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The Company laughs at all of us


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The Union has been fighting for flowbacks. The company will not let it happen.

They want to force buyouts etc.

Across the board the company has been successful in their plan.

Claim they are broke. Push buyouts. Cause manpower shortages.

Now, we can't bid jobs, because of training issues etc.. You can't give

up production to train, when their is no manpower, they say.

This creates problems all over the plants.

They put who ever on jobs etc.


Union reps run from wild fire to wild fire. Never actually able to

accomplish anything. They are so overloaded that they are ready to

fallout, and yes they are just as pissed about the whole mess as we are.

They are tied up in medical with complaints about the staff their.

They are in hearings, because the company is throwing people out

left and right.

Many more grievances are written because of the mess and they have to

sit down and try to get them paid.

Also they do take care of slackers as well as try to take care of everyone else.

If they don't, the NLRB is on them, laywers are on them etc.

The law makes them represent everyone.


Now, this is just a tip of things.

You see, new mangement has realized, make the people madd.

Cause caos. The people will grumble against one another,

They will lose trust for their leadership. Slowly, but surely,

the union will fold up.

I'm not a very good righter. I may not choose my words correctly.

Or even spell good. I have been around awhile though.

I see it, I hope you will too.

The company created this mess.

They want to cut our pay.

With our pay rates now, they say they can't afford the manpower.

They will try and show the union, if we cut our pay and take other cuts, they

can afford more people.This will make the people happy.

Then all this mess can go away.

Everyone hear says they want a strong union.

The only power the union has is to strike.

Thats the only real power.

I don't want to. Most of us can't, because we live beyond our means.

However, that is really how we got all we have.

The union is trying, but they know in actuality, not many will

back them in that capacity.

Grievances, complaints etc. and etc. only go so far.

When there is that much caos there is only one thing that speaks.

The company has the government officials in place to back them.

Our current white house is totally anti union.

The laws make it difficult for old time tactics to work.

Are you willing to walk the strike path?

Do you really want all the crap to stop?

Think about it.

Bash me if you will, but deep inside you know I'm right.


ps: don't think for a moment that rebalances will cease to exist if we

take their cut. The company will not be happy after cuts. They will

cut deeper and deeper. :redcard:

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The Union has been fighting for flowbacks. The company will not let it happen.

They want to force buyouts etc.

Across the board the company has been successful in their plan.

Claim they are broke. Push buyouts. Cause manpower shortages.

Now, we can't bid jobs, because of training issues etc.. You can't give

up production to train, when their is no manpower, they say.

This creates problems all over the plants.

They put who ever on jobs etc.


Union reps run from wild fire to wild fire. Never actually able to

accomplish anything. They are so overloaded that they are ready to

fallout, and yes they are just as pissed about the whole mess as we are.

They are tied up in medical with complaints about the staff their.

They are in hearings, because the company is throwing people out

left and right.

Many more grievances are written because of the mess and they have to

sit down and try to get them paid.

Also they do take care of slackers as well as try to take care of everyone else.

If they don't, the NLRB is on them, laywers are on them etc.

The law makes them represent everyone.


Now, this is just a tip of things.

You see, new mangement has realized, make the people madd.

Cause caos. The people will grumble against one another,

They will lose trust for their leadership. Slowly, but surely,

the union will fold up.

I'm not a very good righter. I may not choose my words correctly.

Or even spell good. I have been around awhile though.

I see it, I hope you will too.

The company created this mess.

They want to cut our pay.

With our pay rates now, they say they can't afford the manpower.

They will try and show the union, if we cut our pay and take other cuts, they

can afford more people.This will make the people happy.

Then all this mess can go away.

Everyone hear says they want a strong union.

The only power the union has is to strike.

Thats the only real power.

I don't want to. Most of us can't, because we live beyond our means.

However, that is really how we got all we have.

The union is trying, but they know in actuality, not many will

back them in that capacity.

Grievances, complaints etc. and etc. only go so far.

When there is that much caos there is only one thing that speaks.

The company has the government officials in place to back them.

Our current white house is totally anti union.

The laws make it difficult for old time tactics to work.

Are you willing to walk the strike path?

Do you really want all the crap to stop?

Think about it.

Bash me if you will, but deep inside you know I'm right.


ps: don't think for a moment that rebalances will cease to exist if we

take their cut. The company will not be happy after cuts. They will

cut deeper and deeper. :redcard:

To myself, yep, I was right on with my spelling" write" he, he , he.

Told you I could'nt write. God Bless all of us.

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The NUMBER 1 union busting oraganizations in these United States is-------->UNIONS!!!!! Not the members mind you, but the political hacks that run them, the hacks that cause FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS into them, the political hacks that are TIED TO THE MOB, the hacks that EMBEZZLE RETIREMENT FUNDS, the hacks who can no LONGER GET ANYONE TO JOIN THEM VOLUNTARILY. Hell, the great UAW won't even allow its PAYING MEMBERS to directly vote for the international. It's ok for them to take your money, but you are to stupid to know who to vote for, lololol.


If unions would NOT have morphed into what they did, they would be thriving today. That is what happens usually when you have either a GW Bush, or a Jimmy Carter in charge of an entity, with no way to recall him...........you go down the tubes!!!!!!


And you think Ford is DUMB, lololol. They at least had the ability, not to mention the intestinal fortitude, to dump Jac The Knife and his minions.



What is your excuse?????????????????????

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The NUMBER 1 union busting oraganizations in these United States is-------->UNIONS!!!!! Not the members mind you, but the political hacks that run them, the hacks that cause FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS into them, the political hacks that are TIED TO THE MOB, the hacks that EMBEZZLE RETIREMENT FUNDS, the hacks who can no LONGER GET ANYONE TO JOIN THEM VOLUNTARILY. Hell, the great UAW won't even allow its PAYING MEMBERS to directly vote for the international. It's ok for them to take your money, but you are to stupid to know who to vote for, lololol.


If unions would NOT have morphed into what they did, they would be thriving today. That is what happens usually when you have either a GW Bush, or a Jimmy Carter in charge of an entity, with no way to recall him...........you go down the tubes!!!!!!


And you think Ford is DUMB, lololol. They at least had the ability, not to mention the intestinal fortitude, to dump Jac The Knife and his minions.

What is your excuse?????????????????????


Yeah, after nearly destroying the company, Jac was given a million dollars a year to leave. That's real intelligent.

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And you think Ford is DUMB, lololol. They at least had the ability, not to mention the intestinal fortitude, to dump Jac The Knife and his minions.

What is your excuse?????????????????????


This is a very good advantage but, should be utilized more frequently. Our managments complacency is why we have found ourselves in the position we're in today!

Edited by Furious1Auto
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