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Everything posted by SU-FI

  1. do you not look out for hi-los, and go with the "pedestrians have the right of way" mentality?
  2. our committee man came around about 6 weeks ago and was asking people for their cellphone numbers for important texts from the local, handed out some union solidarity type card, said he only got maybe 1 in the past 6 months. i gave him my number and the next day i was getting calls that were a union recording telling me how to vote, happened for a couple days until i blocked the number.
  3. http://www.sarasotaford.com/fordaxzdplan.htm as far as the discount, it's roughly the same as A-Plan and wtf kindve dealership are you working at where they cant give you an answer on a plan?
  4. ford is going under, everyone needs to hurry and quit now
  5. I almost feel bad for people that got scared and took the buyout with no plan on what to do, and mostly didnt use it to get themselves in a position where working in a factory would be a downgrade, almost. I dont believe the company should hire anyone back that took a buyout, i consider a person that took an educational buyout and became an engineer or got a management degree and wanted a rehire into salary. but people that took the money and ran, should keep on running.
  6. why would they seperate the taurus and explorer when they're built on the same platform?
  7. are you guys trying to be the next chucky?
  8. I dont have a good answer for you, but i'm assuming you dont know anyone in the union.. the union that got their buddies hired full time and are giving you a run around. it's the buddy system.
  9. i was referring to them saying it's order related, i dont buy it. they have an order that requires us to work a saturday that they knew about for a month? NO.
  10. how do you explain them scheduling weekend OT months out, yet working no OT some weeks up to that, when they could get rid of the extra day by working a couple shifts of 10.7
  11. "IF" problem is im not able to get my friends and family a job, most of the temps that i worked around were shit. the biggest problem i saw was managed would have them train on every job on our line, while only a few people know all the jobs.. then the temps get the boot and we still have only 2 people that know other jobs.. so we're stuck unable to rotate jobs still.
  12. i thought c-crew was working dayshift sunday so they wouldnt be working past midnight
  13. why dont you two get a fucking room already and quit playing grab ass on here.
  14. i've heard wealthy muscians brag about having 500+ hp, nav systems, paddle shifting, heated and cooled seats.. when is all this going to be standard!!!!????!?!
  15. same here, this is our new home plant, we're not going back to raws ever, if we were we'd be there before the new people going in there the last few months, GODdard lied to us saying we'd be back before they ever brought in another person.. karmas a bitch goddard, have another divorce ya prick.
  16. unless they have 15+ years seniority probably all of them
  17. http://www.uaw.org/members/uaw-bargaining/ford-hourly
  18. here's a little reality for you, these arent books you read to your kids, or maybe your kids read to you.. they have to be checked and gone over by the company/union and their lawyers. this isnt anything new if youve been with the company through more then 1 contract.
  19. they always take about a year after the contract to be handed out. you dont just sign a contract and voila a set of contract books are printed the next day.
  20. this arbitration took place before our last contract, it doesnt make sense to me to lie and make up a big story about an arbitration and make it public knowledge on both sides that its taking place. If you're saying they are doing this because we found out that salary got some raises etc. then since when does the company give a shit what we think? the company can tell us to go fuck ourselves like they did with the last contract and we'll run with our tail between our legs in fear of a strike.
  21. curious as to what the company and union have to gain by lying about an arbitration? http://www.usam.com/services/arb_qa.shtml
  22. Sorry louie, but while he's not speaking for the 99% he sure as hell isnt the 1% either. Everyone is greatful for their pay, benefits etc. but that doesnt mean everyone should just shut the fuck up and take whatever shit is thrown at them. why the hell have a union if you're just going to say nothing when the company bends you over.. and they do it to you too, dont think your special because you come to work everyday and do your job.
  23. Guess some people like the company to do what they want no matter our agreement
  24. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120424/AUTO0102/204240388/Fitch-upgrades-Ford-investment-grade-first-time-since-2005?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE Thats some good news.
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