are the same! And when there is someone different, the system tries to negate or bash him. Notice all of Fox is talking about RON PAUL all of a sudden. Thats because he poses a threat to the status quo. Who else will say that the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished (and it does). Notice that talking points are against RON PAUL and go research why ronpaul.org. He does make sense, if you can break out of the "left, right" paradigm.
  11. the problem is that those are American Companies in China selling back to us. while they enjoy free tax, basically slave labor, and no epa rules on pollution. And everything is made there. Why are we shipping in pet food, toys and fruit from there? We have no self sufficiency, and its embarrassing.
  12. they could've done this a while ago. all they had to do is stop squeezing the vendors for every penny and keep tabs on their quality. that would've cut out substantial problems. also thy are not making as many vehicles as they did in the past. hopefully when more models come out and the number of vehicles increase, the quality will continue to increase.
  13. how in the hell does a taurus cost $30,000. When ford stated that the new taurus was starting at 24,000 i knew that they were not serious about selling cars. They are trying to sell outside of ford's market. What happened to all of the savings from having the supplier park on site? Just like the fusion being made in Mexico. If we the workers eat up so much of ford's profits, why does the fusion top out at 26,000? Aren't they saving money by making it in Mexico?
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