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Everything posted by TIGER66

  1. The two most hit sites on here are Iraq war and National health care. We are around our 5th year in Iraq and 240+ years without National health care and you people think your views matter. Get real, get a life, play with your kids, hug your wife, call your mom and dad and tell them you love them. :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:
  2. I heard today that we will have 4 weeks off starting Oct. 8th.
  3. The last time I ask the union rep. about down time he said its all rumers dont worry. Two hours later they sent us home on wed. and we were off the next week too. I think the union is the last to know. Anyhow every vendor we talk to says they have been told the same weeks off in Oct. and Nov. Go Cards...........
  4. Right now ford has temps in place doing jobs at about 10$ less an hour than us and your questioning toyota for doing the same thing. How do you know its not a temp thing at toyota? Did your uaw tell you to think that way?
  5. I know you all already know this but ford has just bought-out nearly half of their work force and guess who's going to replace them-temps-.
  6. Is it true that trim and chasis will run 8 hour shifts till Jan.?
  7. Are they shipping trucks yet and why were they not shipping them? I have heard everything from bad wiring harness to bad transmitions to dealers dont need the trucks.
  8. Things dont look all that great at KTP. We are hearing alot of down time and rumer is were going to two-ten hour shifts-four days a week. Its hard to imagine things this bad in louisville, KY at both plants that were steam-rolling just a few years ago.
  9. We had a rumor going around before this that we may have a bunch of down weeks so I dont know about being that far behind. Rumur was we need a 90 day supply on the lots and had 170 days supply. Who knows?
  10. One of the guys who put the trucks on the train said he thinks were off next week too.
  11. My wife works at Toyota in Georgetown, KY and I can tell you they don't get that big of a bonus. They do pay them very well and they do get a very big bonus but nothing close to 40-50 grand a year.
  12. There is one subject I would like to comment on that gets very little attention here or in the media. After 9-1-1 happened the big three rebated and zero-percent financed thier way into bankruptcy on the promise of keeping the economy moving. I dont think it was there job to do that. Now that THEY have ran these companies into the ground they want us to pay the price. I remember getting 8,000$ profit-sharing checks and at that time as is now we had great benefits and wages. Thanks for listening.
  14. If this union doesnt stop giving everything we got away we may all be living with our parents.
  15. They have you right where they want you. I would guess that most people that are screaming to vote yes never had anything before ford. I would be ashamed If my son backed down from a bully(uaw). I have not talked to one older man at the plant that intends to vote yes to this. Even if you get a bloody stand up like a MAN.
  16. I will buy a car made in america before I will buy one from mexico even if its a honda or toyota. :happy feet: :happy feet:
  17. Stand up and be a man and vote this shit down. People anybody who has been with the big three(past)has to know that if they decide to close a plant it doesnt matter how you vote. Time to stand up like our fathers and show some balls. Go down fighting. I have already heard some close friends say "if we dont vote yes they will close us down", and they may. Poker is not fun if you fold every time"can anyone say UAW". :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:
  18. As Lee Corso says "not so quick my friend". The UAW has lost 5-6 hundred-thousand jobs in the auto industry in the last few years and it doesnt look like its going to slow down anytime soon. The UAW is a has been and you can keep dreaming all the way to the unemployment line. If you think Im a minority try talking to the people around you and see what they say. Do you know that right now the uaw is fighting like hell to organize the transplants just to keep their money coming in. The uaw hates honda and toyota but they want their money bad, thats sad.
  19. Querty1 I dont hate ford motor Co. I hate the UAW, If ford wants to save money they should do away with this sorry ass union we have. That would put all their ass's back on the line. Most of the reps. are in there because they are to sorry to do a job to start with. And before you ask-no rw's, no awols in five years, no suck-ass, just sick of this sorry-ass union. I think we should sue the uaw for lack of representation. vote no if you have the balls
  20. Right now at KTP you never know if you will have the weekend off or not. They will tell you friday. On top of that you dont know what time you will work on Sat. Last week we started off working 9-5 for dayshift, which normally starts at 7am then they said 7-5 ten hours, then 7-3 and at last 7-5 volunteer. A few months ago they made day shift paint come in at 5am no choice which normally starts at 7am. WHERE IS THE UAW, not at ktp?
  21. Late breaking news "local 862 gives them anything they want". Can anyone tell me why Im still paying dues?
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