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Harry Bennet

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Everything posted by Harry Bennet

  1. THAT'S FUNNY!!! Slow down on the corn bread and Kool Aid Allow me to opine: If there was no union, there would be NO NEED to release 26,000 employees So, yes I agree, without a union, there would be no $100,000 checks but IF there was no union then Ford and GM would be profitable and earning dividends to shareholders If the UAW treated its dues payers like share holders instead of serfs, (so tempted to write surfs) the whole contract would be different, probably could be writtn it out in 3 pages of legal pad During the 50's and 60's, the UAW used extortion to get its rank and file wages for manual labor 3 times greater than the going rate(I'm comparing general assembly hand to roofer) Today this lopsided set of wages and benefits is why people in UAW states cannot afford health insurance- doctors charge what they can get, not what people can afford. Houses, grocercies, taxes are also much more exspensive in MI compared to TX or NC So 'IF' cuts both ways
  2. Uh . . yeah , we automakers already did that Honda is STOPPING production of Hybrid Accord and Insight BECAUSE PEOPLE DO NOT BUY these more fuel efficent vehicles! (at least not in volumes that make profits) Auto making is a business, and like all other businesses the reason we exist is to make profits Certainly there are customers looking to buy fuel efficiency and there are customers who want sport cars if you REALLY want to reduce/eliminate green house gases and you want all other consumers to be forced into this, ask AlGore to BAN private transportation ENTIRELY. Why limit this to sport car drivers or SUV drivers or families that need/want a big vehicle for safety? Save the planet, destroy ALL cars!!!
  3. well that's a relief. so when is Fred coming to work? Is Nick going to put out a letter before shut down letting the local know Fred is innocent and welcome him back to work? Is Local 2000 going to write a letter to the editor and demand a retraction? As crazy as these accusations sound, the denial is even less believable. I still think its true and I think more people got back in, got a buyout, and are paying off others, and I wouldn't doubt someone in HR was is in too
  4. Do you think a big investigation is necessary? you think he acted alone or with someone in HR? SHOULD Nick address this or is disinformation (ala G W Bush) are better way to deal with this?
  5. No one knows? or no one is saying? I nominate Spring, second anyonoe?
  6. Gorillas and chickens and pickets check out det news! http://detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?A...345/1148/AUTO01 a picture of a picket line with people in gorilla and chicken costumes! WOW!
  7. after seeing how INEFFECTIVE Hay, Kimmons, and the rest were at keeping NAP open, WHY would the flat rate techs join them? A union like that is just another layer of management. Let's see they organized a dealer ship. What would happen first? they'd install one of their boys as chair and what else? Get better insurance? better job guarantees? they didn't deliver these for NAP or TDS or any other extension of 919. there are other unions that are better at delivering the goods without all the favors and other BS. its a damn shame, because the workers at NAP deserved better
  8. will the union disappear after the trucks disappear? THe union disappeared at NAP a while ago! probably when the cracker prez got his job back
  9. WOO HOO, sign me up! You the same winner that helped the Machinicst Union at NorthWest? Were you not the same winners of the Detroit News Free Press Strike- Lockout- meltdown?? YOu can be prez, I just want to be the treasurer $$$
  10. you hit the nail on the head, all beating scabs would do is make martyrs cross union solidarity??? where was the UAW when the machinist union wanted to organize? how come it was not Teamsters trucking van bodies from on plant to the other? IBEW for electricains? at every chance the UAW EXPANDED inot other unions turf other unions have been pissed at the UAW for a long time Imports? THe Longshoremen unloaded them, the Teamsters delivered them, the NEA (teachers) buys them. When the UAW opens up shop to other unions, then it might see some love in return right now it seems the UAW would rather organize casinos check it out uaw.org
  11. Beaten by 4 men in front of your own house?!?! Man or woman?? For crossing a pickett line? Someone just trying to keep their kids fed ? even another UAW member who is trying not to lose their home?? Is that really what the UAW is about?? Is your job at that plant REALLY worth crippling some dad or mom just trying to make ends meet? Assult and battery? My namesake, Harry Bennett, used tactics like that to PREVENT UNIONS from coming into Ford Nice, way to go, become the thing you tried to prevent People might need a union at Honda or Toyota someday, but one like this UAW? this might be why they would rather have the UAW on the outside
  12. It's going to Mexico? GOOD, maybe there is chance Ford can make a PROFIT$$$ on THIS engine and the products it will go in. Keeping jobs in the USA would be nice, but if Ford cannot be profitable, it will go bankrupt. If Ford goes bankrupt, ALL the pensions obilgations will fall on the US Gov't, who will likely pay pennies on the dollar. oh, and if Ford goes belly up, all those other things, like jobs, will disappear So let it go to Mexico so factories like MTP, DTP and the stamping plants can stay open let the company and the union minimize losses or do you believe that there is more profit in making this engine in the USA?? How??
  13. i guess my sarcasm did not come across My point about the employees at the transplants is this, 'what can the UAW get for them that they don't already have now?' job security -- maybe this UAW is not so good at securing jobs, ask Wixom, TCAP, NAP, Batavia and putting together cars or engines - trim stock to car, packing pistons, building valve bodies, etc is JOB, not a CAREER- some unions help their people build careers but not the UAW When you have a career, you have a skill set that can be shopped around to different employers, in the same industry and even into other industries Ain't no company in southeast VA looking people to put axles on frames or load body sides into welding fixtures after NAP closes---AND the UAW is doing very little to nothing to prepare their people for jobs/careers after that plant closes so why would the associates at Toyota or Honda need the kind of union the UAW is?
  14. When the UAW gets the pension funds, I am sure they will let any member or retiree cash out. ROTFLMAO! They spend your money so fast, you'd wonder if it ever existed
  15. That's just gasoline looking for a match - typical union cornbread rhetoric I'm sure you will get your chance to pay double the dues you pay now or have the retirees paying dues THe UAW plants cannot stay open too much longer, they've had to close half their plants in the last 30 years, can the UAW hold out for 15 more years? There will 5 to 1 retiree to working ratio, great union that will be
  16. This is FUN!! Phase 1: organize Transplants Phase 3: Heaven on Earth with every new opinion on what organized transplants would mean, it shows me how much organizing the transplants won't change what it means to a Ford or GM worker Imagine the schism between old UAW and New UAW! I am a bit partial to idea that this SHOULD be a field for TEMPORARY WORKERS In every plant I have been in, for the most part building cars and trucks is VERY HARD AND LABOR INTENSIVE, pushing engines, carrying and installing axles, drive shafts, rotors, etc is TOUGH. Its tough on 20-somethings and 30 somethings. It should be a good paying job, but a CAREER?? And yet the UAW does very little to encourage people to prepare them selves for when their worn out bodies are too torn up for this worker I think its smarter to take the path the US Army gives the enlisted, the very most you can expect is a 20 year hitch, That's more realistic, no one should hire in as a TPT at 35 or older, yet the UAW continues to thrive on making 40 and 50 year old people beleive they can ask from their bodies the same intense work they did when they were in ther 20's As far as job security and better working conditions that the UAW can provide, its pretty easy to see that the UAW plants have no real advantage over the non-organized. People get hurt in UAW plants too, lots of UAW plants have closed or will close soon IMO the UAW is more threatening at the end of the driveway than the idea of bringing them in to a transplant and WHY THE UAW?? the CAW or the Teamsters or IBEW could probably do just as good a job (or better) representing this work force, the UAW can continue to organize teachers and casino workers CAW vs UAW - who closed more plants in the last 5 years?? I am totally convinced Toyota or Honda would use UAW pattern bargining to raise wages to the point theat Ford and GM could NOT keep up - HOw you think Hudson, Packard, and Studebaker got ran into the ground??
  17. THIS IS JUST A WILD GUESS! Since the Econoline won't have a diesel soon, these V8s and V10s are taking the diesels' place
  18. Have you ever seen the South Park episode with the Underpants Gnomes? (I should posted a link to youtube or wikipedia) anyway, these gnomes are real ambitous and serious, kinda like the 7 dwarves or Smurfs their mantra was ' Phase One: Get Underpants!!, Phase Three: Profit$$$!' and NO ONE knew what phase Two could possibly be, but they ate the cornbread and could not be convinced any other way than this plan would bring in huge profits These Underpants Gnomes remind me of the UAW hopes of organizing Toyota How is this supposed to help Ford and GM workers? If anything, the UAW would dust off the old whip saw technique, neogitate with the most profitable car maker and use that as pattern barginning. Toyota could take it to $80/hr, then there would be no Ford or GM inside 3 years So, How is this supposed to help Ford workers get raises and profit sharing checks ?? what's phase 2??
  19. I guess I'm not so clever In Japan, they have Right Hand Drive, just like England and Austrailia THere are 25,000 used vehicles in Canada that are RHD??? or are these Used cars , originally built in Japan, drove around the US and imported into Canada as used???(with US and Canada Left Hand Drive?)
  20. really? my guess would have been 'power packs' since the engine line is going to be eliminated at DTP, MTP and a few others Ship all the engines from Romeo and Windsor get the transmissions from LTP where do the CAT pipes come from? send out dressed 'pwer packs' to the plants, ready to drop into the frame watch and see what the plans are for Batavia, could do a similar thing to OHAP and KTP engine lines
  21. YES! everything that sells is assembled with great quaility everything that doesn't sell, was designed poorly and engineered poorly thanks, I got it It was supposed to be a great van, if it were built in Mexico, the cost cutting would not have turned it into . . .what it became Oh Well OAC is still open and that's really the point I'm sure those former Windstar buyers will get an Edge in 2014 when their Sierras/Odessy-s /Sedonas need to be replaced
  22. IMO it was a mistake to drop the Taurus/Sable names Whatever the Chiagao cars are named - they are HUGE - maybe too big for the casual Taurus or Sable owner, and we could certainly lose their loyalty But bringing back the names was the RIGHT thing to do Camry and Accord look NOTHING like they did 15 years ago YET there is LOYALTY!! As far as Toyota worrying about backlash, at first I thought it was patroninzing But when you look at the BAD press Ford and Detroit get for Global warming, it time for BIG TOY to get a kicks in the shins they shoulda never gone into NASCAR
  23. i'll answer this I have simplified my beef to 'UAW wages are too expensive' in a UAW shop there is already 5 to 9 % non-value workforce in committee men, appointed posts etc. WASTE in a UAW shop nearly all produciton jobs , except transfer line-up, pay the same this is grossly unfair, ppl swinging frames, pounding pistons, carrying A arms SHOULD be paid more than ppl in EZ spots like off line build up or rolls testing UNFAIR the non-value, non-auto related positoins are grossly over paid, janitors, MP&L, drivers, etc this last year I would expect every Toyota hourly to be working lots of over time , where the average UAW worker had 40 hr weeks and sowntime weeks AND THATS the BEEF Toyota is saying (among other things) 'we cannot keep paying all this overtime' and that make sense, cuz a truck made on a 10 hr day is NOT worth anything more than than a truck built on a 8 hour day so what's the point of paying OT???
  24. uhh. . .sure but NOT the UAW If I were at Toyota and just saw the UAW feed a big shit sandwich to its rank and file and then get fed the same sandwich at Toyota, sure I'd me hopping mad and I'd want a union, BUT NOT THE UAW!!! There are a lot of unions out there, I'm sure quite a few of them can do a better job getting results for the rank file, more than this UAW THis spilt in the AFL-CIO should have already produced another contender to organize Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. let's watch and see who it is
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