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Obama will never give up this information. Why? Because it will probably show he scammed all associated with him that he was born in Kenya to gain special favors. How else could this poor black child, that found his favorite furniture pieces in dumpsters, go to Harvard? And with all the evidence in, Obama was not born in Kenya or the son of Barack Obama Sr. With mommy making porn magazines with the neighbor, Frank Marshall Davis, who do you think the real father is? American mother and father, makes Barry Soetoro a full citizen. But is seems that his momma taught him to lie his way through life. How else could one become president where people knew so little about him?




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Obama will never give up this information. Why? Because it will probably show he scammed all associated with him that he was born in Kenya to gain special favors. How else could this poor black child, that found his favorite furniture pieces in dumpsters, go to Harvard? And with all the evidence in, Obama was not born in Kenya or the son of Barack Obama Sr. With mommy making porn magazines with the neighbor, Frank Marshall Davis, who do you think the real father is? American mother and father, makes Barry Soetoro a full citizen. But is seems that his momma taught him to lie his way through life. How else could one become president where people knew so little about him?


All the evidence? There is no evidence that Obama is not who he says he is! You have nothing other than complete bullshit conspiracy theories. Worse yet, your willing to smear his dead mother in the name of partisan politics for no reason.


Here's a little bit of reality for you. We don't need to know what his college transcripts here, what he put down on his passport oor any of that because We did not know that for many of the other presidents. Surprisingly, the only president conservatives need to know all of that for is not white and not conservative.

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All the evidence? There is no evidence that Obama is not who he says he is! You have nothing other than complete bullshit conspiracy theories. Worse yet, your willing to smear his dead mother in the name of partisan politics for no reason.


Here's a little bit of reality for you. We don't need to know what his college transcripts here, what he put down on his passport oor any of that because We did not know that for many of the other presidents. Surprisingly, the only president conservatives need to know all of that for is not white and not conservative.


So why was Bush's National Guard records and past an issue? Dan Rather?


Why are Obama's records relevant? Because his was sold to the country as "the smartest man in the room". And as we have seen, there is scant evidence to support that claim.

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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I have no problem either, except we've been waiting for 4 years to see Obama's records, parts/die has only been asking to see Romney's taxes for 4 months. We know Obama is a flat out liar who will go back on his word and throw whoever he has to under the bus. So for Romney, I wouldn't release a thing until Barry does. But we know that ain't going to happen, so it looks like parts/die will have to go without.


Hey Libby's, how does it feel that "your" President cares more about protecting the lie that has has told you, than being able to give $5 million to charity?


This is a brilliant move by Trump, since Obama is in a no win situation. You;re about to witness once again what an empty suit this guy is

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With all the controversy that goes on with transcripts, birth certificates, etc... History will show that there will be forever attached next to Obama's name in any almanac, encyclopedia, book, etc... an asterisk.



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Trump needs help looking like an idiot?


I love the guy. The worlds worst hair and tan attached to a mindless blowhard.



Of course we were due to hear from him. Hell I almost miss the lunacy of this guy:




My favorite thing is the comment by the uploader of the Beck video:

Ok first of all, i'm not American.

Second, i actually do like american people but there are no words to describe how harmful these kind of guys can be to your country's image.

A clowns clown. There is no greater gift than that of laughter.

Edited by the_spaniard
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All the evidence? There is no evidence that Obama is not who he says he is! You have nothing other than complete bullshit conspiracy theories. Worse yet, your willing to smear his dead mother in the name of partisan politics for no reason.


Here's a little bit of reality for you. We don't need to know what his college transcripts here, what he put down on his passport oor any of that because We did not know that for many of the other presidents. Surprisingly, the only president conservatives need to know all of that for is not white and not conservative.


There is plenty of evidence that Barry is a liar and will do anything to further his socialist agenda that his mentor/real father taught him. But there are those like yourself who agree and promote this same agenda and will continue to deny the facts. All one has to do is compare the pictures of Barry to Frank Marshall Davis and Obama sr. to tell who the REAL FATHER IS. And Barry will continue to ignore the offer from Trump proving he has a closet full of skeletons.

As for the "dead mother", there is plenty of real evidence linking her to Davis. They were very 'close' (friendship) neighbors, and there are several nude pictures of her in Davis' porn magazine. Davis even recounts several encounters with a young white girl named Anne in his manuscript. Now if this had been a republican, it would have been plastered all over the main steam media. But the true facts are there even if CNN doesn't cover it.


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I have no problem either, except we've been waiting for 4 years to see Obama's records, parts/die has only been asking to see Romney's taxes for 4 months. We know Obama is a flat out liar who will go back on his word and throw whoever he has to under the bus. So for Romney, I wouldn't release a thing until Barry does. But we know that ain't going to happen, so it looks like parts/die will have to go without.


Hey Libby's, how does it feel that "your" President cares more about protecting the lie that has has told you, than being able to give $5 million to charity?


This is a brilliant move by Trump, since Obama is in a no win situation. You;re about to witness once again what an empty suit this guy is


Did you ever see Romney's school records? Bush's? Kerry's? Gore's? Clinton"s? H.W. Bush's? Dukakis'? Reagan's? Mondale's? Carter's? Ford's? Nixon's? McGovern's Humphrey's? Johnson's? Goldwater's? Kennedy's?


Why is it that this President/candidate is different?


Obama isn't in a no win situation, Trump just looks like a foolish crank.

Edited by Mark B. Morrow
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Did you ever see Romney's school records? Bush's? Kerry's? Gore's? Clinton"s? H.W. Bush's? Dukakis'? Reagan's? Mondale's? Carter's? Ford's? Nixon's? McGovern's Humphrey's? Johnson's? Goldwater's? Kennedy's?


Why is it that this President/candidate is different?


Obama isn't in a no win situation, Trump just looks like a foolish crank.

No we haven't seen them. But then no one claimed these others were the "smartest guy in the room".


And at $5 mill for a charity? To Obama that's chump change. He spends trillions.



1 trillion/ 5 million =200,000 or 0.000005 or 1/50,000 of a penny to a dollar

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No we haven't seen them. But then no one claimed these others were the "smartest guy in the room".


And at $5 mill for a charity? To Obama that's chump change. He spends trillions.



1 trillion/ 5 million =200,000 or 0.000005 or 1/50,000 of a penny to a dollar



Really, Thet's the best you got on the school records of the others? I don't recall the President ever claiming to be the smartest guy in the room. You have a cite for that little gem?


No of course you don't.


If the Donald is really the Billionaire he claims to be, $ 5 Million is chump change to him too! Why not make it $ 50 million? I doubt the Donald could even come up with $5 million. He doesn't own the majority of things with his name on them.

Edited by Mark B. Morrow
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Did you ever see Romney's school records? Bush's? Kerry's? Gore's? Clinton"s? H.W. Bush's? Dukakis'? Reagan's? Mondale's? Carter's? Ford's? Nixon's? McGovern's Humphrey's? Johnson's? Goldwater's? Kennedy's?


Why is it that this President/candidate is different?

Could be because he is a flim/flam man with all his different names http://www.wnd.com/2010/08/192917/



Obama isn't in a no win situation, Trump just looks like a foolish crank.


Well then the best option would be put the "foolish crank" in his place by producing the documents and taking the 'fools' money. But we both know that will not happen.

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Really, Thet's the best you got on the school records of the others? I don't recall the President ever claiming to be the smartest guy in the room. You have a cite for that little gem?


(Check Chris Matthews. If you can get him out from under the Resolute Desk. Or was it General Admiral McRaven. Yes it was... DailyKos was my source, BTW Though Obama didn't say it, I am sure he has the AUDACITY to believe it.)




No of course you don't.


If the Donald is really the Billionaire he claims to be, $ 5 Million is chump change to him too! Why not make it $ 50 million? I doubt the Donald could even come up with $5 million. He doesn't own the majority of things with his name on them.


(The Donald is ridiculous. Rich, relative to little 'ole me, but very rich.)

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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Why is it that this President/candidate is different?


1. It's the only thing on his resume

2. He hasn't exactly proven how smart and educated he is when there isn't a teleprompter or prepared answers

3. He was never properly vetted, and most don't really know much about him other than "hope and change", and "blame Bush"

4. His family has little to no history within the United States, and both he, his father and his mentor (if that person isn't his biological father) have all spent vast amounts of time around people that didn't really care much for the United States of America, or capitalism.

5. He promised transparency, but has failed to deliver.

6. He was the first that didn't look like others.


No one forced this guy into the lime light. If you put yourself out there, you better make sure there is nothing hidden in your closet


Obama isn't in a no win situation, Trump just looks like a foolish crank.


Then why doesn't he make Trump look like a fool, and take the $5 million?

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Time to change the tinfoil in your hat Sprinter, the voices are getting through.




As a leading liberal on this site Mark, I see your 'liberal' comeback are a little lacking. So in the name of sportsmanship, let me direct you to a couple liberal websites with ‘thoughtful’ comeback lines:




But instead you follow S.I.N.

The left’s opening tactics often boil down to a simple acronym S. I. N.

Switch the Subject: They bring up one point and as soon as they can see you are about to answer it with substance they change the subject, start making it all about you instead of the fact at hand, or they move the goal post (EG you cant prove this, oh OK you proved that but you cant prove this, OK you got that but you cant prove…).

Ignore the Facts: This is very common. No matter how many facts you bring up a common tactic is to go on with their narrative as if you never posted and presented them with that fact in the first place. When confronted with facts they will : Switch the subject, attack you, or just repeat what they said before without ever acknowledging you gave them a fact to begin with.

Name Call: You are ignorant, uneducated etc etc. You just hate X and Y. You are a racist bigot sexist homophobe etc.



And Mark I do listen to voices in my head. They speak to me about logic and truth.



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Mark, I will give you credit for that. You seldom stoop to name calling. Thanks.


Interestingly enough I was in the car with a friend and there was a car in front of us with a Romney Ryan sticker on he back. Now we were driving through a very Mormon packed part of Mesa AZ at the time so you would think that such a sticker would be common for a variety of reasons, consider the confluence of all things red state... But the reality is that those stickers are very very rare. One the other hand the O on the Obama stickers is as prominent a bulls eye, and even here much more common. My companion is a very active Democrat, knocking on doors for Carmona and Penzone to replace Flake and Arpaio, not to mention their support for Obama. Of course their Prius has the O on the back... But I digress. When I noted the relative scarcity of Romney stickers his comment was this: "People don't like being called a racist all the time". Think about that....


I am beginning to believe that the race card may have player itself out. Could it be that the Democrats have cried wolf (racist) so many times that it just isn't being heard any more?

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