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  1. RTR!!!!!! Thats "Roll Tide Roll" for you unknowing folks up north.
  2. I am just thankful that I have a job in this economy. I find it to be must less stressful to just worry about me, and not get all torqued out of shape about what someone else is getting. I'll take whatever profit sharing I get, be thankful for it, and go about my merry way. There is no way I would plan my life around a dime more than i make in a 40 hour week. Tax refund....straight into savings. Profit sharing.....straight into savings. Overtime.....straight into savings. In other words...if you have to sell something because you cant make the payments when your overtime dries up, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
  3. I'm still trying to figure out what Sarah did that was so wrong. Here is her map..... http://i849.photobucket.com/albums/ab51/billsled/palin-graphic.jpg AND, here is a map from the DNC in 2004.... http://i849.photobucket.com/albums/ab51/billsled/BP_0405_heartland1.gif Both parties do the same shit.
  4. The folks at the local petsmart/grocery store/hardware store etc, dont build vehicles that could kill you(or save your life depending on the incident).
  5. LAP is supposed to shut down in June or July of 2010 for a 9 to 16 month retool. Rumor is they are getting the Kuga.
  6. Also not trying to be negative here either, but they are still planning on laying off around 50 tradesmen. While this move is good for the majority, it isn't good for all involved.
  7. The era of violent overthrow of government saw its peak and decline in the 20th century as it has been replaced by social revolution. Social Revolution saw its biggest example in the fall of the USSR but there are many examples even South AFrica's change of government. Any government that is continually restricting liberties and believes in a socialist ideal of the working class paying for the living of the non-working is doomed to this fate. Its a mathematical certainty. Eventually the minority can not pay for the majority and the majority will continue to want more and more. The system will fail and once the majority realize they were better off under capitalism than socialism the government will change. We've been heading down this path for a long time and it sure has been far faster than I ever could have imagined. If you would have told me 30 years ago that the best medical plan in America would be welfare, I would have laughed at you. What it means to us directly isn't a gun shooting revolution type war but just as equally as dangerous and catastrophic. As the government tries to pander to both the tax payer and the social benefit, its deficit will continue to climb until economic upheaval is the result. This means hard times for everyone. Crime and organized crime will increase dramatically and so will corruption. The reduction of civil liberties will increase to prevent the crime but only push the law abiding into being a criminal. You think this is all BS? How many people do you know who are so disgusted they aren't voting or worse so disgusted they don't care about the issues and simply voting for change? Hold your socks for we're not going to have a revolution, we are in the middle of one, a social revolution.
  8. Washington Post article The point of my statements were more directly aimed at the .gov who is no longer in the business of governing as much as it is redistrubiting wealth, on all levels. Sure, poor people got got in the crossfire, but I argue that in more cases than one would like to admit, they are in the financial state they are in trough their own choices. Also from the above article:
  9. Socialism is already here. Just take a look around you. See the poor people here in the USA with their cell phones, cars I cant even afford to drive, 60 plasma TV's, gold teeth, braided hair, jewelry, fake nails, nice clothes, fat asses, and fatherless babies? Well, WE are the ones footing the bills. If that isn't socialism at work, I don't what is. Look at poor people in other contries, they are skinny, live in shacks made of mud and scrap lumber, and walk wherever they go. I just wonder....... Are there enough like minded people in this country any more that have the stones to take this country back. If it is going to happen, it is not going to be because we all went to the ballot box. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin and the bunch didn't vote out the British..... Taxes. I have to pay an income tax to the state .gov and the fed .gov. A county employment tax just to work in the county I work in (I don't live there, so I have no say so in the elected representitives there, can you say taxation without rep?). I am required to have insurance on my car, but I also have to pay taxes on that insurance. Social security tax, that I may or probably will not ever benefit from. Medicare tax, which I don't qualify for. Sales tax on the food I eat and the clothes I wear. Special fuel taxes on top of the already crushing cost of fuel. I have to pay taxes in order to legally operate my vehicle on the roads(but I can be fined for reckless driving if I dont "share the roads" with the cyclists, who by the way DONT have to pay a tax to operate their bicycles on the same .gov roads). And then, I have to pay a tax simply because I own my home, and guess what, if I don't pay that, then the .gov will come in and force me from my home at gunpoint (yes, gunpoint if I don't leave peacefully) and auction off my home and personal belongings so that my tax debt will be paid. We arent free in this country anymore. We exist at the whim of our own "elected" officials. I know, I know, I know.....death and taxes. Should the latter cause the former?
  10. Do you guys ever feel like us the "working men/women" foot the bills for all the scum of society? I don't mind paying taxes to help "good" people who need it, but I'm really getting tired of giving 30% of my income to help dopers, criminals, and lazy ass people. When will the average "working man" say: I've had enough? Is it going to take us being taxed to the point where we don't have a T.V. in every room, a car for everyone in the home, a Harley in the garage, etc? I was in the emergency room the other day and the entire waiting area was filled with Mexicans. After hearing about the fourth one say that He/She didn't have any I.D. and insurance, I was about to blow a gasket. It's my money that allows them to get their health care even when they are here illegally. It's no different than the Damn "tweekers" who do nothing good in this world. They just lay around, in their .gov housing, doing dope every day, watching "Jerry Springer" and making babies that "we" will have to support. I guess, I've just been pissed for some time now and I finally have to rant. Do you guys ever think the "Working Man" will ever be taxed to the point of a rebellion? And its getting worse. Obama wants to make your "contribution to society" even larger. We are moving towards socialism. This wont make everyone the same and everyone have money like the Dems are selling the idea (and morons fall for it), it will make everyone poorer. The government shouldnt take care of the poor, we should. Private contributions did more to help Katrina victims that did .gov. They need to realize Americans are giving, generous people, we dont need the .gov to force us to do it. I would be fine with losing a third of my money to help others if I knew where it was going, but it seems like out tax money is being thrown into bailing people that dont want to try. If you give lazy people all the help they need, why would they want to try harder? Wealth redistribution is not the proper role of government. Yeah...I believe it will happen but, it will take alot more than just taxes to piss people off enough to stand up against the injustice that is being force-fed down our throats. If we were living in the 40's or 50's right now with all that is going on, do you think our parents or grand-parents would have stood idly by and let these things happen? HELL NO!!!! But, we have become conditioned to not say anything because we might "offend" someone of a certain class or genre or religion. SCREW THAT!!! By God if we don't start standing up for ourselves and our country...we are going to be screwed. We have to start telling our local leaders and politicians what we expect of them and if they don't follow through...we vote them out of office and start with another one. I know it's not the answer but, it's a beginning. I just hate to see certain classes of people just sitting around doing and saying nothing because they are SCARED. Hell....I am an equal opportunity offender. If I think something is wrong..I will tell you it's wrong. We are giving away our country to any and every foreigner who has the money to buy our businesses. I have no problem with people who enter the U.S. legally and work hard and pay taxes. But, when you come here, get a interest free or low low interest loan to buy every gas station in town and every hotel and then run them in the ground because you won't spend a few dollars to keep it up...pisses me off. They are sending the money home, they are not spending all of their money here....are you crazy? We had better wake up and stand up and shout out against the injustices or we will wake up in a country that is not ours one day At least twice a month I give serious thought about "going on strike" like one of the characters in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged... Put out a survival stash in a hidden area. Then live below the radar doing some low wage job that makes just enough money to put a small roof overhead and some beans and rice in a bowl. Just enough income to get EIC and receive more from the system then I pay in. Use public transportation and "free" medical. In essence, stop funding/feeding the machine, throw some sand in the gears, and let it grind to a halt under its own weight, let LBJ's "Great Society" fall into a heap. Then, maybe, we will go back to the premise of "if you don't work, you don't eat".
  11. I guess I do. Seems like Level is in agreement with me also.
  12. I studied this at length while in GEN. Job placement order in the last contract was: 1. Plant GEN 2. Local GEN 3. Master GEN (nationwide) 4. Crossover from another trade provided the individual is proffecient 5. Return to trades (your position if you choose so) 6. Production to trades (provided the individual is proffecient, and can pass the journeymans exam) 7. Hire from the street That is the way it was SUPPOSED to work, but trades that went to production at KTP were let back into trades without letting trades that had gone to LAP to return to home plant. I forget where, but return to home plant falls somewhere between 1 and 4. That is to the best of my memory, but I may be off by a few. I had considered that option when AAP was shut down, but decided not to go that route, because basically I wouldn't have gotten placed back into trades unless they were about to hire off the street. YMMV
  13. Personally, I hope not. All I can really base my opinion on is what I am hearing from my 17 soon to be 18 yo daughter, and what my wife tells me she hears where she teaches school. Seems all the kids are fired up about Hussien. I think you are right however, when it comes election day, if they (the demographic we're speaking of) have a chance to go to the mall or go hang out with their friends, that will most likely win their vote than the voting booth.
  14. My calls for the general election: Hillary would lose flat out against McCain. The simple reason for that is this country is already divided 50/50 on her. Just by her running, it will galvanize 50% of the voters to get out and vote against her, just to make sure she doesnt win. I believe that many people hate her enough, they wouldn't care who the other candidate was. I think it would be too close to call for a Hussien Obama run. He makes everyone so warm and fuzzy inside, I think that alot of the younger crowd (ie. first time voters years 18-21) will vote for him, even though he is a cadidate without substance, just as they are too young and inexperienced to grasp the importance of national matters, in other words, like Hussien, they too are without substance. Another problem for McCain is the fact that both he and Hussien draw alot of votes from the independent crowd, so they will both be fighting for those. Hillary wouldn't get much of those votes anyhow, another reason McCain would beat her like a red-headed stepchild. While McCain is way too loopy on alot of issues that are important to me, I think that he would at least appoint judges that would NOT "legislate from the bench", and interpet the Constitution and Bill of Rights as they are written, not as they would like for them to be. Personally, I think that is one of the more important matters that often get overlooked during a campaign cycle.
  15. Well now, where are all of the trash talking Bucks now? You ought to know by now, you can't play ball with an SEC team.
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