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Everything posted by chevys

  1. Very nice looking truck. I always like the GMCs better than their counterparts. I think it will pluck sales from all of the big 3 and the Tacoma/Nissan. Price will be a huge factor and I am already prepared for sticker shock.
  2. If you cant launch a website in 2013 with unlimited resorces and 3 plus years to do it you can manage 1/6 of the economy. The website is the least of the problems the BHO regime has. The death spiral is already underway.
  3. No. The problem was with the liberals holding the white house, house and senate they still could not pass the single payer. This is the best they could do. Now that its done every Democrat ownes every bit of this collasal screw up for better or worse. They rammed this down our throats and every American should hold the liberal party resonsible. Its only a matter of time but Obamacare is going to fail and this will be the great King O's legacy. I heard tonight we will find out on the 10th of this month how many people have acutally paid. 2.1 million my ass. Its ugly and its going to get uglier.
  4. +1 on Michelins. They are expensive but worth the extra money imo if you have a nice car/suv to put them on.
  5. Obama care kicks in in a little over 5 hours from now. Get ready for the "glitches" as the BHO regime likes to call them.
  6. You cant keep your insurance if you like it. You cant keep your doctor if you like him/her. You wont save 2500 a year. While there will be some winners they will be the minority. O-care is nothing more than a redistribution of weath. I have never figured out why you libs believe in this. If you honestly dont think everyone is not paying enough taxes why dont you pony up and write the treasury a check over and above what you owe them? Or, are you all just a bunch of goverment leeches?
  7. Better yet, lets just find out how many actually paid and how many signed up for free medicaid. King O and his regime will try anyway possible to spin this but the numbers are not going to work out in the end. I spent all day yesterday on Amazon browsing but I doubt Amazon counted that as a sale.
  8. Throttle lag coupled with start stop lag coupled with something else to tear up that costs more money to start with for what? Half a mile a gallon? Im not blaming Ford but stuff like this is getting out of control. How are you going to make this work on a manual trans car?
  9. I wonder and wonder why nobody is challenging it? King O and his regime just wing it on the fly with an ink pen. This is the biggest goverment **** up ever. I am being dead serious but a community organizer would be lucky to run a profitable hot dog stand let alone a Walmart store. BHO and his chronies have no experience in the real world of business and its showing. These guys are truly rookies and in way over their heads and have been for sometime.
  10. Here is what I dont understand. 6 million policies have been cancelled. Thats policies not people so you know more than 6 million have lost their insurance. How do only 500,000 get the exemption? This happens to be the 14th time literally BHO has changed his signature law. Even a socialist like BHO knows this a cluster.
  11. One of my friends just had his policy canceled through Blue Cross. He was paying 160 per month and now the new policy through them is going to cost him over 330 and it has a higher deductible to boot but hey he gets maternity coverage. He told me he will most likely just drop it because he cant afford it. This guy wont sign up for Ocare either. He said he will just pay the fine. Thanks liberals!!
  12. I believe the numbers will get worse. Remember, BHO-care is a rolling train wreck that cant be stopped now. Wait till this thing really kicks in and people lose their doctors and hospitals and the employer mandate takes effect. Maybe just maybe the low information voters will wake up when it hits them right in the wallet. I tell you what else is going to be interesting is when we find out how many people actually paid for Obamacare instead of just signups. I bet the number will be devastating to the BHO regime. The Obamacare ponzi is going to fail and its just a matter of when.
  13. Totally agree. There are tons of useless degrees and I have one of them.
  14. Yep, when you have to have a certificate its worth it no doubt. Engineers know things the rest of us dont so they have a good gig going on. When you get a degree in business like me its not worth the paper its written on. You will learn more in 1 year one a job than 4 in school based on my experience. I always wondered why if my professors were so smart why were they not in the business world pulling down the big money?
  15. You are correct but in the small business world they mean nothing for the most part. I have my useless BS degree. I was more interested in drinking beer and chasing women at the time so needless to say I didnt learn much. I went back to school as a mature adult to finish up because I flunked out of some stuff and I had a ball challenging so called PHD's, experts, and what not. It was a totally different game the second time around and my grades were vastly improved but it didnt gain me a damn thing in the real world.
  16. You are most likely correct. But, with all of the talk of the lighter frame ect on the lower end F series it got me to thinking about it again that it could be a possibility. That, and I think Ford will pull out all of the stops to have something to advertise fuel mileage wise even if it does not live up to expectations in the real world. I know I will get killed for that last comment but I still dont believe turbo engines deliver FE wise what is advertised compared to a NA counterpart.
  17. If Ford is serious about putting the tiny 1LEB in other vehicles it has to make you scratch your head about the 2.3EB going in the F series. The 2.3EB is going to answer a lot of prayers for sure but I dont know about the F series. And where is the Nano V6 that has been talked a bout and rumored forever?
  18. He is right. College degrees are highly over rated unless they are for specialized skills.
  19. I believe this will be a mistake. Just not enough power. Ford has been crucified for offering the 2 EB in the Explorer. You may get by with it in the Focus but that is where it ends imo and who would pay more for less power? I sure would not.
  20. According to Zeke Emanuel I can keep my doctor if I want to pay more to do it. Yet, another lie by BHO. I think this is where its really going to piss some people off when their doctors drop out of the exchanges. But who could blame them for wanting the goverment out of their business? It really makes you wonder if anybody thought any of this through.
  21. BHO operates under liberal theory and not business reality. I honestly dont think he is smart. He is a good campaigner but when the rubber meets the road is when the shit hits the fan with his liberal policies. The numbers and reality just dont lie like he does.
  22. The problem with going on MSNBC to sell something is there is no audience. The few that are watching are already sold. The best BHO can hope for is for Fox to air a segment or two from the interview to get the message out. You can hate on Fox all you want but they are ruling the airways for cable news and for good reason. http://www.businessinsider.com/november-cable-news-ratings-fox-news-msnbc-cnn-2013-11
  23. Jesus, that gray vert is gorgeous. Looks like MFT is optional. :yahoo: I think about the only thing on my wish list that didnt get changed was a bigger gas tank. But boy, everything else looks great here to me.
  24. I cant believe I am saying it but 420 hp is plenty in this car. I must be getting old. This is the most exciting Ford I have seen in the last 7-8 years. I just hope the launch goes well!!!
  25. The world may be coming to an end. It looks like they actually put a real oil pressure gauge in it instead of an idiot light gauge.
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