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skilled trades buyout question


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With all of the outsourcing of jobs that Ford will be doing, I wonder if many of the skilled tradesmen/women will be inclined to take buyouts and start their own business? I'm talking about those skilled trades individuals with 25-30 years? It sounds like Ford is eliminating all overtime, even for skilled trades. Are their any skilled trades brothers or sisters who have an opinion on this matter? And how many skilled trades men/women are in gen pool, if any one knows?

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With all of the outsourcing of jobs that Ford will be doing, I wonder if many of the skilled tradesmen/women will be inclined to take buyouts and start their own business? I'm talking about those skilled trades individuals with 25-30 years? It sounds like Ford is eliminating all overtime, even for skilled trades. Are their any skilled trades brothers or sisters who have an opinion on this matter? And how many skilled trades men/women are in gen pool, if any one knows?


I know I'm considering taking it, I'm not in GEN yet, but will soon be. I've been hovering with 8 guys below me before I get put in GEN. I think they're getting ready to cut some more heads in the rouge in oct. I believe there are 30-40 mw's in gen throughout the rouge with more to come. It's not looking good, they've got us by the short and curlies. That's okay after a meeting with my professor on monday I'll have a better idea of what to expect and what to do, I'm glad I started back to school already, just wish I would've done it sooner. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, KEEP YOUR HEADS HELD HIGH!

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I know I'm considering taking it, I'm not in GEN yet, but will soon be. I've been hovering with 8 guys below me before I get put in GEN. I think they're getting ready to cut some more heads in the rouge in oct. I believe there are 30-40 mw's in gen throughout the rouge with more to come. It's not looking good, they've got us by the short and curlies. That's okay after a meeting with my professor on monday I'll have a better idea of what to expect and what to do, I'm glad I started back to school already, just wish I would've done it sooner. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, KEEP YOUR HEADS HELD HIGH!

Why are mw's in gen? Is that one of the trade that they are outsourcing or combining?

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With all of the outsourcing of jobs that Ford will be doing, I wonder if many of the skilled tradesmen/women will be inclined to take buyouts and start their own business? I'm talking about those skilled trades individuals with 25-30 years? It sounds like Ford is eliminating all overtime, even for skilled trades. Are their any skilled trades brothers or sisters who have an opinion on this matter? And how many skilled trades men/women are in gen pool, if any one knows?


You could start your own business, with all of the downside. You are the person in charge, initially if you leave for time off you make no $$. Most small businesses fail in the first 5 years. On the upside, there are definite tax advantages to owning a small business, and if you can grow the business there is the possibility that you can sell the thing down the road and walk away with some $$$.

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What he said. Maybe now that they're possibly putting some of us back on the line maybe some of those old guys will be able to leave.


It's a nice thought that maybe people that are eligable to retire will do so to keep younger tradesmen from having to go back to the line but it isn't going to happen.

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I know...there's one guy who has over 40 years in who said "I'd like to retire, but I just don't know what I'd do with all my time..." that's fucking pathetic in my book, not only because he's screwing a young guy out of a job but goddamn are you that boring that you couldn't find something to be interested in/do with yourself? Every day I think of a ton of other things I'd rather be doing...oh well nothing I can do about it.

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I know...there's one guy who has over 40 years in who said "I'd like to retire, but I just don't know what I'd do with all my time..." that's fucking pathetic in my book, not only because he's screwing a young guy out of a job but goddamn are you that boring that you couldn't find something to be interested in/do with yourself? Every day I think of a ton of other things I'd rather be doing...oh well nothing I can do about it.

Had one guy at our plant, has over 40 years in with the company, hasn't done much for the last 5 years, said he wouldn't take a buyout package because if he did he would drink himself to death. For crying out loud! Get some help! Others say that they won't take it because they will have to spend more time with thier wives. Some of these excuses are pretty pathetic. I can understand if a guy says he isn't taking one because he isn't in a good money situation, or has a kid or 2 in college, but quit with the bullshit excuses!

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I'm taking the cash as soon as I can, that COA Is going to change everything. If I was in a plant that wasn't going to close I would start my own contracting company and work at Ford, salary personnel are very unhappy with their job and nervous about getting layed off. The opportunity is unreal for providing a few kick-backs and making a killing at Ford.

Edited by pant load
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