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Everything posted by FiredMotorCompany

  1. Try again, littleguy. That user name is burned. littlecountryMember Since 12 May 2006Offline Last Active Yesterday, 01:19 PM
  2. Phew! I see someone generating a new user name, that one's burned.
  3. If we voted "No" because we felt Tier 2 should not have to wait 8 years to become Tier 1, would we still be idiots? Some of us believe in Union Brotherhood and standing up to those who are empowered by our disunity and division. That is my problem with the current TA. As I used to vote to enhance retiree benefits as I plan to retire one day, I cast my vote based on what I thought was the right thing. That doesn't mean I am "Greedy", it means I stand for equal pay for equal work. Who here doesn't? Since when did we become so intolerant of dissent? We each have our own needs, wants, obligations, and situations to deal with. However, I do think we have surrendered enough to the company for them to recover from the disaster economy. They rode that horse all the way to the bank, and now that that horse is dead, we are supposed to carry it for them.
  4. Way to go. Now I regret my NO vote, and it wasn't even for any of your sycophantic postings.
  5. For some reason, I don't trust you. Just by your "threat", as a threatened suicide is typically intended to get attention and sympathy. And did you truly mean what you wrote in your last sentence?
  6. Let's try to bring this down for you... I said,"How can we miss you if you don't leave. You sound like those celebrities that threatened to leave the country if "such-n-such" happens. Guess what. They're still here. Don't threaten to do something. Those are empty words. Do. Then we can judge you on your actions, not your words. The same applies to politicians." Note the bolded text. You do understand what that is, don't you?
  7. How can we miss you if you don't leave. You sound like those celebrities that threatened to leave the country if "such-n-such" happens. Guess what. They're still here. Don't threaten to do something. Those are empty words. Do. Then we can judge you on your actions, not your words. The same applies to politicians.
  8. We're having to fight the company AND the Union...
  9. How many former USSR want to bring back that system? Only those who had the power and influence to avoid living in the aftereffects.
  10. It makes them "FEEL GOOD" to be generous with other peoples money.If we can't all be rich together, let's all be poor together.
  11. The typical company argument is traditional employee benefits cannot be fully restored because they are following the Union calling for improvements to 2nd Tier benefits.I call B.S. We should all be traditional with full restoration of all benefits we had prior to the reopened contract in 2011. We should have been fully restored to 2009 language as a starting point. Even the government quit saying things were worse than expected, we are recovered and all is good. Ford North America is kicking ass. And we are subsidizing their shareholders returns.
  12. If it looks like b.s., smells like b.s., squishes under foot like b.s., you shouldn't eat the b.s.
  13. I am always suspicious of those who are from another country or propose we become like another country, but why are they coming here or not moving there?
  14. Some of us read and follow the news. Some don't. Let the reader decide.Ford just announced all time record earnings, at 3rd Quarter reporting bringing in more in 3 quarters than all of 2014. They can't lie to shareholders regarding past performance. Future performance is only "guidance". Back to you.
  15. And the "PAY ME NOW" signing bonus also got us the 2-tier system we are subsidizing today. Always said $8000 and my brothers and sisters would sell each other to a sex slave trade arrangement, and their mother, too, for a new jet ski.
  16. I love a good mature discussion. Anybody seen one?
  17. all while transferring nearly all auto production overseas or out-of-country. Read the product plans and think about why the company is aboard this deal. http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/tentative-ford-uaw-contract-moves-most-car-production-outside-us/ar-CCczMU?li=AA4Zjn
  18. We are negotiating like it's 2009, not 2015. I really think we should be fully restored to pre-concession, single tier, benefits levels. The industry and Ford are no longer gasping for air. We should get back what we've conceeded since 2004.
  19. UAW-FCA members sent the parties back to the table. Do you not think the more profitable UAW-Ford parties wouldn't sweeten the deal if we turned down their first offer? Now wouldn't that p*ss off GM workers?
  20. I was once so naive, that I voted for contracts that diverted potential instant gratification to retiree benefits. Sadly, I thought we would continue to trust the system and that it would be there for us after a full career. I thought that I could trust, first the company, then later, the Union, with ensuring the benefits we paid for with our votes for those contracts and concessions, would always result in a fully funded, inflation and Cost Of Living adjusted retirement. Alas, it seems we are doomed to become, "Pay me now, and I don't care what you promise for tomorrow" kinds of people. And I lower my head and shake it back and forth in disbelief.
  21. As if there weren't any gay bakers awaiting the opportunity to make all the gay wedding cakes the world wants. No one is stopping them from making the cakes. But, the power of the government to force me to make a cake when I chose not to, for whatever reason, personal or religious, is an infringement on my rights and at some level, tantamount to forced labor.
  22. A lot of people seem to get mighty upset that an animal was killed....illegally or not. Where are their voices when it comes to the hundreds of viable fetuses that are "collected and expenses reimbursed" at Planned Parenthood? Crickets chirping......
  23. The soul was beaten right out ofthe "Off Topic" forum. At least akirby got what he wanted. A dead forum.
  24. The Henry Ford and Greenfield Village offer aspectacular collection of historical developments and notable artifacts. Not a "Gee Wizz", flashy, dumbed down, fan blowing smoke across a model to demonstrate airfoil lift. But lots of actual examples of the technological advancements. I highly recommend seeing both. Allow more than one day, though. Rouge Tour adds most of a day on top of that.
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