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Gasoline has passed $3.00 a gallon

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You all need to realize that we will never see gas below $1.50 again; the gas prices will slowly keep creeping up with an occasional drop followed by an eventual rise. It use to be that it was basically the U.S. and western Europe using most the fuel, but now with eastern Europe modernizing, China and India coming on board the worlds thirst for oil has increased dramatically. That has driven up the cost in the oil futures market. Along with the Hurricanes along the Gulf coast which cut U.S. production up to 20% at the time, it was a year before the units damaged by the storms started to come back online before the election, thus the lower cost for gas temporarily.

The U.S. plants are running @ 98% capacity and there have not been any new refineries built in many years (20+ due to enviro whacko's and Dem's). Also between the states having different fuel mixtures and the increase in summer driving gas prices will rise.

The oil and gas industry has been trying to build more plants in the past decades but regulations, environmentalist and states desiring to "build one but not in my state" mentality and previously low oil cost made it more effective to upgrade existing facilities rather than to build new ones. Now it's becoming cost effective and a few more states seem to be willing to allow the construction of new refineries. There are currently new processes and plants being designed and built to try and meet the increasing needs, but it will take a few years before we will see any real increase in gas productions or alternative fuels being widely used.

And for people who believe the President can control the gas market, he can control it about as much as Clinton could control his pants. The oil and gas industry may prefer the business friendlier (in perception) Republicans over Democrats, but neither party can control the U.S. energy market, much less the global market. The U.S. can at most encourage a direction, but will still have to deal with nuts like Chavez and Iran.

Edited by Aggie79
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The price increase in fuel trickles down to a lot of things. I doubt it will be "cheaper" to fly when fuel prices rise. Add the additional cost of fuel on the end price of all finished goods (retail sales) raw material for manufactures and even the food we eat either purchased in a restaurant or the grocery store we are all paying for it. It does make me laugh that the democrats said when they take charge that they would lower the cost of fuel. It's only gone up. It's about time for another tea party. I highly doubt anyone in Washington has actually purchased a gallon of gasoline or a gallon of milk lately. Both parties are WAY out of touch with the common man (or woman). To me the gasoline price swing is no different than the gouging we all take from the prescription drug market or the insurance industries.Excessive profits across the board and paid for by all of us.

Could not have said better myself!

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In KC gas is between $2.84 to $2.91 for 87 unleaded. From what I have read in the last 3 years about ethanol, is that in the United States we do not have enough farm land to grow enough corn for human consumption and fuel for vehicles. One of them is going to suffer higher prices for the consumer. We need to get hydrogen and plug in's onto the market first. That is what will turn around Ford Motor Company.

You must be joking, The U.S.A. is the largest food producer in the world! I'd be more concerned with the government paying farmers not to grow corn in order to drive up the price of ethynol. If they could ever make it available!

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You paid $1.58 for a gallon of gasoline? Curious to know how, and where. Everywhere else in the country it has been at least $2.50 for quite a while now. Do tell!


My bad I paid $2.58. Sorry about that I was trying to type and meadiate my 3 kids arguing over who's turn it was to chose the game on PS-2 behind me. It has been raining for over a week here and we all need to get outside.


The jumps in price were no less then $.13 each time with the last one being from $2.96 to $3.16. Sorry about that. I agree $1.58 would smell like bullshit.

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You must be joking, The U.S.A. is the largest food producer in the world! I'd be more concerned with the government paying farmers not to grow corn in order to drive up the price of ethynol. If they could ever make it available!


It will be because of the strange disappearance of the honey bees. Not enough to pollinate the crops.

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If I owned a stake or had any say so in the oil companies you speak of I would not build a refinery in North America. Why would I want to spend millions of $$$ jumping through loopholes and dealing with the EPA, OSHA and all the tree huggers who drove to the site to protest while bitching about gas prices. I am making record profits already and could build the refinery for half the price south of the border and operate it for about 30% of a plant in North America.


Just a thought.

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If I owned a stake or had any say so in the oil companies you speak of I would not build a refinery in North America. Why would I want to spend millions of $$$ jumping through loopholes and dealing with the EPA, OSHA and all the tree huggers who drove to the site to protest while bitching about gas prices. I am making record profits already and could build the refinery for half the price south of the border and operate it for about 30% of a plant in North America.


Just a thought.

Your User ID is unionj but, what side are you on? That's exactly the school of thought that is crippling our economy!

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If I owned a stake or had any say so in the oil companies you speak of I would not build a refinery in North America. Why would I want to spend millions of $$$ jumping through loopholes and dealing with the EPA, OSHA and all the tree huggers who drove to the site to protest while bitching about gas prices. I am making record profits already and could build the refinery for half the price south of the border and operate it for about 30% of a plant in North America.


Just a thought.

That sounds just like the same reason Mr Ford has moved operations out side of North America. Good thing your on his page!!

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You are missing my point. Just like the employee's that miss work or get restrictions because they don't like something. They like the big corporations know they can get away with it with no consequences and the system allows it so they continue to do it.

We are dealing with countries that do not have to follow the same rules and regulations we do thus making it easier and cheaper for corporations to operate there.

A prime example is one of the reasons NAP closed which is said to be an enviromental one. When given a choice of dealing with the EPA, OSHA, tree huggers and even PETA what do you expect? Now if the cheap foriegn influenced corporate whores in DC truelly cared then we would make the countries we deal with follow the same guidelines we do so as to make it fair but as you know they don't.

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well, if the nature friendly democraps would let us drill in alaska, we wouldnt be relying on other countries so much for foreign oil



Living close to Lake Erie there is natural gas under the lake. On the Canadian side they have slant drilled into the lake to tap the natural gas. On the U.S. side no one wants to touch it. I don't understand the logic of "we will pollute the water" when the Canadians have been doing it for over a decade with no problems. The same applies for domestic drilling,mining and other methods of resource usage. You have a large group of people that do not want to do anything to be energy self sufficient yet complain about high prices. It's not just the Dem's either. The republicans are equally stupid in this regard. It's hard to get 12 strangers on a jury to agree on a single topic. Try packing the house and senate with career politicians and getting them to agree on anything. I am sure there are a few that would prove that 2+2=5 or at least believes it.

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You are missing my point. Just like the employee's that miss work or get restrictions because they don't like something. They like the big corporations know they can get away with it with no consequences and the system allows it so they continue to do it.

We are dealing with countries that do not have to follow the same rules and regulations we do thus making it easier and cheaper for corporations to operate there.

A prime example is one of the reasons NAP closed which is said to be an enviromental one. When given a choice of dealing with the EPA, OSHA, tree huggers and even PETA what do you expect? Now if the cheap foriegn influenced corporate whores in DC truelly cared then we would make the countries we deal with follow the same guidelines we do so as to make it fair but as you know they don't.

Wow, sorry to miss characterize. Good man!

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You are missing my point. Just like the employee's that miss work or get restrictions because they don't like something. They like the big corporations know they can get away with it with no consequences and the system allows it so they continue to do it.

We are dealing with countries that do not have to follow the same rules and regulations we do thus making it easier and cheaper for corporations to operate there.

A prime example is one of the reasons NAP closed which is said to be an enviromental one. When given a choice of dealing with the EPA, OSHA, tree huggers and even PETA what do you expect? Now if the cheap foriegn influenced corporate whores in DC truelly cared then we would make the countries we deal with follow the same guidelines we do so as to make it fair but as you know they don't.



Then, and only then, would it truely be "FAIR TRADE" until that time it is not. How can you call it "FAIR TRADE" when the countries you trade with do not have to follow the same rules we do? The table is slanted and our government is allowing it to happen and as it has been said, they are destroying our economy and with it our livelyhood.

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The only way the OIL companies can make so much profit and get away with it is that they sell to oil that the get from their wells to the open market at market prices then they turn around and buy that same oil right back at high prices the higher the more the profit. Then they turn around and refine the oil at substandard refineries that they know have issues, refusing to build new refineries because it would affect profits. Next they pass on all cost to the public crying that they only charge what it is costing them and it is the fault of the government and tree huggers.



If our refineries have been running at capacity most of the time wouldn't that say it is time to buils new cleaner more efficient running refineries. this would ease the effort of the current less effiecient dirty refineries?



a good question is why do we fund oil companies for research and such if they make so much profit?



(now that I am done ranting I feel better till I go to fill up again)

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You guys aren't understanding. Oil companys CLAIM they are against enviro freaks, but look again-------->


1. More refinerys, less profit on gas, bad for big oil.


2. Get into Alaskan oil, Gulf of Mexico oil, or Canadian tar pit oil, all bad for Exxon and Shell, go enviros they say.


3. Go get the coal and convert it to fuel?!?!?! You gotta be kidding!!!!!! We can't even make our refinerys do it so we screwed, we will fund enviros behind the scenes to make sure this never happens.


4. Ethanol?!?!?!?! Yes baby, now your talking. We can make our refineries do that, plus its ours so we can just throw it in to increase profits. Hey, lets start investing in farms behind the scenes so as we have control of both sources. What a deal, only in America can we fool them so easily!


We Americans (meaning each of you) are on OUR KNEES to the lobbys of both partys, and enviro nuts and oil companys are keeping you their serfs. You already have the natural resource, (coal) the technology, and people who are willing to invest to do it, but to make that happen middle America must stand up to the enviro kooks at the ballot box, (and everywhere else for that matter) not to mention the oil companys who don't even want you to think their might be another source of fuel.


We Americans can break free of Middle East oil by mandating coal conversion. We won't need Iraq, or Iran, or The House of Saud, Kuwait, Venezuela, nor anyone else within a few years if ya just INSIST it happen.


For Crysake, China is going to do it, and probably use our coal to boot, then sell it back to us at huge profit cause we are hypnotized by enviro freaks and oil companys.


Instead of complaining, WAKE UP, LOOK IT UP, and if ya want to bitch, instead of bitching about the price of oil based gas, bitch about why they haven't yet started converting our OWN HOME GROWN COAL for 1.67 a gallon. Everyone will then start looking it up, and if enough people get wise, the politicians won't be able to hide behind OUR OWN IGNORANCE any longer........because well, we won't be ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tell enviros to stick it since coal conversion will be done here, or China, and if China, they still screwing the planet and we buying it back for the price of oil based fuel. Forget that!!!!


Either we wake up, or plan to keep oil companys in cash, our cars shrinking, and enviro dems smiling, and all cause they are fooling you.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!!!!!!!!

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I would like to state one more thing----------->have any of you heard of the free market? Competition in the marketplace? Global economy?



For those of you who have heard these phrases before, like it or not, luv it or not, hate it or not, explain why the bastions of free trade, the keepers of the new world order, protectors of the UN vision, do NOT want the USA to convert THEIR coal to fuel?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Coal that just in Montana, would take this country to the next century WITHOUT needing Iraq, Iran, and the usual Middle East suspects for ANYTHING.........at 1.67 per gallon to fuel you car, SUV, truck, minivan, go-cart, whatever.


Get the question loud enough, and you will hear both sides whine, lol, cause BOTH their lobbys lose money or control over you. But if ya want to know the truth without politics, watch China, Korea, much of Europe, and watch them do what our politicians say is all bad.


The difference???


Europe and the rest have already taxed the shit out of fuel, so they are looking for a cheaper source of it to raise their profit. Our guys on the other hand, just want the cost up to Europe, and they can't do it with taxes or we will revolt and vote them out ala the Boston tea party. Therefore, we can't allow cheap fuel into the mix, or we gonna screw their grand plan, and aren't you happy they are taking care of you, lololol.

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lets drill a fucking hole in every state, lets not have any fucking nature so that the oil companys can get richer! That is the best idea I have heard yet! Hell, lets cut every fucking tree down and have a big fire because a big fire wont hurt the ozone right....

Lets all ride bicycles and live in caves!!! Lets freeze our asses off in winter...that will show those evil oil companies!!


It's easy to bitch, try coming up with a solution every now and then.

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Lets all ride bicycles and live in caves!!! Lets freeze our asses off in winter...that will show those evil oil companies!!


It's easy to bitch, try coming up with a solution every now and then.

ok smart ass, how about impeaching bush. there is a start

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ok smart ass, how about impeaching bush. there is a start

Don't get angry it's not a bad idea. The politicians claim there is no grounds for impeachment unless there was a Felony commited. I disagree without the ability to impeach when the American public is being misrepresented then there is no accountability. Your safe for the term of office even if what your doing is not the will of the people! That's the way it has been for over a century and, misrepresentation is why it must change! Our politicians are destroying our country Democrats and Republicans. Maybe an impeachment or two in Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches will set an example of why you must represent the people!

Edited by Furious1Auto
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I get held up at least once a day by a train carrying coal to the coal piers to load and ship the world over. The average length of these trains is a mile plus and they rumble into this area 24 7. We have all the fuel sources we need in the USA but the restrictions and hoops one must jump through to process it make it either virtually impossible or totally cost inefficient. We are destroying ourselves within with rules, regulations and governing bodies that our competitors do not have and are taking full advantage of.

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wah wah wah........it's all Bush's fault...........wah wah wah :baby::baby::baby:


It gets real old after a while.

Well for me I'm not angry about the war in Iraq. I'm more concerned with his inability to secure our borders after an attack. And his globel economic policies. At this rate wheather it be a republican or democrat our polititions are becoming rich leaders of a third world country!

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I predicted the price increase after the November elections, but I was off by six months! The manipulation has started with the excuses about refinery capacities, infrastructure problems, lack of capital when prices drop below $xx amount per barrel etc. etc. etc. Meanwhile Exxon, BP et al make record profits and continue to not invest in their infrastructure. When it is cheaper to fly than to drive say good bye to the auto industry.
In case you're wondering why crude oil prices are down from last year, hanging around at about $60 a barrel, while gasoline prices have soared past $3.10/gallon nationwide, just check out the latest profit reports from the oil companies. They are at record levels.


The answer for this seeming contradiction is simple: Americans are being robbed blind by the oil industry.

The Great Oil Robbery
In fact, the oil industry appears to have clearly tried to minimize voter anger at Republicans late during the election cycle by pushing prices at the pump down just ahead of the voting. In the period 2000-2006, Hamilton found that each non-federal election year-2001, 2003 and 2005, gasoline prices didn't decline during the month of October, but each of the election years-2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006-they fell, with the most dramatic drop coming in October 2006-a period when crude oil prices were rising sharply. Each time, gasoline prices rose again quickly right after the election was over.


"This is a set of coincidences you'd be hard-pressed to explain by anything but planning," says Hamilton. (And incidentally, it would be interesting, when Congress gets those Karl Rove emails from the Republican Party and the White House mainframe computer, to see if there are any to the American Petroleum Institute.)

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