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Existing inventory search? F250/F350 SD

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Is their a method for a consumer to search existing inventory at dealers or even possible orders placed that are due to arrive without just canvasing dealer websites? I am finding many of the dealer sites have outdated inventory listed.


Are you using the FordDirect.com dealer inventory sites? Those are more accurate but they do have some vehicles that aren't in stock yet or were just recently sold.


If you know what you want just get your local dealer to do a search. Only takes them a few minutes to search a several state area.

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Autotrader.com is another good place too - I believe Ford dealers list most their inventory with them and they are the ones who updates a lot of the dealers sites inventory pages. Usually pics will show up on autotraders website first and then shortly after same pics will be on the actual dealer site. You can also view the vin # and use that to look up the exact window sticker.


Search hint - if your looking for a dually type "drw" into the search terms section.

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I use www.inventory.ford.com/2011-Ford-450 and on the left hand side you can select another vehicle choice, and then put in a zip code and it will display some dealers there. Mostly listed is vehicles in stock but recently dealers are showing what they have on order which will come in soon.

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