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  1. you really enjoy throwing those high priced words around. i prefer to base my remarks upon the facts, not biased newspaper articles or union officials hoping to be reelected. on my next visit to cleveland, i will be sure to look you up. then we will see just how brave you are.
  2. is there any possibility that you can divulge the sources of your information. here in dearborn, the final decision for all engine work other than the 20k ecoboost to cleveland is still up in the air. bids from all competing sites are still under review. to answer your cost statement, the current data is all that is being considered. lep has not had temporary employees since 2007. other sites in the running for the i4 are in similiar state.
  3. the worst kept secret here in dearborn is that there are three reasons for the reopening of cep1. they are: for publicity for the corporation in these trying times in order to distance ourselves from our competition, in order to fulfill the requirements of the 2007 contract and to prove just how inefficient and incapable the cleveland complex is. the last is the reason that you have the manager in place that you do. she is there to review and report to corporate any and all data as to the value of the site. negotiations have been completed with the airport facility and the fact that cep1 is reopened only serves to raise the price of the property. there are a number of sites in the running for new work(dearborn engine/essex engine/lima engine) all of which are far superior in all metrics than the cleveland site. we have finally arrived at the place where we can effectively run the company according to dollars, not idiotic politics that drain the company coffers. the days of corporate welfare are gone now that we have superior leadership in place.
  4. a memo forward just today from an early morning meeting states that 6 to 8 different catagories of current employees are under consideration for enhanced buyout packages. one of those enthusiastically discussed were those(approx. 8-900) who have had a break in service. understandably it would be a take it or leave it situation that reflects the previous requirements. minimum of 1 year of service prior to the break and meeting the growth package(28-30 years within calendar year 2008)
  5. investigated this issue a bit and discovered that the story is indeed true. the entourage from cep was visiting lep without proper access. during their visit in a machining area they stated that they only agreed to the imt(or whatever terminology) in order to obtain new work and that they had no intention at cep to keep their word. a sufficient amount of drama was created and mr. farley performed as to his position.
  6. an additional package is under review pending the outcome of the sign up window. that item being considered involves those with a break in service. that item, which has not been finalized, would involve those who achieved a minimum of 12 mos with the company prior to their break in service. those who meet that criteria would then be awarded an additional 10 years. then those individuals who qualify can enlist in the program which covers those employees who have at least 28 years but not yet 30. again the package is merely under consideration pending the outcome of the sign up window.
  7. corporate here in dearborn has formulated a business case for buyouts and is putting the final touches on all possible variations. as always all business cases are based upon statistic probability. however, it is uncertain as to just how many employees will opt for the standard buyouts which greatly affect the possibility of usage of the break in service avenue. there will most likely be changes for the 2008 buyouts verses the 2007 version that primarily being a 90 day window of acceptance
  8. it almost appears certain that if corporate does not achieve the desired 12k number of buyouts that additional measures will be taken. those measures include the offering (without lump sum incentive) of 30 year recognition for those employees who had a break in service. it will not be without requirements. there will be no age limitation but it would require that a minimum of 12 full months of service prior to the break be achieved. a window of 90 days is anticipated.
  9. it is a variation of the d35-can and will be built along side and with any and all other variations of the current engine. sourcing has not yet confirmed whether lep or cep will be selected to build the rear drive applications of the program. proposals and counter proposals are in the works.
  10. that work has been sourced to lep-job one is 3rd quarter 2009
  11. the d37 lima product is for the mks that is being built at chicago/future assignments include the lincoln version of the flex and combined with the d35-18 different variations
  12. the real fact of the matter is that every facility in powertrain has bid on every diesel project and every other project as well. brook park is not alone in the running-i have seen bids from everyone from cologne to lima to chihuahua and back. dearborn has yet to decide where to place not only the diesel but the other projects as well. everything is waiting upon the contract
  13. was informed by committee today that a formula exists that could create a window of opportunity for those who have had a break in service. contributions to the formula would require a few but very important bits of data. 1)it would affect those hired in 1976-1979 2)those individuals would had to have worked a minimum of 12 full months and have achieved full employee status at that time and during that particular contract 3)they could not have had any break during those 12 months(medical/disciplinary/etc) 4)returned to work within a designated time period--that time period seems to indicate a return date(not yet verified) of no later than 09/1992(do not understand the calculations-just passing on what i have received thus far)
  14. kitting has already been outsourced at lep by an outside vendor
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