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Insurance audits-


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I just learned that my wife & child no longer have insurance benefits thanks to Ford. I never received anything in the mail regarding any audit and they just cancel my coverage? WTF?

Since our benefit reps have no posted hours I had to wait to find them. I had my paperwork faxed up north.

I was told it would be 3 weeks unless I called them then it would be 48 hours to re-activate. I called and the woman on the other end really did not give a crap. She said said has 600 audits to re-activate.

Right now I have a couple of prescriptions to fill with no coverage. This must be part of fords moving forward cost savings.


If this is a problem (fraud) then FIRE the employees that are responsible. Once again why is the non problem majority being affected by the minority?



So far I know of 6 people in my area that have been canceled. If the union wants to pick a fight this would be a good one to stick in someones ass and break off.

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I just learned that my wife & child no longer have insurance benefits thanks to Ford. I never received anything in the mail regarding any audit and they just cancel my coverage? WTF?

Since our benefit reps have no posted hours I had to wait to find them. I had my paperwork faxed up north.

I was told it would be 3 weeks unless I called them then it would be 48 hours to re-activate. I called and the woman on the other end really did not give a crap. She said said has 600 audits to re-activate.

Right now I have a couple of prescriptions to fill with no coverage. This must be part of fords moving forward cost savings.


If this is a problem (fraud) then FIRE the employees that are responsible. Once again why is the non problem majority being affected by the minority?

So far I know of 6 people in my area that have been canceled. If the union wants to pick a fight this would be a good one to stick in someones ass and break off.


I had this same problem 2 years ago, i just faxed whatever paperwork they asked and i was reactivated 24 hours later. I did see the paperwork but stupid me, i ignored it.

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Thank the assholes who had their nieces, nephews, and third cousins twice removed on the benefits freeloader wagon.


They audit us every year from what I know. Birth certificate and school records or letter...BIG pain in the ass.

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I just learned that my wife & child no longer have insurance benefits thanks to Ford. I never received anything in the mail regarding any audit and they just cancel my coverage? WTF?

Since our benefit reps have no posted hours I had to wait to find them. I had my paperwork faxed up north.

I was told it would be 3 weeks unless I called them then it would be 48 hours to re-activate. I called and the woman on the other end really did not give a crap. She said said has 600 audits to re-activate.

Right now I have a couple of prescriptions to fill with no coverage. This must be part of fords moving forward cost savings.


If this is a problem (fraud) then FIRE the employees that are responsible. Once again why is the non problem majority being affected by the minority?

So far I know of 6 people in my area that have been canceled. If the union wants to pick a fight this would be a good one to stick in someones ass and break off.



i get audited every year...for the last four they sent me several notices in the mail...(PLAIN) if you just threw them out or didn't see them, dont blame ford...besides ,they have to notify you it's law!

there is people who abuse the system.....just like attendance....,unfortunatly everyone must go thru this....ultimately if you dont like it, leave....

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This happened in Indy as well. Several people attempted to fill scrips. on Sunday & were told that their RX coverage had been cancelled. Later on Monday we were told that there was a "accidental" purge of Ford employees RX coverage & that it was being corrected. This was related to M-Plan only as far as I know in Indy. I know that some were able to get scrips. filled by Monday evening. Maybe someone was practicing for the "real" purge! Hope all of you are covered again shortly!

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As kids get older the audits come every year. Be ready to provide tax and school records once they turn 18 to show they were a student. Once they earn enough money not to be classified a dependant under IRS rules they get dropped and they come looking to you for back payment of the benefits they paid. I know people who have to pay back over $11,000 in over payments. I will pay out the $2,300 they nailed us for next week. :bandance: When they hit you with the overpayment you can pay it in a lump or $100 a week. There is an appeal process but honestly the people you will deal with ( from the local level to corporate both UAW and Company) don't care about if your appeal goes through or not. Anything you send concerning an audit make sure you get delivery confirmation. A common answer you will get from them is we didn't recieve anything from you or it was recieved after the deadline. My guess is they get it and it sits on a desk somewhere until someone finds it and processes it. Either way it is just another shining example of Ford's bureaucracy and it's ineptness. :titanic:

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I have BCBS and I don't have dependent children, just a spouse, & they denied coverage for a medical proceedure with the reason given that I failed to reply to a request for proof of dependendency. When I called last week I told them I NEVER GOT a request... they admitted they just learned their computer wasn't sending out the notices. Doesn't anyone watch over the computers?

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I've gotten those stupid audits for the last 3 years, the last one I wrote on it.. "I'm still married, and my child is still mine..sorry I can't give you my child's ID, but she's not even 2. I can assure you I haven't moved, changed my name, gotten divorced, sold my child to gypsies, been abducted by aliens, or had my molecular structure changed in any way. Same goes for the last 2 times you audited me, and I'm sure it will apply for next year, too" I got the letter in reply saying my dependents were eligible for coverage, so maybe they got a laugh out of it.

Edited by Hellcat_F6F
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the audit people suck. when i first got married and added my wife, they lost my fax. no big deal....i got audited this year, sent in my copy of tax form and all was cool, until my wife went to get her meds and we found out that she had been dropped. i called humana, then the NESC, and finally got to talk to a REAL FUCKIN BITCH on the audit team that actually hung up on me..i swear.. that afternoon we faxed up the paperwork again, after calling and being on hold for 45 minutes we were finally informed that they had received the documents and would get my wife and child added back on.......8 days later it still was not done. my wife called again, asked to speak to the person in charge..ripped his ass..and magically 45 minutes later, it was fixed. these people are supposed to be there to assist employees..they don't

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Yeah, I got one of those a month or so ago. Thought maybe they didn't believe me because I have twins.

So I had to mail them a copy of my 2005 tax return. Like they really need that. It's none of their god damn business what I, or my wife made last year. So I crossed all that out and they still accepted that. Oh well, it was a pain, but its done and over with till next year! They did send me a letter conferming my insurance is still active. :whipped:

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They did send me a letter conferming my insurance is still active. :whipped:


thats whats screwed up, they sent you a letter stating they got your paperwork and all is well. but they never made any effort to contact me and tell me that my family had been dropped. they are a fuckin joke.

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I just learned that my wife & child no longer have insurance benefits thanks to Ford. I never received anything in the mail regarding any audit and they just cancel my coverage? WTF?

Since our benefit reps have no posted hours I had to wait to find them. I had my paperwork faxed up north.

I was told it would be 3 weeks unless I called them then it would be 48 hours to re-activate. I called and the woman on the other end really did not give a crap. She said said has 600 audits to re-activate.

Right now I have a couple of prescriptions to fill with no coverage. This must be part of fords moving forward cost savings.


If this is a problem (fraud) then FIRE the employees that are responsible. Once again why is the non problem majority being affected by the minority?

So far I know of 6 people in my area that have been canceled. If the union wants to pick a fight this would be a good one to stick in someones ass and break off.

Hard to do brother, considering that internastynal (sic) got their raises and took money from the strike fund. Company knows they can just move forward, sideways, contract, no contract. But, you have 20-25 people in your plant who dont have to work. That makes me sleep better.

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I wonder how many gays get insurance for their partner from Ford? If there is such a problem with health cost, why does Ford insist on offering gays benefits, its only going to cost more and threatin all the normal familys. Its a fact, gay men are more of a health risk to aids and aids patients cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. The UAW should push for clinics for UAW members and their family, not have 4 or 5 different options.

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Same thing here, for the past three years, I have gotten paperwork saying that my wife and four year old son do not exist. I really do enjoy sending them letters and photos to dispute this. I know that this will continue as long as possible. But I assure you that I, am giving my utmost to "transition" "forward" to another job. And I hope that everyone can do this!!! NEVER SAY DIE!!!!!NEVER QUIT!!!!!!!NEVER GIVE IN TO GO WITH THE FLOW!!!!!!!!!If it is not right, RAISE HELL!!!!!!

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  • 3 years later...

Not sure why some of you are so upset. They've been doing this for awhile now. We get notices in the mail a quck fax or send the info. in the mail and we are done.


The local school is doing the same thing. We should all want to keep those who have earned the insurance on and those who are not off. It's fraud and needs to be kept track of.

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I wonder how many gays get insurance for their partner from Ford? If there is such a problem with health cost, why does Ford insist on offering gays benefits, its only going to cost more and threatin all the normal familys. Its a fact, gay men are more of a health risk to aids and aids patients cost tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Really, who cares?


No self-respecting hetero male is going to proclaim himself gay just to get his buddy covered under our benefits. So it's not something you would do on a whim.


It's not any more of a strain on "the system" than my 4 kids and my wife are (and before that, my now ex-wife). And as for AIDs, you have just about the same chance of picking it up from any number of women I was sleeping with between the two. That's why you use protection.


Wake up, it's not 1982 anymore. Ford isn't in business to help you raise and provide health care your kids, that's your responsibility; but they provide benefits anyways. Ford is obligated through contract to provide benefits for its employees. And that means all of its employees, not just the ones that have lifestyles you approve of. I'm sure the insurance companies pays out 100x more money taking care of all the autoworkers that are smokers, obese, heart diseased and diabetic (what is that? about half?) than they do for the rare gay worker.

Edited by OAC_Sparky
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