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Everything posted by theripper

  1. so you're saying only democrats raise taxes. only democrats. republicans are sweethearts with only your best interest at heart?? they lower taxes, give out guns at street corners, protect unborn babies, the country is in fincancial shambles and bush and company are just victims of those bad, bad democrats???....wow, the republicans ARE GREAT!!! congress or not, the agendas that bush pushed for were put into place. his desires for this country were rubber stamped.
  2. ...and my taxes won't go up if bush/mccain's wars go into the multiple trillions of dollars??? i'll take a tax hike for the services we want and need, i won't take one for grudge wars and chest thumping. figure out how much the iraq war has cost, and i'll figure out how much a tax increase would be....i think your number will be bigger. and don't tell me war is good for the economy.
  3. ....and yet, the right is running for the hills because obama will raise taxes, plunder the rich, take our guns, kill our babies, blah, blah, blah. isn't it amazing that obama can do all of these things, but bush had nothing to do with anything bad that's happened to this country in the last 8 years? wow! cool trick!
  4. 01foci, i commend you. you actually read what's posted before you, something most of our fellow posters do not. healthy discourse is wonderful. ...and i'm glad we agree on the dealer markup. it is, after all, pure capitalism at work here. sooner or later, the markup goes away, and people can decide what the car is really worth.
  5. this conversation comes up every time a hot new model comes out. the best thing to do is wait for the 'early adoptors' to have their way with the dealers. after the initial rush, you can get the car you want and pay a reasonable price for it. it's really that simple.
  6. traditional camaro buyers won't buy them. it looks like it may have a new audience. the new mustang should launch with the 3.5. that will go a long way to making it a heads-up comparison. the camaro is every bit of 3800lbs, so says car and driver in the latest issue. 300lbs over the mustang evens things up nicely.
  7. but YOUR president has done nothing about that, either. it's neither liberal nor conservative. it's too much of a hot topic for either side to tackle. mr. bush probably doesn't want to touch it because he probably has used illegals to do much of his household work for years. that's called hipocracy in case it's too hard for you to grasp. i'm a liberal and completely believe in the sovereignty of our borders, most liberals do. you're using a typical right wing tactic of finding the most objectionable, most radical liberal idea and spreading the word that all liberals believe the same garbage. welcome to the show, mr. hannity. ....now, repeat 'liberty' and 'freedom' 100 times and you might just start to believe that you're the only one who loves this country. [see? you didn't come up with ANYTHING, you just bashed what you call a liberal idea. i love it when you make my points so easy to make!]
  8. you right wingers are so afraid. fear just drips from your writings. geez, it's comical. you have been brainwashed by hannity and bill o'riley and rush. they repeat 'freedom' and 'liberty' 50 or 60 times per broadcast, and throw in a ton of liberal bashing, and you guys go running for the hills with your guns. none of the three big right wing fanatics have ever offered any solutions to any problems, they just want to stir shit up for ratings. quit being so afraid and come up with better ideas, rather than bash those that you don't like.
  9. ....just don't leave one of those "capitalists" alone in a room with your wallet or your wife and you'll be fine.
  10. mccain and his dipshit running mate will HAVE to come up with something like a GOTCHA to win in november. ....because nothing they're offering up is good enough for people who think past the noon time rush limbaugh show. same old, same old is what mccain is offering. 70's economic packages, more trickle down economics, blah, blah blah. obama is popular. get over it. people around my office are already talking about assasinations. it's so sad that in this day and age white businessmen are still so closed minded and racist. the last think i want is another old white man with too much money telling me how i should live my life.
  11. i'd rather have a twin turbo v6 than almost any v8. most of the buying public knows the performance of a tt motor, and most will still believe that it will have a mileage advantage, too. this is 2008, not 1958. rock on, lincoln.
  12. saw my first on the road last night, very distinctive.
  13. nappy, how many people won't vote for obama because he's black? uh, yeah, thanks. racism takes many forms, it looks like you may be the blind one.
  14. rwd sedans don't necessarily have to be gas guzzlers, but any automaker that sees the drop in oil as a chance to start making big, thirsty vehicles again is stupid. to say that people never learn from the past is an understatement.
  15. the woman is full of crap. she's supposed to be a redneck's dream, but all i see is a lot more political wrangling to create an image. all of the controversy that surrounds her political dealings makes me think she's perfect for the current administration....and probably perfect for a mccain whitehouse, as well. fishy. throw her back.
  16. ...and they're reviewing family haulers. 0-60 times, skid pad numbers, top speed....oh yeah, that's relavent.
  17. hold on. it's not sympathy for oj. it is concern over the idea that the law goes out the window when famous people are involved, in both good and bad ways. as i said, and as i think i have heard said here: if oj's prior case (which he was found innocent by a court of law) was brought into this case in any way, we have a travesty of justice. whatever we think of the guy, he should still be protected by our laws, just like we hope we ourselves are protected. and this is not a liberal or conservative debate. it's about law, or the lack of it.
  18. you all sound like a bunch of old ladies. bitch, bitch, whine, whine, and bitch again. does anyone here actually go out and drive cars themselves? or, do you just listen to people who get paid to put interesting stuff in a magazine or newspaper article? i can tell p71 has never driven anything but a crown vic. i rode in a few of those turds last weekend in vegas. holy crap! after getting out of a crown vic cab and into a malibu or escape, it's freaking amazing that anyone could say anything but "turd." god awful throwback to the bad old days. quit being lemmings and check them out yourselves. you'd be surprised what you find out when you check out a car in the flesh. get out of your armchair and drive a few cars yourself and see what a wonderful world there is out there.
  19. i worry about this, too. do we know if this man has done anything? no. we weren't there when his ex wife was killed. why do we make such accusations? he was aquitted. what's past is past. the vegas incident is different. he was convicted. he's guilty. but the former not-guilty verdict should have no push into this case at all. this is setting a dangerous judicial precedent. we should all be concerned if this speaks of future trials. also, i'm already tired of the white trash around me celebrating because the (insert racial term here) finally got what he deserved. racism at it's finest. these are probably some of the same trashy fellows who cheered him on when he was the juice, rolling over defensemen like they were standing still. how two faced people can be.
  20. it sounds great. a dedicated cop car wouldn't have the constraints that a modified production passenger car has.
  21. i agree that the malibu is a great car, it's a shame that gm is having such troubles right as it's getting it's act together. i think it's a bit better car than the fusion, we own an '07 sel v6. a friend has the mac daddy malibu and it's SHARP.
  22. there are a LOT of smart people in this country working on alternative fuels. it's only a matter of time. oil will not always be our main fuel soure, and when it's pushed to the background, we'll be a stronger country for it. for all the flack that the US takes for falling behind in the technology race, it's good to hear that we're still in the game.
  23. trim, are you saying we have NO impact at all on the earth?? mercury in the water supply? smog in our big cities? rivers being diverted and parching other regions? deforestation? wtf? you can't be in that much denial, dude! again, there may or may not be an impact on longterm climate, but if you're saying we are too small to have an impact on the earth whatsoever, you are nuts. any rational argument you have made up until this point is moot.
  24. why do dopey republicans keep making fun of obama's middle name? pretty childish, really, as the hussein name really didn't mean much oh, say, 40+ years ago when he was named. it doesn't matter, in the end. but it does prove that republicans aren't really very smart.
  25. well said, razor. check my signature. blackhorse, you are an angry sob. get a grip. conservatism is a failing idealogy. each time razor tells you something, you come out ranting like a two year old. no one, i repeat, no one, needs another 8 years of this crap.
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