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MADD wants Sutherland pulled from Ford ads


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Did you really just start that sentence with "oh yeah" like we are two 3rd graders taunting each other on the school yard playgrouond? LOL


No, it was more along the lines of, "I just remembered something I meant to say earlier".


For the record, no, I'm not "one of those same fuckers". I'm one of those fuckers that gets stuck helping clean up the mess after some drunken asswipe takes out some poor mommy and her two kids on the highway somewhere. I'm well aware of the problems of drinking and driving. Eighteen to twenty thousand people a year. That's how many will die because of DUI related car accidents in the United States. We have protests because a little over 3000 soldiers have died in 4 years of combat in Iraq. Think about that. At least the soldiers die doing something noble. Who grieves and protests the soccer moms and the innocent dads and the teenage kids who get mutilated so bad you can't even let their family members see the body when they show up to the scene? Who? So you know, I just find it funny how everyone else around here preaches about it like they've been there and done that. Call me jaded I guess.


Well I guess you have to be, to deal with that on a regular basis and not go crazy. I don't think I could stomach it.


You kind of contradict yourself there - you're upset at the people who get angry at the drunk drivers, in the same paragraph as you ask "Who grieves and protests the soccer moms and the innocent dads and the teenage kids who get mutilated so bad you can't even let their family members see the body when they show up to the scene?"


Well we're protesting, a little, right here. And to our friends who drink, that they don't become the next brain splattered on the sidewalk. It's not like with the war, where there's a small control structure whose minds you could change to end it all. It's a war in the heads of selfish, closed-minded fools, to convince themselves that there are real consequences to their actions, and mass protests don't have a chance at changing that.


I wish they'd put up a sign on the side of the road everywhere someone was killed as a result of drunk driving, with the faces of the victims -- I wonder if the constant accumulation would remind people why it's so important so driver sober, and what a waste of life and potential it all is.

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Have we all forgotten how MADD used to put some wrecked up cars that people were killed in a DUI car carsh all over the place. So long as you have humans you'll have humans who put things in their bodies that alter their motor skills and make them feel like something other than the loser they know they are. Because at least half of all humans walking around are pure D grade A stupid. You'll never change that, it is what it is. It was fine back when everyone was riding horses and walking. But in this modern age, stupid human + mood / motor skill altering substance = dead kids on the highway. It will take generations to change that fact and that's if we work hard at it. Now having said that, I must profess one of my favorites drinks is red bull and vodka.

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You can be arrested for driving a lawn tractor in your own yard intoxicated.


London police have been given the authority to stop you to see if you have been smoking in your own vehicle.


Good to know everyone is always looking out for the other person, so that they will do no wrong.


Good to know I will die someday and don't have to see more of this coming, and it will be.


Everyone should be armed, that 'should' make you think twice before you ................

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Kiefer Sutherland is a grand-son of Tommy Douglas. Tommy Douglas was the leader of the NDP Party of Canada. They are an extreme left-wing fringe party. The union dumped them a few years ago. The union showed us a cartoon video; something about cats and mice that Douglas made. Kiefer did some narrative in it. It was typical socialist brain-washing. He was agreeing and going along with it. That is why I don't like having him in Ford ads.

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Has there been any research that indicates that there is a significant difference between the level of impairment at .08 and .1? We do know that at a high enough level of impairment, the probability of an accident is probably 100%. Wouldn't it make sense to see where the level of impairment due to alcohol becomes significant in predicting accidents?


I suspect that a segment of the population asked for tougher DUI laws. Thinking rationally, this would probably mean that the public wanted to reduce the damage done by intoxicated drivers. Thinking politically, it was translated into broadening the definition of DUI. Where additional enforcement, and increased deterrents like harsher punishment, might have produced the desired effects, they would be bypassed on the way to the bank. By decreasing the DUI threshold, they could increase the number of arrests, with out having to do anything (read spend money for additional patrols, or incarceration). The end result is an improvement in statistics without actually making the roads safer.


Honestly, listening to non drinkers talk about DUI impairment is like listening to virgins about sex. Leave the discussion to the grown ups.

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