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Bush regime knocked Ford down

Tariq Hassan

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If the tin foil could protect me from the idiots that don't have a clue what is happening, I would certainly wear it. In your version of life, Col. North and Admiral Poindexter were unjustly accused and sentenced? What about the ones that didn't get charged? They were running drugs into this country and selling arms to terrorist for profit while telling themselves they were helping the contras (which could be considered another terrorist group trying to overthrow a government). Read the congressional report.


How do you explain one of our "allies" trying to kill everyone on board the USS Liberty? The American flag was in plain sight. What did President Johnson do? Have you listened to any of the Nixon tapes? The Gulf of Tonkin was bull shit. They were shooting at empty water, no gun boats were around. They use the game plan as Goering said but put in a different leader.


Why is it that each time we have a "terrorist event" my rights under the constitution dwindle? This country is getting closer each day to Nazi Germany.


You need to wake up and do some real research. Fox news is putting you to sleep.


So then, tell us which democrats running for President have stated unequivocably they will roll back the changes! I haven't heard of any, but maybe I missed it.


If I did not MISS it and they are just playing lip service, then my friend, you are being sold what is known as a "red Herring." You see, history also teaches us that leaders, and leader wannabees; love to be able to exert control. Only difference? The wannabees wannabee the ones to use it, and want the author of the edict out of power.


If this is so, we are in deep-doo, since no 3rd party ELECTABLE candidate is running at the moment, and both sides of the current aisle who think their guys are the honest guys, and that the opposition are all crooked are only 1/2 right.......the 1/2 that is correct is.............both sides are pretty corrupt and fudge the truth.


P.S. Like it or not, the Nazis were brilliant. The one that was crazy was Hitler.

For your information if you want everyone to compare notes, the Nazis mantra in rudimentary translation was----------------->


1. It is not fair.


2. The government is not creating enough jobs by its policys.


3. The rich jews and burgeousies (did I spell that right?) have everything while you starve.


4. We need lebensraum. (living space)


5. The government in power is to blame for everything, vote for us and we will fix it.


Which party does that sound like in this country? Why both of them of course, but specifically the one who is not in power at any particular time. Right now it is the democrats..................kinda; eventhough they regained some seats in congress; but to me the repubs say the same thing when they are on the outside looking in too.


It is really sad that we argue or debate which party is wonderful, when neither one of them have done anything worth a hoot in many years; and if an administration did do good things, they screwed something else up to make themselves look bad. Someday, we will smarten up and demand politicians from them that WE want, instead of them giving us the people THEY want................ones that the party can keep on the reservation, and keep most things in the status quo.



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So then, tell us which democrats running for President have stated unequivocably they will roll back the changes! I haven't heard of any, but maybe I missed it.


If I did not MISS it and they are just playing lip service, then my friend, you are being sold what is known as a "red Herring." You see, history also teaches us that leaders, and leader wannabees; love to be able to exert control. Only difference? The wannabees wannabee the ones to use it, and want the author of the edict out of power.


If this is so, we are in deep-doo, since no 3rd party ELECTABLE candidate is running at the moment, and both sides of the current aisle who think their guys are the honest guys, and that the opposition are all crooked are only 1/2 right.......the 1/2 that is correct is.............both sides are pretty corrupt and fudge the truth.


P.S. Like it or not, the Nazis were brilliant. The one that was crazy was Hitler.

For your information if you want everyone to compare notes, the Nazis mantra in rudimentary translation was----------------->


1. It is not fair.


2. The government is not creating enough jobs by its policys.


3. The rich jews and burgeousies (did I spell that right?) have everything while you starve.


4. We need lebensraum. (living space)


5. The government in power is to blame for everything, vote for us and we will fix it.


Which party does that sound like in this country? Why both of them of course, but specifically the one who is not in power at any particular time. Right now it is the democrats..................kinda; eventhough they regained some seats in congress; but to me the repubs say the same thing when they are on the outside looking in too.


It is really sad that we argue or debate which party is wonderful, when neither one of them have done anything worth a hoot in many years; and if an administration did do good things, they screwed something else up to make themselves look bad. Someday, we will smarten up and demand politicians from them that WE want, instead of them giving us the people THEY want................ones that the party can keep on the reservation, and keep most things in the status quo.



Do you believe we are in deep-doo? I do.

When you take a step back and look at this government get bigger and bigger, the prez keep grabbing more power, it makes you wonder. Maybe in fifty years we will be like the Nazis.

People need to wake up, demand that this country be ran how it's supposed to, before the day comes that it's to late.

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You will hear what the leaders want you to hear and nothing else. The major media outlets are controlled by about 5 organizations.


"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


Bush and Co. are crafting the next set of lies about Iran/North Korea. There will have to be another 9/11 event here or in Israel to get the public support behind the nuking of Iran. Maybe the Israelis will try and pull something again USS Liberty to pull us into their war.


Excellent analogy! Simply replace Goering with Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/Rove/Wolfowitz/Perle, and there you have it.

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As I told ya before Mr Cap, it is all about the money.


I will tell ya though not to work yourself into a tizzy over all this stuff, since as you can see by the posts on here, everyone believes that those in power are good crooks, as long as they are our crooks, lol.


Eventually it will change when the most ardent supporters of both partys discover common ground because they have to. As long as both keep insisting on pushing their crooks in instead of throwing all the crooks out, the status quo will be maintained; the only question will be which partys crooks are at the helm.




When I received this, I read it 3 times. It about says it all. Every excuse to make YOUR money, THEIR money, so they can fund porkbarrel projects and get re-elected. Money means power in this world, and now you can see why we are one of/if not the strongest.


What Happened?


At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it.

Be sure to read all the way to the end!

Tax his land,

Tax his bed,

Tax the table at which he's fed.


Tax his tractor,

Tax his mule,

Teach him taxes are the rule.


Tax his cow,

Tax his goa t,

Tax his pants,

Tax his coat.




Tax his ties,

Tax his shirt,

Tax his work,

Tax his dirt.


Tax his tobacco,

Tax his drink,

Tax him if he tries to think.


Tax his cigars,

Tax his beers,

If he cries, then Tax his tears.


Tax his car,

Tax his gas,

Find other ways to tax his ass.


Tax all he has, Then let him know

That you won't be done,Till he has no dough.


When he screams and hollers,

Then tax him some more,

Tax him till He's good and sore.


Then tax his coffin,

Tax his grave,

then Tax the sod in which he's laid.


Put these words upon his tomb,


"Taxes drove me to my doom..."


When he's gone, do not relax,

Its time to apply the inheritance tax.



Accounts Receivable Tax

Building Permit Tax

CDL license Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Dog License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel permit tax

Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax

Interest expense

Inventory tax

IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Service charge taxes

Social Secu rity Tax

Road usage taxes

Sales Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax

School Tax

State Income Tax

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

Telephone federal excise tax

Telephone federal universal service fee tax

Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes

Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax

Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax

Telephone state and local tax

Telephone usage charge tax

Utility Taxes

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Watercraft registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax


COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,

and our nation was the most prosperous in the world

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle

class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise t he kids.


What happened?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Our polticians decided that YOU are to dumb to spend your money correctly, so decided to spend it for you. They also decided to buy votes, we have to give money to people who don't earn any for a variety of reasons, and one of the reasons is.............they want you to take care of them cause it is not fair that they do not make 250,000 dollars a year.


Taxes must be paid to run our government, pay the military, keep the roads going, etc, etc. How much is the question!!! Years ago, not a large percentage, today............closing in on 50% of your income, lol.


Now then, ask again how much MORE money you want to give the government for National Healthcare, and all these other wonderful programs some would like our leaders to administer, hehehehehehehehehe.


You have already seen the outcome of programs that sounded good, mighta been good, shoulda been good, but the amount of money it costs you cause of their incompetence or tendency towards "greasing palms" has you at a threshold of almost 50% of anything you earn going to their coffures.


Is it not time you FIX the programs in place and their spending habits, BEFORE you ask the American people to fund more waste?

Edited by Imawhosure
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Here's something to go along those lines IMA.

CAGW Blasts DM&E Rail Subsidy

The DM&E loan has quietly moved through Congress thanks to behind-the-scenes lobbying and legislative maneuvers from Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a former lobbyist for DM&E.

When you follow the money you always almost find something funny.

“This deal makes no sense from a fiscal, security, or commonsense standpoint,” continued Schatz. “Taxpayers are being railroaded and most of them don’t even realize it.”
Edited by fmccap
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I just heard a little tid bit that just seems so apropos for this little forum.


It seems that our new esteemed Speaker of The House (you recall - the one who tried to protect her San Francisco business constituents by not including American Samoa in the minimum wage bill) now feels that the jet used by the former Speaker is just not adequate and has demanded that a jet befitting a queen be provided by the United States for her personal use.


And people say that I am extravagant by flying first class all the time.

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I just heard a little tid bit that just seems so apropos for this little forum.


It seems that our new esteemed Speaker of The House (you recall - the one who tried to protect her San Francisco business constituents by not including American Samoa in the minimum wage bill) now feels that the jet used by the former Speaker is just not adequate and has demanded that a jet befitting a queen be provided by the United States for her personal use.


And people say that I am extravagant by flying first class all the time.



you think the republicans are any different ? you think this is a surprise ?


HA you are one dumb bitch!

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I just heard a little tid bit that just seems so apropos for this little forum.


It seems that our new esteemed Speaker of The House (you recall - the one who tried to protect her San Francisco business constituents by not including American Samoa in the minimum wage bill) now feels that the jet used by the former Speaker is just not adequate and has demanded that a jet befitting a queen be provided by the United States for her personal use.


And people say that I am extravagant by flying first class all the time.


Do you SEE!!!!!!!!!!!


Take the moniker of repub or democrat off the offender, and finally do something and GET PISSED!!!!!!!!!


They are both in your pockets, and only complain because the other party is spending the money instead of them..........and not spending alot of it in the best interest of YOUR family I might add!!!!!!


There are good candidates for most of the positions in one party or the other; and if not, look at the independent. Get smart, quit being partisan, and get the best before the worst cleans everyone the rest of the way out, and screws this country so badly we end up in a position that we can not recover from.


Remove your predetermined need for it to be a liberal or conservative, and LISTEN to what the candidates are saying, and call up their voting record to see if it is accurate. I know it is a pain in the frame to do it, but make YOUR VOTE COUNT FOR YOU, and not for a political PARTY!!!!!


Get involved by what you find out. You do not have to campaign for anyone, all you have to do is ask your friends and neighbors to remove the candidates running political moniker, then use logic to elect someone who will help everyone!

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you think the republicans are any different ? you think this is a surprise ?


HA you are one dumb bitch!


Oh dear. Your ignorance is showing again. You really should shush a little more often so your stupidity isn't as apparent.


I just stated that the former Speakers plane - that Speaker having been a Republican - is not good enough for Madame Pelosi.

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Oh dear. Your ignorance is showing again. You really should shush a little more often so your stupidity isn't as apparent.


I just stated that the former Speakers plane - that Speaker having been a Republican - is not good enough for Madame Pelosi.


SO ? what is this going to prove ? do you expect anything different from a politician ?




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Do you SEE!!!!!!!!!!!


Take the moniker of repub or democrat off the offender, and finally do something and GET PISSED!!!!!!!!!


They are both in your pockets, and only complain because the other party is spending the money instead of them..........and not spending alot of it in the best interest of YOUR family I might add!!!!!!


There are good candidates for most of the positions in one party or the other; and if not, look at the independent. Get smart, quit being partisan, and get the best before the worst cleans everyone the rest of the way out, and screws this country so badly we end up in a position that we can not recover from.


Remove your predetermined need for it to be a liberal or conservative, and LISTEN to what the candidates are saying, and call up their voting record to see if it is accurate. I know it is a pain in the frame to do it, but make YOUR VOTE COUNT FOR YOU, and not for a political PARTY!!!!!


Get involved by what you find out. You do not have to campaign for anyone, all you have to do is ask your friends and neighbors to remove the candidates running political moniker, then use logic to elect someone who will help everyone!

I'm in total agreement, I think it is time to take back our country. Unfortuntely we may be to late to accomplish it within the political process, It's time to pass the ammunition
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I'm in total agreement, I think it is time to take back our country. Unfortuntely we may be to late to accomplish it within the political process, It's time to pass the ammunition

Criminals Control the Executive Branch

If members of Congress were faithful to their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution, Bush and Cheney would already have been impeached and convicted.

The American people and their representatives in Congress must face the fact that criminal and dictatorial persons control executive power in the United States and immediately rectify this highly dangerous situation.

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Do you SEE!!!!!!!!!!!


Take the moniker of repub or democrat off the offender, and finally do something and GET PISSED!!!!!!!!!


They are both in your pockets, and only complain because the other party is spending the money instead of them..........and not spending alot of it in the best interest of YOUR family I might add!!!!!!


There are good candidates for most of the positions in one party or the other; and if not, look at the independent. Get smart, quit being partisan, and get the best before the worst cleans everyone the rest of the way out, and screws this country so badly we end up in a position that we can not recover from.


Remove your predetermined need for it to be a liberal or conservative, and LISTEN to what the candidates are saying, and call up their voting record to see if it is accurate. I know it is a pain in the frame to do it, but make YOUR VOTE COUNT FOR YOU, and not for a political PARTY!!!!!


Get involved by what you find out. You do not have to campaign for anyone, all you have to do is ask your friends and neighbors to remove the candidates running political moniker, then use logic to elect someone who will help everyone!

Property Rights

Unfortunately, Americans have permitted governments at every level to become increasingly destructive of the ends they were created to serve. Under the color of law, government often does to us what thieves and crooks do, and like a nation of sheep we stand by and take it, and what's worse, sometimes we ask for it.
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  • 4 weeks later...
You will hear what the leaders want you to hear and nothing else. The major media outlets are controlled by about 5 organizations.


"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


Bush and Co. are crafting the next set of lies about Iran/North Korea. There will have to be another 9/11 event here or in Israel to get the public support behind the nuking of Iran. Maybe the Israelis will try and pull something again USS Liberty to pull us into their war.



The Nazis were left-wingers, the same as the Communists, the Fascists, and Saddam Hussein. They were all Socialists. The Jews were Capitalists. That is why the Nazis, being Socialists, murdered them. You are obviously anti-Semetic and Socialist, which proves my point. You agree with a Nazi. You accuse the Jews of conspiracy. You side with the enemy. Hitler resides in your camp, not Bush's.

Edited by Trimdingman
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