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Everything posted by MTP WORKER

  1. The big three are going to be making huge profits long into the future and they will still be paying the workers wages and benefits that are going to very acceptable to some and not to some others. If you have an issue with the stock price and you own some then maybe it is time for you sell. The auto workers pay was not the reason that the companies were hurting that bad. People that come to an employee forum and stir the pot are for the most part are just a bunch of jealous a-hole haters. Right wing or left or none of the above we are here on earth for a short time and no one should be getting off on watching other fellow humans suffer in any form. The UAW and most other unions help the average person have a much better life then most of the rich company owners would like. It is time to stop the push from the ultra wealthy business owners to have the good hard workers make less so they can have bigger boats and houses and more money then they will ever be able to spend. Stop helping them make us race to the bottom.
  2. Any other country would want to keep their manufacturing giants going. It saved thousands of jobs and kept our country according to many out of a depression. It is a good thing that there are a few that are in charge that are smart enough to do the right things for the greater over all benefit of our country.
  3. Yes you are right. Maybe not as low as you say but they would want the workers to take a big hit on wages and benefits. I do not think that many of the Republican auto workers were paying attention back then or else they have short memories. Maybe they are just living in denial and choose not to remember. :shrug:
  4. The ones that signed up when they posted a while back got to go.
  5. Maybe the trucks that are not included are the ones that are not covered under "light trucks". Back when we got the big checks we were making three shifts of Expeditions and Navigators, hence the large profits. I find it hard to believe that all that profit that Ford made back then that contributed to our nice bonuses came from just Taurus's and the like.
  6. Any other country that produces large amounts of anything would want to protect their product. People that do not want to keep our nation strong by churning out products are against the USA. The other countries that are competing with us are the Repubs ( the anti-protecting ones) greatest fans.
  7. I agree. Anyone that has been paying attention would know that the majority of Republicans are not on the side of the UAW. Anyone that has any finacial connection to the American auto industry would be a fool to vote Republican . Both parties have problems but I think that the Dems are the lesser of two evils .
  8. Try putting up a flyer on the board near the cafeteria or even on the boards in the team rooms. I am also thinking about posting for a pooler. C crew. Rochester Hills area. Good luck
  9. Well 13 of them got fired. So will the union be able to get them back in with all of the national attention focused on them?
  10. It worked from the time MTP started the Expedition(1996) for at least 7 yrs when they started cutting shifts.
  11. You do not know what you are talking about. Tag worked fine at MTP . If you come back late often the team leader will be on your job with the superviser standing right there. Then when ever you need a bathroom break if the leader whats to be a prick back at you he will make you wait as long as possible to let you relieve yourself.( you might have to wear a grown up diaper) If you take to long and go to often they have ways to try to correct your behavior. I do not know if they will allow it at DTP but some relief people would give workers their break with lunch. This is a very good option for the workers who like to take the long walk out to their cars( no matter how cold the weather gets) to get their medicine. Just try to be a good boy and go with the flow.
  12. Who is your unit chair and what is the name of the bargaining rep?
  13. I am with you. The traffic sucks on days and I get more rest on C crew.
  14. The latest info we got from our chairman is that there will be no changes. Where do you get your info? How about some names so I can pass them on to some one that will get to the truth of the matter.
  15. The first deposit in my account was on wednesday and it was 449.16. This first deposit was for the second week we were off. The first weeks layoff money came to my bank on saturday(yesterday) and was 599.01. The system is working just fine for me. Next time we are off for two weeks both checks will go in the wednesday following the week you get your UI $. Do not forget that we call MARVIN next week for the third week that we were off.
  16. Well at least we get a higher percent for sub when we are layed off.
  17. Some people that I know are never happy. To them their cup is always half empty instead of half full. I think that it is just the way people are wired. Maybe some bad parents passed on their unbecoming defective ways of thinking and acting. For instance babies that are left in their dirty shit filled diapers to long might grow up thinking that most of the things in life that they experience are fucked up. Please tell anyone with infants to keep their babies assholes clean. Let's all do our part to make the world a bit more of a bitch and complain free society.
  18. My UI was 230.00 sub was 599.00
  19. Me too. I guess that DTP is not as fucked as some would make you want to believe.
  20. Look I would understand if tax payers were angry about helping the auto companies during good times but that is not the case. For all the money that is being spent on other things it seems that taking a risk and helping the companies that have helped build this nation and employ thousands of hard working tax paying workers is worth the finacial risk.
  21. I heard on the radio that the same people surveyed also agreed by 60% that if the big three fail that it would be a huge blow to the already fragile economy. It is like they hate their own USA companies so much that they are willing to hurt themselves in the process. The way that people reason in this country is pretty damn scary. IQ levels seem to be shrinking as fast as USA manufacturing jobs. It is a race to the bottom in more ways than one.
  22. The full schedule is not out. I talked to Nick today when I was leaving and he said that there is no official word or print out about anything past 8/31. I am not saying that those weeks that the original poster predicted will not happen but as of right now they are just that ..... A PREDICTION! By the way every one that I talked to or over heard today are very very happy about having this week off. I am sure that if you surveyed the plant and asked if the workers are happy about all the down time coming most would probably say " HELL YES! " :party2: Do not get me wrong I for one look forward to the economy turning around and sales picking up but I can not change anything right now except the way I look at the situation. Good luck to us all and try to enjoy some time off. :beerchug:
  23. Not every plant has tag relief. DTP's Final area is mass relief. I am sure that most plants that are having temp layoffs are or will be on mass relief.
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