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Everything posted by Q-bert

  1. Then all the more reason to fight now
  2. interesting, so that means just 2 days per calender year, wtf yup asnother reason to vote no
  3. Explain what u mean or what page u got that from
  4. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjABahUKEwjProe4x4jJAhXFdh4KHbUADZI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FThe_Streets_of_Cairo%2C_or_the_Poor_Little_Country_Maid&usg=AFQjCNFYXeTyQsqIFHt08qCYGyKYJYeKaQvote no
  5. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjABahUKEwjProe4x4jJAhXFdh4KHbUADZI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FThe_Streets_of_Cairo%2C_or_the_Poor_Little_Country_Maid&usg=AFQjCNFYXeTyQsqIFHt08qCYGyKYJYeKaQ
  6. id be happy with what we gave up! vote NO https://www.google.com/search?q=vote+no&rlz=1C2ASRM_enUS632US632&biw=1251&bih=899&tbm=isch&imgil=fEVkEQqqmC-L0M%253A%253B1FkKEFaACIyBRM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.desertempireins.com%25252Fpalm-springs-elections-vote-prop-45%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=fEVkEQqqmC-L0M%253A%252C1FkKEFaACIyBRM%252C_&usg=__OTl_WpsYJIJFtblbrDPYS6XJx8o%3D&ved=0CCgQyjdqFQoTCLGa663Eh8kCFcYZHgodcckFwg&ei=KsRCVrHdA8azePGSl5AM#imgrc=fEVkEQqqmC-L0M%3A&usg=__OTl_WpsYJIJFtblbrDPYS6XJx8o%3D
  7. lincoln wins presidency! YAY!!!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110502719.html
  8. california became the 31st state in 1850 http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1850to1859.html
  9. Hey I heard u were at hot Sud the car wash having sex the other day.. Is that true... Maybe u should tell weaver what u think to his face
  10. good luck with that! untill i see a better option, ill vote democratic
  11. Looked it up and it's so close u could have walked there. Especially for lunch.. Now why even go there I don't know.. One is south of route 2 plant is north just bit.
  12. Hilarious can I get a transfer to Mars and do it cheaper
  13. i agree, never have like that
  14. i found a video of stinkypink at the lima car wash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MJVbH0BU8U
  15. i dont know, i put the blame squarely on stinkydink, cause 3.5 years ago when he was elected, said he would get us a contract and MORE, and it has gotten WORSE. and times are good, so why is it not improving ? i say vote em all out. clean house next election
  16. hmm guess they aint talkin now, must have a boos in his mouth! WHERE IS OUR LOCAL ?
  17. everyone that eats at buffets always eats too much, and the calorie intake is huge! NO FATSO! usually while watching how many big macs u eat a day is a good indicator of you obesity
  18. Oh the Republicans don't... But they are the best!??
  19. thats why i said, vote republican! we know they care about us working ppl.
  20. Yeah vote Republican and lose the economy and lose ur jobs. Lol
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