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Everything posted by silvrsvt

  1. Um yeah I know the past four years have blinked by but when I was looking before the last time he logged in using that account was 2017! LOL
  2. A certain poster here has stated a compact EV is coming and their record has been much better then Borg's..plus other info put out by them have been correct. It is not hard to find :)
  3. There is allot of users that use allot to boot! When I get time I'll compare IPs ?
  4. Come on think about this objectively-OAC is going down for retooling in the next 60 days...and they are going to keep the plant down for almost 36 months?! NO FUCKING WAY! That will cost Ford Billions not to build it-keep in mind suppliers need build parts for it and they need to keep their workforces employed too. Borg is most likely got information screwed up once again. He got chased off here for being wrong so many times before.
  5. https://www.thedrive.com/news/ford-is-still-trying-to-clean-up-takata-airbag-repairs-that-dealers-botched
  6. Self driving=EV=Same rumor with the Apple Car.
  7. I find that really hard to believe that OAC will be down for almost 36 months. Borg has been completely wrong more often than not also.
  8. Your not wrong, but it all depends on how much they are depending on that product coming from that plant. I'm guessing management is brushing up contingency plans (if they are smart) at the moment, just incase that happens.
  9. I know I'm the outlier here, but I don't miss my keypad at all...the biggest issue is it's just another code to remember, I have so many stupid codes/passwords etc I need to know for my job that its not worth the brainpower to keep it memorized. The only vaguely useful thing is pushing the last two keys on my wife's Escape to lock it. The doors open when pull the handle that's all I care about. Not sure if other Ford products do this, but the Bronco has an annoying double honk when you leave your keys or close your doors with the keys in it.
  10. https://www.autoblog.com/2023/11/08/toyota-mirai-hydrogen-refueling/ Some of the problems: I saw another article state that Hydrogen was at $82 per kilogram...as that article states, trying to find a place to fill up at is worse than finding an EV charge point.
  11. Orange peel is beyond "paint correction" that is sanding the clearcoat/paint. Your not going to correct orange peel with an orbital buffer. I've messed around with expel on my bronco and orange peel is the least of your concerns with it.
  12. It depends...you really shouldn't need a paint correction on brand new car. If anything can add more damage to the paint (if its not done correctly) Most of the time shops are just upcharging
  13. Gutted the product line? Got rid of an product that had no real viable way of going forward? Sedans/hatchbacks where dead by 2020.
  14. https://fordauthority.com/2024/02/ford-dealer-installed-keyless-keypads-same-as-factory-part/
  15. But that apparent loss is because things like the battery plants and BOC are figured into that said profit margin that Model E is losing their shirts on. Let’s see what the actual deal is when they come online. it’s like the 30-60k battery pack replacement costs that get thrown around-there is next to no “extras” being built so the price goes up accordingly. Economics 101. It’s like Bronco Raptor parts-I’ve seen the dash handles getting sold for $1200 bucks then the regular ones cost maybe 1/8th of that.
  16. Here’s the problem-Toyota was talking out of both sides of its mouth-yet they are spending billions on EV stuff in their Kentucky plant. Ford was expecting a quicker changeover to EVs then what was happening (most likely due to investors and believing they’d make more profit) and talked them up, but outside of getting rid of the edge, they still have ICE/hybird products in production for the next 10-15 years.
  17. Its about 2 inches shorter than an Explorer and almost 7 inches longer than the NA Edge.
  18. Interesting article on GMs issue with its new EVs. Makes you wonder how many Ford is going to run into. https://insideevs.com/features/709703/gm-ultium-problems-software-batteries/amp/
  19. I wouldn't say that, the 1970s was known as the malaise era in automotive history, primarily because of those two things and downsizing of vehicles. Vehicle performance took a huge hit vs what it was seeing up till 1973 or so. EVs are arguably a better driving experience wise. Yes Range/charging times can be an issue, but it is also a lifestyle adjustment to a point-and people hate change. Its sort of like going from a landline to a cell phone-the vast majority of older people barely use their cell phones, but younger generations are basically attached to them. There are going to be people who do the same thing with ICE powered cars. Things didn't really get better till the mid 1980s. Only difference now is that you have people being able to share their thoughts on the internet and social media and well.... If that was the case, Auto makers wouldn't have caved on catalytic converters and other things that CARB has required over the years. California is the largest new car selling market and the other CARB states make up large percentage of the top 10.
  20. If they want to close the plant and pay back 1.8+ billion in loans and you want to be out of a job, they could. It is better to keep the plant open and not lose the workforce.
  21. How is that? CARB is forcing the issue in several states-its like removing leaded gas or adding catalytic converters.
  22. The thing people are forgetting, is what plant would they shut down to make EVs in the US? They still need ICE manufacturing for the next 10-15 years and outside of maybe Flat Rock, the other plants are more than busy. I don't think Oakville is a big issue-they got lots of incentives from the Canadian government, but maybe the low volume that will most likely come out of it for a few years might be an issue.
  23. What are you taking about? Keep in mind that new products take at least four-five years to develop and bring into production-just look at the Bronco as an example. I think people don’t get that what is coming out today was more or less decided to be done before Covid came along. business plans change all the time and now I just hear the sky is falling and Ford is failing when they haven’t even come out with products that have been talked about for the past two-three years yet.
  24. Why? Building EVs is different than building ICE assembly line wise.
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