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Alcoholics Anonymous

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To all: Despite our differences of opinion on some matters, we all found our way here based on common interests (OK, P71 was just here to badmouth Ford and make us all crazy). Our little community on BON does bond us together and we all wish the best for Versa and anyone else who is struggling with personal challenges we all face from time to time.


That which unites us is far greater than that which divides us.



Well said!

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This is good news for Versa and anyone else struggling with this issue. I have been in contact with multiple alcoholics throughout my life and it presents such unbelievable challenges for those of us who are sober, it can be maddening. Bravo to anyone who first recognizes they have a problem and 2 engaging some action to do something about it.


Good luck Versa. I wish you success in your journey.

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This is good news for Versa and anyone else struggling with this issue. I have been in contact with multiple alcoholics throughout my life and it presents such unbelievable challenges for those of us who are sober, it can be maddening. Bravo to anyone who first recognizes they have a problem and 2 engaging some action to do something about it.


Good luck Versa. I wish you success in your journey.

Thanks. 12 days sober...
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  • 3 months later...

Thanks. 12 days sober...

Did you get a 90-day token by now?

That 1st. step is actually the hardest. IT's the most important one, one you must constantly remember no matter what.


I should have been sober now for 22.5 years, But.. I was on a plane going over the Atlantic, and the Stew asked me if I'd like to have a drink. my mind said, I was actually out of the country, no one knew me, I'd been clean for almost 15 years and I'm sure one wouldn't hurt. And It didn't. Within the week I was putting away a quart of Jack Daniels in one sitting again. Then I started brewing my own and distilling also. And I became damn good at it, every Saturday the brew flag was raised outside and another 15 gallon batch was made. Easy to drink a gallon+ of high alcohol content ale nightly. But the next day wasn't very nice on my body. That lasted for about 2.5 years, and I confined all my drinking to home.. so no problems right?


Not until the wife had had enough of me, because I was always right and she wouldn't ever win an argument with me. Funny thing was I knew where the problem was, it was with me. I did the meetings for a good 10+ years, I listened, I did the steps. it kept me sober. When I first went into a meeting, I was looking at 30 years hard time. I never did any time, and I immediately started seeing how lucky I actually was. Life started to improve for me, I even started having some money in my pocket again. Everything I had done to keep myself sober and out of trouble wasn't working up til I went to that first meeting, how is my fucked up head going to fix my fucked up head? When I woke up that last morning and after about 30 minutes of thinking what did I do last night, I started to remember it, she once again came to talk to me, I immediately opened another bottle (here we go again, I thought) and I listened to her express how she loved me and how she hated to see me destroying myself. You have to take the cotton out of your ears and put it into your mouth. I told her as soon as the other 4 beers were gone I would see what I could do. That took 2 days to do, that's how hung over I was from my last bout. I won't lie to you, I love a drink. I think about it a lot, but it's now something I can't afford anymore.


ONCE you admit your an alcoholic, it's like the mafia, you can't go back. You don't start over, either. Today she knows the last day I drank, I don't: but it's over 5 or 6 years ago. I've had a hell of a lot of shit bother me that might drive another man than me to wanting a drink, but I haven't found a good enough reason to want to drink again, yet. I basically didn't want to get a divorce from her is what it boiled down to. 1 year ago, I went back to meetings, because I could see my behaviour was leading me down a path I really didn't think I wanted to go again. I needed to listen once more. I can tell when someone is spouting a line of shit a mile long in a meeting, I can tell when someone is really sincere and hurting too. I've seen people go back out and never come back, I've seen friends, true friends I found in those meetings die violent deaths and drug overdoses and also natural deaths. NA is the same as AA. it's all a drug.


I started out on my journey when my real father died when I was really really young and a bottle was my friend. I just buried my step-father 1 month ago, and I feel real bad for my mother now. I won't lie to you, I'm no angel, and I don't try to say I am either, but I'm sure my family enjoys me now the way I am, rather than what I use to be like. Your not here today, thru your own power, but by grace. When your fog has lifted, the greatest thing you can do, is to be there for someone else who can use some help. IF you ever want someone to dump on, just send me a note, I can listen, that's really what people want, just someone that will listen without judging.

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I'm fortunate to not be an alcoholic, but I was definitely abusing it and could see myself at risk of worse and worse behaviors. It's nowhere near the same but I'm eliminating those abusive behaviors (and letting my friends know, for personal support).


I've recently started watching the Simpsons DVD commentaries. One of the things that keeps coming up is that the network censors actually blocked story points that were critical of Beer. You can criticize any product that doesn't advertise on TV, apparently, but even a show that ignored network standards as much as possible couldn't say, for example, "Excessive beer consumption can cause liver damage and cancer of the rectum", though the censors let them change "beer" to "alcohol" to avoid ticking off the advertisers.


The other thing that keeps coming up is Barney - they keep talking about how much more fun he was as a drunk, and "we should make him a drunk again." And as much as it sounds stupid to be influenced by a show of dolts and losers, it makes me think about how the show has affected my drinking, has made me personally more accepting of alcohol abuse.

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