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11 and 2 crooks

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11 states for Ron Paul so far







And 2 crooks running for the same primary. The guy behind bars got 41% of the votes. Looks like people will be voting against Obama this time, anyone except Obama. And yes Obama deserves to be behind bars too.



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And the dreaded bullshit conspiracies i feared would arise do arise. Those were total jokes.


Typical clueless liberal reply.

So Daddy, do you have a real job or do you work for the government? I think you're one of those guys the government hired to post BS on chat boards to quell government resentment. http://www.wnd.com/2012/01/obama-czar-proposed-government-infiltrate-social-network-sites/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmmmmmm Sprinter. I think Daddy works at Ford somewhere, but goes to college with some mindless economics proffessor who teaches him Obamanomics is good. I am thinking Daddy hasn't graduated yet, or he would be upset that he had his sheepskin, but Obamanomics hasn't gotten him a cushy job with a desk. Then again, maybe he got a cushy job with the Obama feds, which would explain why he is in the tank for them. I certainly hope he still works at Ford though, and doesn't work for the governemnt, cause if Romney wins, he is gonna out of a job right quick.

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For what may i ask does he deserve to be in jail for? I'm actually dreading the reply.


This is why we have a dysfunctional political system now. No matter who is in power, the extreme elements of each side want the other in jail or to at least fail miserably as in terrible economy and foreign policy. It's almost like no matter who is President I want a change after four years because one gets tired of the drumbeat against the incumbent President...Republican or Democrat. I thought the venom against W. Bush was especially toxic, but it's even worse against Obama. I would vote for Romney if he could tone it down, but unfortunately he isn't and even is increasing it with his alliance with Trump. More of the same toxic rhetoric that makes things worse, not better. I want two candidates who focus only on economy and long term debt issues. But instead we get bullshit. Maybe it's time to turn over the White House to an emergency manager and let the President run foreign policy only. Romney has no clue either as in increasing defense, cutting taxes even more, and saying that narrows the deficit because he cuts discretionary spending that makes up like 5% of total budget. And neither party is going to close tax loopholes because the lobbyists will stop that before it even gets to floor. Furthermore, neither party will touch entitlements because if you touch Medicare or Social Security, you have just commited political suicide. Ironically, Obama has the best chance of cutting entitlements second term because he will be lame duck President. Romeny will be trying to run for second term and less likely to cut entitlement assuring no second term.

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