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YES or NO on this contract?


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Big time

because Ford is making big profits for the last 6 quarters and they don't want to lose marketshare ,if we sent it back to the tables ,our grandfathers fought hard and even died for the benifits were taken away.They had balls ,lets show IUAW how to grow balls.

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It sucks bongo balls that we're not getting back our six minutes per hour break, but it's a serious ass pipe dream to think we're going to get COLA back, ever. GM didn't get back, Chrysler ain't going to get back, and the transplants never paid COLA, so why in Hell would Ford agree to add fixed costs by giving back COLA, or even annual raises. I count myself lucky to have a job, even luckier that Ford had the sense (and maybe good fucking timing and luck) to mortgage everything before Wall Street and the credit markets tanked, and Ford AND the IUAW membership at Ford has built up some serious ass good will with the car buyers.


Want to piss all that good will away and send the car buyers back to ToyWagon & Company? Go ahead, be an asshat, and vote "no". You want to give the union haters, and the Big Three haters, even more ammunition to bad mouth us, and tell everyone they ain't buying any union-made car or truck? Go ahead, then, be an asshat, and vote "no". You want to piss off members of other unions, who have taken concessions on top of concessions, on top of fucking concessions, for YEARS before we did, then whine because we ain't getting them back? Go ahead, be an asshat, and vote "no".


You want to whine about not getting a raise in years, while we still have neighbors out of work, or people like my missus who hasn't had a raise in twelve years, and had two paycuts in the last seven years, then go ahead, be an asshat, and vote "no".


I'm grateful for what I got. I'm grateful that some jobs are coming back from Mexico and Japan. Do i believe in the numbers? Hard to say - all jobs numbers are dependent on market conditions. Can the UAW/Ford team negotiate a better deal? When Ford already pays more per hour than GM and Chrysler, and the transplants? I doubt it.


I'll repeat what I already posted: I'm voting "yes". Those opposed - Deal with it and get over it. 'Cause it ain't gonna get any better until car/truck sales go north of 14 million a year.

You can vote yes or no ,mr and misses salary personal

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Well said. You have to have some deep rooted issues to say no to this.



back in the day workers made the sacrifice (strike) and went without pay for the workers cause. SACRIFICE!!! if you show the company no BALLS they will walk and walk all over you. yes it will be tough. what did they go thru so that YOU have a good job now? so if ford wins and builds cars elsewhere are they going to win? NO! fighting is hard, but it's for our next generation!~!! for once think about someone other than ME! ME! ME!

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Big time


It would be interesting to see what the Company would do if the contract did not get ratified. Just think how much money they could save by not paying all those signing bonuses and other "free money" in the contract as currently proposed. It would be interesting if they called the bluff, saved a bunch of $$$ and steered all the jobs to Mexico, India and Thailand. Just think how "profitable" Ford could be then?


They could very well do just that and we'd be on the outside looking in.


The majority of car buyers don't care where a vehicle is built. They want their vehicle to be affordable and safe, to look good, to start when it's cold, to not squeak and rattle or leak oil on the driveway.


Voting the contract down would hurt all of us in the short and long runs.

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back in the day workers made the sacrifice (strike) and went without pay for the workers cause. SACRIFICE!!! if you show the company no BALLS they will walk and walk all over you. yes it will be tough. what did they go thru so that YOU have a good job now? so if ford wins and builds cars elsewhere are they going to win? NO! fighting is hard, but it's for our next generation!~!! for once think about someone other than ME! ME! ME!


Their never is a good time to grow a pair. There will always be a reason not to stand up and say that's enough. I think it is human nature to put it off until there is nothing left to fight for.

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Weren't many of the new product announcements and investments already promised in the last contract or modifications to the contract?








More to the point, the OctoMods failed so new commitments are moot. But those plants listed were offered "Re-Re-Commitments" for product. THOSE commitments not fulfilled by September 2011 are essentially failed for being unfulfilled and should have been grieved if the union had done it's job. But they wanted to avoid rocking the boat before the 2011 negotiations.


Promising to give us the same thing in this new contract is deceitful. And it is NOT NEW WORK.

Off the top of my head, Louisville Assembly. They are nearly completely retooled. How can you count that as a gain in the proposed new contract?

Im a no vote on this one, and not so much on the signing bonus. I thought the VEBA was good for 80 years? what the hell happened?


I thought Bob said that the grievance had to be settled first? No mention of it!!!! What happened to all the other promises that was made? I fell like we the middle class union members going getting a shaft you know where. We must do the right thing here.


As a courtesy and for clarity, please cite your quotations, especially when you put YOUR name on it by not including the quote. Thank you for considering my post as speaking your thoughts so well. But I expect it to get messy if we don't abide some guidelines in quoting. If you must copy/paste others comments, just add a note at the start who's comments you are quoting and end with a note of "End Quote. Some folks here will chew you up and spit you out for saying somethings here. Let them confront me for my comments. Thanks.

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back in the day workers made the sacrifice (strike) and went without pay for the workers cause. SACRIFICE!!! if you show the company no BALLS they will walk and walk all over you. yes it will be tough. what did they go thru so that YOU have a good job now? so if ford wins and builds cars elsewhere are they going to win? NO! fighting is hard, but it's for our next generation!~!! for once think about someone other than ME! ME! ME!

Back in the day, there was no Internet to take all the wonderful news about a strike and SPAM every possible forum, badmouthing us greedy sonsofUAWbitches, and that if the Detroit Three management could only grow a pair, they'd fire every fucking one of us and move all the plants to right-to-work-for-less states, and they ain't ever going to buy no commie-union-built DEE-troit car, 'cause we gots us some good-ole boy non-union plants down here in our neck of the woods, and it will go on and on and fucking on. Yea, strike, for the right to raise our wages 25 cents an hour, while S&P, Moddy's and the rest of the Wall Street crowd downgrade Ford's common stock and their debt. Make it more expensive for Ford to borrow money. MEANTIME, S&P already UPGRADED GM's debt, because our IUAW brethren over there RATIFIED the fucking contract.


Yea, Mullaly makes an obscene eight figure a year income, while we fight for fucking bread crumbs. Guess what? The rest of our middle class friends, white and blue collar alike, don't give a fuck. See anyone cheering on all those Wall Street protestors NYPD has been arresting? Anyone? **crickets chirping**


'Cause NO ONE GIVES A FUCK, as long as they see the company profitable and the stock in their 401K's and IRA's goes up, 'cause they ain't got a defined benefit pension, like all of us seniority IUAW have got.


This is the new "normal". Get used to it and get over yourself.

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That's some good shit! No latino.... Lots of Irish though, and living here in Michigan. Your rants are ignorant. You sound pretty much 'postal' to me, and am thankful I don't have to work next to a tool like you! Good luck with all that hate as well.


Hate? You called me inbred you nosey fuck. Was it really any of your fucking business about me ranting? If you can't handle someone addressing you directly, then shut the fuck up and stay the fuck out. As far as you being Irish, well that is still on the table. Don't be crying when the Union takes 10%of your profit sharing next year if this passes. Have you even asked if that is on top of the 1 or so % they already take. Ok with that but 10% is too much. Are you ok with making the same money you made in 1999? Im not. Do you enjoy your shorter breaks? I don't. Do you enjoy having a dog lick peanut butter off your sack? I do.......just kidding. Have you ever thought that people like myself get on here and rant because the sorry pukes that negotiate for us don't fucking listen to what we want? Or that people like me get sick of hearing "they can do that" when management tramples on our contract language in the plant and there isn't a fucking thing you can do except file a grievance that will never be paid because you either lose the argument or it is traded to get the alcoholic or drugaddict that can't come to work his/her job back. So yeah I rant but you would want to know me if you needed someone to have your back but that is neither here nor there.


Basically it boils down to this, it is not a good contract. It has some good things in it, but that doesn't make it good. Everyone one I know told the union we want our raises back, we want our COLA, we want 6 min, etc. No one said "could ya get us some investment, could ya get the 2nd tier guys some more money?" I'm not knocking anyone getting anything, I am saying that all of us who have been here giving back and giving back want some back. I've been at Ford for 18 years and I have been giving back for almost half of that and the union leadership has no problem with that as long as they gain membership and union dues. Wouldn't you have liked a $3.78/hr raise? Oh and last but not least.....go fuck yourself. lol

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Back in the day, there was no Internet to take all the wonderful news about a strike and SPAM every possible forum, badmouthing us greedy sonsofUAWbitches, and that if the Detroit Three management could only grow a pair, they'd fire every fucking one of us and move all the plants to right-to-work-for-less states, and they ain't ever going to buy no commie-union-built DEE-troit car, 'cause we gots us some good-ole boy non-union plants down here in our neck of the woods, and it will go on and on and fucking on. Yea, strike, for the right to raise our wages 25 cents an hour, while S&P, Moddy's and the rest of the Wall Street crowd downgrade Ford's common stock and their debt. Make it more expensive for Ford to borrow money. MEANTIME, S&P already UPGRADED GM's debt, because our IUAW brethren over there RATIFIED the fucking contract.


Yea, Mullaly makes an obscene eight figure a year income, while we fight for fucking bread crumbs. Guess what? The rest of our middle class friends, white and blue collar alike, don't give a fuck. See anyone cheering on all those Wall Street protestors NYPD has been arresting? Anyone? **crickets chirping**


'Cause NO ONE GIVES A FUCK, as long as they see the company profitable and the stock in their 401K's and IRA's goes up, 'cause they ain't got a defined benefit pension, like all of us seniority IUAW have got.


This is the new "normal". Get used to it and get over yourself.


sounds like another ME!! it's no wonder this country is in the shape it's in.

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