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Everything posted by jumpercable

  1. It will be a benefit of being a member of the union just like the building trades they supply insurance to their members. Think about it Automakers pay more by the hour to employee and shift all legacy costs to the union. IBEW, Carpenters union think about it.
  2. How do you think that they are going to get you to pay union dues in the right to work states? I will tell you they will take over your health care and pension Ford, GM, and Chrysler will pay the UAW for your premiums for both health care insurance and your pension. If you do not pay dues you won't be able to get health care through them and they will administrate the pension also this will relieve the automakers of the "legacy" commitment. They will negotiate for the second tier to get the same pay but they will have to pay the UAW for their health insurance deducted from their check. Now where the problem is if the UAW will have different plans with different deductibles and yes yearly payout limits to keep the monthly premium payments low. As I said if you are not a dues paying member you will have to purchase your own insurance from Obama Care exchange at a higher price then what you can get from the UAW. The problem will be that the UAW will subsidize the premiums to make sure that you will pay less than you can get in the Obama Care exchange. Now their selling point will be guess what you can get your health insurance through your spouse and pocket all the extra money and you will end up with a big raise in your take home pay. Eventually the UAW will mismanage the amount they are receiving from the automakers and down the road after the money starts dwindling the subsidizes will start to get less and less then everyone will be in the exchange. This will not fix the right to work problem for them but it will delay the drain on the union war chest and give them time to try to come up with another income stream to stay alive with the right to work laws. This is a shell game scheme as long as they are showing money coming in through dues and move it around it will look good but it is not sustainable. They are your sole Bargaining agent. They can do this.
  3. It's always quiet because your never in Lima.
  4. Yes he is. Moral is the worst I have ever seen it. Really sad being we have a lot of job security with the motors we make for all the higher profit, high volume vehicles for Ford. Transfers out number the locals and they took the transfer money and never moved here so we now have a attendance problem and a lot of people that would like to see the plant close so they can transfer again back north. Just a bad situation.
  5. It's inbred Decker. Let off some steam. Can't ever find him in the plant always hiding.
  6. No just a wish he could be Skilled Trades phoney pretender. Add in some low self esteem and small package and you have a Hinkydink. When he doesn't bathe you have a Stinky Hinkydink!
  7. What if they are a lazy butt head and make it so you have to do extra work on your work station can you slap there lazy ass or only if your dad is a appointed union official??
  8. You are evil. You hate all the slimanites and remove them from all the appointed positions. You and the dumb president. I got some good video too! Just wait!
  9. I thought that you was going to international UAW Adolf?? Didn't they want you on their team??
  10. Hey I thought you were dead like elvis
  11. Where do you want to work Mexico or southern United States you pick genius.
  12. Whiny over paid lazy crybabies shut up with the they fire everyone, don't let them go piss and overwork them to death bullshit! You must work in a third world country with a bunch of child slave laborers you idiot no sweat shops here. Such a drama queen.
  13. your a dingaling put your head back in the sand. I am a legacy employee so you figure it out. You my friend are a follower not a leader so keep spewing your mindless thoughts. Grow up and actually come up with your own opinion not one from UAW propaganda.
  14. Vote for Trump he wants to make America great again and make everything in the US. Maybe he will buy Ford and run it himself?
  15. Tier 2 made everything up in this post to stir up shit with everyone.
  16. Believe me when I tell you this that there's less drama in non union shops and less lawsuits. Come on if you want to have a discussion on this at least be honest about what is really going on. I will tell you that the IUAW will make the tier "chosen" 1's pay union dues by taking over the pension fund like they did the health care and if you don't pay union dues you won't get what is left of your pension after they mismanage it like the VEBA. So come into the real world.
  17. Wow where is captain obvious when you need him? You do realize that 90 percent of the people that work are not in a union and they do let them go to the bathroom and have a fan. WTF
  18. Ring the dingaling bell. Guess somebody hit a nerve.
  19. Yeah our local reps all have two or three kids some got their wives and son and or daughter in laws a job too. Don't really want my kids working here myself. I send them to college. Just kinda seems like they are abusing their position in the union. But that is how it is anymore everyone out for themselves and they will screw you over to get what they want. Pretty cutthroat anymore. It's just a shame. These kinds of things is why the union gets a bad reputation.
  20. Have you ever counted how many people in your plant and wondered how all the union officers just happened to get all their family and friends a job at your plant? Have you ever noticed how HR let's these union preferred placements get away with bullying, harassing people and physically assaulting someone and nothing ever happens to these people. No witnesses because everyone is scared to tell HR because they know that HR will tell the union bullies then they will be their next target. Yes this really happens. Remember the IUAW doesn't give a shit and neither does the company so keep your mouth shut mind your own business and stay in the shadows because nobody cares.
  21. What a idiot slap your self liar. Slap your mom too
  22. What a idiot slap your self liar. Slap your mom too
  23. I like some transfers but the majority that I have seen transfer into the successful US plants and have a chip on their shoulder and all they do is complain and play the system with FMLA take over the union and try to model their new plant after their failed plant. Guess what if it didn't work before let's try something different and stand out from the crowd. Hell we might even show our skeptics that we have a better way and they might even want to join a union. The world has changed the union should to maybe even change the name and get a new brand for the autoworkers.
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