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Ford's respect for technicians

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Ford Motor Company officially announced the labor times that they will pay for this recall. As it is against policy to publish their exact numbers, the following must be vague. This involves removing the transmission and replacing the torque convertor, its seal and fluid. The usual aftermarket time was around 8 hours, per established and respected industry labor time sources like Mitchell and Motor. The original time the technician was paid was about 2/3 of the established standard. They have now reduced it to less than half of the industry standard labor time. They will not pay for a post repair alignment or road test. They will reimburse the owners who have already had this repair done prior to the recall approximately 10 hours of labor. So to make a long story short, Ford respects and pays the aftermarket more than they do their own technicians. This is and ongoing story and not unique to this recall, but it is the most recent and blatant kick to the head for its loyal technicians which must go through Fords training and be certified to do this repair.

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This is not the first time Ford has done this. It seems to be one way they like to 'reduce' warranty labor costs. No auto manufacturer that I know of pays as much time for a warranty repair that they do for the same 'customer pay' repair, but the descrepancy appears to much greater at Ford. I have noticed for years that the dealer techs at Ford dealers seem less competant than the techs at other make dealers. That is not to say that there are some very fine techs at Ford dealers, but for the most part if a tech has talent, he doesn't stay with Ford. Lately our fleet has hired 3 Ford dealer techs, compared to 1 GM and 1 Toyota tech. I don't think it is a coincidence.

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7mary3, you nailed it. And nailed it hard. There are always numerous complaints all over any message board about the lack of competence in dealerships. Ford forces the good ones out, in the long run. The dealers have to pay more to retain good people, and for the most part they do. Unfortunately, Ford reduces labor times to an absurd level and even good flat rate pay turns to dust when you can't turn the hours. The pendulum has swung. They used to respect techs, even show their appreciation by rewards for masters and Sr. Masters. Great programs like FIRFT rewards and even UMTC have fallen away. What is left are a lot of green guys or guys who just dont care anymore. And it is becoming an epidemic. The bean counters need to wake up and realize that techs are the front line for problems that arise, and front line for customer satisfaction.

I wonder if Ford would stomach getting paid less than half for their cars?

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I've been out of Ford for a while now but yes warranty labor times have been dropping for years. This Site was created after Jack Nasser cut warranyty times 30% accross the board. It is now just a shadow of what it once was, but the problem continues and it's not just Ford dealerships. Combine low times, dealers afraid to use M time even when justified and also afraid to use N.P.F. claims with the tech that has the most training being the one assigned the warranty repairs which lowers his pay and yes you will have techs looking for a job outside of the dealer. Might be just my opinion but I remember when the dealer techs where the ones you took your vehicle to when nobody else could fix it.

Not saying all the dealers are this way but I've seen the young untrained replace the veteran techs at some of the places I've worked.


Just rambling I guess.....

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