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Everything posted by Bluecon

  1. They should do like Ford and copy the Toyota system and pay royalties for the patents.
  2. Most Jeeps are unibody. Do you guys know what you are talking about?
  3. Should be putting this system in the pickups. Actually it is a brilliant move.
  4. The Challenger is just a niche vehicle built on an existing flex line. Now chrysler will be able to build 2 door vehicles on the line fairly easily. It is not like they are dedicating a whole plant to this vehicle.
  5. I wonder if Toyota has considered selling large quantities of their product to fleet and then when that doesn't work they can pay all the layed off workers to not work and when that doesn't work pay the laid off workers to quit. And when that doesn't work....
  6. Cap--So your saying the jets crashing into the towers were a mere coincidence and George Bush actually collapsed the towers? What exactly is your theory?
  7. The Imperial gallon is 25% larger. 40 ounces in a quart and 160 in a gallon.
  8. And I don't know that the company can afford to pay $75 per hour to clean toilets. The Union has lost its power. It is just very difficult for Hargrove to admit this and modernize before it is to late. I think any plant that votes down the COA will be marked for closure.
  9. And if you vote against it you might be out on the street.
  10. And you believe that once upon a time there was a big bang and all life evolved from that?
  11. Do you really think George Bush ordered people to knock down the towers. It is all on film. What are you thinking?
  12. Copied from another forum. Global warming in a nutshell. "First, the earth was getting hotter and the global warming zealots came out in full force blaming mankind for all the evils. Then a few admitted there might be some portion that is natural, but man still was the primary cause. Then Mars got warmer and they could not blame it on man so they ignore Mars. Then the weather wasn't always warmer, sometimes it was colder. So they changed the battle cry from "global warming" to "man made climate change". Then 2005 hit and it was a destructive hurricane season and we were told "Global warming is causing these storms. We must change our ways." Then came 2006 and the global warmers predicted a huge season for hurricanes. Not a single one hit the US. Now the global warmers are saying that global warming can cause less hurricanes: http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews....=rss&rpc=22 But all I know is, many scientists have stated there is no need for debate. The issue is settled. Really? If everything was settled in 2006, how come this new info on hurricanes is just now being discussed? Or since the results don't match the prediction is it Ok to modify the theory?" " Don't forget that: 1. If the climate toward the end of the week or next week can't be predicted, how is it that scientists can predict what's going to happen on the long term? 2. It is clear that some people out there don't want to lose their research grants, they may not have any sound results of whatever it is they're after, so they resort to a big scare so they can get more funding. 3. The environmental movement is the successor of Communism. By asking the governments and States to intervene to avoid pollution, which is something that's already regulated by democratically elected representatives (in the countries that matter), greenies want to control the means of production and ultimately nationalize them in the interest of common good, to avoid more pollution. Pure politics, the problem is that ignorant media and even more ignorant politicians are falling for this."
  13. Or they could just hire RJ. He seems to think he knows more about the car business than Toyota.
  14. You will be happy to know that Ford is planning on building a diesel engine plant in Mexico.
  15. Toyota should hire Bill Ford jr. to show them how to properly run their company!!!
  16. Why are you smart if you buy an inferior product built by members of a socialist union orginization?
  17. At 85 jobs an hour and 3 shifts you never made 300k?
  18. Oh no! Summer is comimg and it is going to warm up. What will we do? They must be really scared in Florida where it has been warm yearound since the Europeans settled there! More of the sky is falling.
  19. This is his grampa. Voted the greatest Canadian by the CBC. Great Britain votes Churchill the greatest and Canada get's NA's greatest socialist. http://www.cbc.ca/greatest/
  20. Forsberg was a great player but they need a Ryan Smith type. To bad they couldn't save Tucker from his career with the Leafs.
  21. Sutherlands Grandpa was the guy that started the government health care system in Canada.
  22. That should produce 200k per year with 2 shifts and 300k with 3 shifts. 60sec cycle time is used in most of the plants.
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